These links are important discovery and nodoubt Artificial Intelligence I write is very big thing still these links could be compared with Artificial Intelligence topic.

On website its url is forcetravelsinwith.blogspot.com so the
Links are:

Bottom Line
Another Bottom Line
Some new discoveries people thinking is the Title
Undecided Verdict

Also I write on Artificial Intelligence on the same website (forcetravelsinwith.blogspot.com)
its link is:

ON ARTIFICIAL Intelligence

AND I say these links other than Artificial Intelligence are new branch of physics could be no astronomy and no cosmology but is on EVENT PHYSICS usefull for SPACE CRAFT TOO LIKE UNDERSTANDING WORK OF NOTHING.

Friction and Weight are different things for which the theory doesn't differ and before forcetravelling friction and weight can't work fully such my theory is on Universe LAWS too or Space too like based on sliding block if on Earth which takes time to slide if the force is applied and the block is mass this I say so my thoery is based on the same AS TOLD formula mass=force/time (for bold letters I write last)

Force travelling is there and should be there for existence of the creation so before creation formula isn't accepted as mass=force/time is AFTER CREATION due to force-travelling (WE APPLY FORCE AND IT TRAVELS TO END OF THE OBJECT SO ONLY THE OBJECT IS DISPACED). So I explain force-travelling.

Here formula before creation means creation has not come (force time and mass this order [before creation]) we were force before and the creation exists due to time so it resulted into mass is before creation it is and its formula is force=mass/time I don't explain it I don't say it but if force there like (as) time remove from mass so mass no there alone force there which single force doesnot exsits it has to be two things for a force to work so time remove from mass means (not any event there so) mass isn't there (too) and alone force we get which can't exists (due to mass is in event) but (we know some past that is force there and means some thing new was going to come the future we know) that a thing could exists so and only mass is in time so after time mass is in force so this order the words (write in bold) are could be applied (OUR FORMULA IS SO) (force for formula is after mass and time [in normal life]) or spaceship could move due to our normal formula mass=force/time. Like a rectangular sliding block as I say could work for this our normal formula mass=force/time.

A rectangular block on earth with friction we apply force so force applied to move the block force=f time is time taken to slide the block so time=t and mass is rectangular block itself mass=m itself so we move the block and get formula mass=force/time and get all three values mass, time, force (in this order it is easier to find as I write last) it is same as spaceship is moving force required to be applied we know by mass (perimeter) known and time it took for travelling so formula here to is mass=force/time means force=mass x time we come to know force by it moves so on this formula my theory is based upon like force-travelling is due which rectangular block moves more after pushing it and in space force-travelling makes weight's effect opposite as spaceship travels longer distance after once force applied and released (due to its weight it travels longer).

My Theory is on rectangular block for moving and spaceship to work. Due to spaceship and due to rectangular block moving my theory is understood correct. Even when spaceship is steady my formula works as we can know its mass due to making event using time. Like moving spaceship could be due to my formula known by simple calculation from mass=force/time means force=mass x time we see here Time =force/mass I again write.

I have talked something (one write). The two things I am saying Rectangular Block on earth and Spaceship in space (two write). I know Allaah and Qur'aan so don't write wrong (three write). If I din't say other by title most of the parts of the website are on the same Theory (four write). Whatever I write I write from my own thinking (five write) This is not cosmology or astronomy branch but is NOTHING PHYSICS known from EVENT (write six). I DON'T own or use the computer like normal as no computer course I did like to use notepad or wordpad I don't know (write seven). I am found of writing on science topics if I am given some information on it like some links I write (write eight). Any questions on Islaam Qur'aan I will give in writing as not asked so don't write I will try my level best (write nine). I know writing on the spot different from what I understand later (write ten).

My Theory is on for moving Rectangular block and Spaceship to stay or work in Event. This is THE Title.

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