Time and Friction

Friction makes a object at halt like clashing objects can't move ahead.


Time slows down the object, it just slows down that is fraction of a second it slows down.


If we first apply force time first makes the force work and due to friction applied force should work much more comparing to without friction.


Friction is opposite force which forms event whereas time is with the event including two events and in between matter it is.


Clashing of objects is friction. Functioning of objects is due to time.


Friction is time-out. Time is friction-out.


Allaah is out of time means some time farer and Allaah doesn't require friction as Allaah can't be in one thing alone means will be due to more things.


Time and Friction are due to Eemaan allowed them.

Time and Force-travelling


Car running: Due to petrol gives power in time, so thrust of energy is created by force-travelling and time together, so after the thrust car moves due to force-travelling fully is there on all the parts of the car.


Sky standing: Sky is standing due to force-travelling is there from time. As sky is standing on the pillars of time and that time pillars are made from force-travelling on sky to make it stand.


Earth we see moving: Due to satellites are in different time which we can only reach (such time) by more speed if we go/be at that place. And as Earth is in different time there is no force-travelling between that Time and Earth so they are called/in the different TIME. Due to different time satellites are in we see Earth moving from the satellite's view.


Mountains Standing: Top of mountains are there due to force-travelling so the Tops of mountains could remain as centre. Here centre which is also time but force-travelling of mountains is in time so mountains use time after force-travelling.


Fire: Fire is force-travelling in time. Due to force-travelling opposite fire flame goes up but fire is due to time as outside time fire can't effect.


Tree: Tree's roots are in time so can create space in land. Tree's branches doesn't grows due to force-travelling but after tree is grown there is force-travelling (in the branch or tree trunk). There is some force-travelling no there for tree's branches to grow. So tree is out force-travelling too if we see growing, and in time alone tree is. Tree is one-time-ahead than us.


Aeroplane: As gravity doesn't gets time to pull the aeroplane it can fly. There is force-travelling of the engine on the aeroplane so the aeroplane can fly and to form the engine too force-travelling is there on the rotors of the engine. (Aeroplane means Airplane).


Clock: There is force-travelling in the chip of the clock so the chip could be made to work. Force-travelling decides/is-counted-by-time in the function of a clock either by gaps of force-travelling or by numbers of force-travelling. Same way in a Wall-Clock there is force-travelling in the gears of wall-clock so due to force-travelling is in a second once so time is created to understand/count force-travelling.




Time is the centre.


Fulcrum could work due to before fulcrum is force-travelling and after fulcrum is time.


Centre is opposite is to NOTHING is time.


After time-achieved means it is less time due to more speed is time.


Time comes from the farthest end of the event to the beginning of event so including event time is calculated. where between two destination is time but it includes destination too so then time is formed as time is due to that object/objects too means both two destination of event too which includes functioning too for calculating time.


Allaah isn't there is friction as Allaah doesn't says to fight and Allaah is their in time as Allaah says for co-operation.




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