Force, mass and time
are in different sequence for before and after creation. Any force can't work
other than time, so due time-force remove alone mass is there and mass is not
there if we remove Nothing Force is the bottom line. The sequence is mass,
force time means after creation and time force mass means sequence is before
New way of knowing
mass, force and time I say. Mass of space-ship we can know by my formula (mass
= force / time).
If time remove of an
object means is not moving after creation mass is stagnant in normal life so
the formula mass=force/time.
Mass should be first
learned by moving the object which takes time, if my formula informs something
I knew is alone mass I have informed separate so as mass we are not able to calculate other than by my formula mass=force/time and time we already
know due to moving an object to some distance we see check so come to know
amount of force so due to force and time known by my formula mass could be
known mass=force/time, this is something new I informed.
So due to force we apply how much we know one
thing, and so by moving a object’s time we come to know, two thing, so force /
time is my mass could work and for before creation mass has not formed other than
time-force which works after force-travelling is the bottom-line and after
creation alone mass is there other than, time and force, so mass din’t do a job
here if time and force both aren’t there.
As time is a force I
say Mass is due to energy but energy has a form that is mass so in time-force
too it is as a form I mean mass is in the state of form what is size of the
body as alone energy separately can’t work other than using form some-way. so
the form (mass) is supporting so energy could work so time-force too lets energy
take a form.
At speed-of-light
any force other than time can't work. and time works more due to higher speed
means by less time so by going/reaching far ahead in over-powering time, means
at such higher speed like light-like velocity there no obstacle or meteor as
time is due to higher speed we reach means light-speed we reach or atleast at
some more speed we reach in both cases time is less if time passes slow at
certain extent due to higher speed then / so any force like gravity can’t work.
At same force
space-ship and satellite are at, I mean as are more time achieving at such
speed and height means far from gravity they are so gravity doesn’t effect due
to can’t get time to work on satellite due to satellite’s speed speed too I
mean it is not alone due to height they are at they float but due to their
speed of moving too is required to float. So due to at certain speed gravity can’t
get time to work on space-ship or satellite so they float.
As time means
time-achieved (for my formula time = force / mass) so any force or gravity
can’t work at light-like velocity like for a space-ship or spaceship can remain
in space due to at more height above gravity is due to time-force is present
like satellite remains floating due to its speed gravity can’t act at such
height so time achieving means gravity can’t effect [means at higher speed and
{which takes} less time if we reach at
certain level high where there is time-force which is attained by height and
speed both so gravity can’t work]). So my time means in less time and more
distance is I say like So gravity can’t effect in such less time I explain
again .
Energy works after light-like velocity it has
achieved and is formed by time-force and space-force acting together value
becomes inbetween time force and Nothing…(in between energy is)… and I explain energy is (same way?).
like energy
worked in time it is not at light-like velocity??? it is in time or time-force
works on it to get existed so alone energy could burst out but Nothing Force
with force-tavelling and time-force after friction by such ways gives form to energy
as mass so we see energy contained in an object is mass other than form of
energy it is direct energy there which is not possible to be used .
I inform the order
in which universe is created is the bottom-line. Climax number two we come to
know order of the beginning of the Universe is : first by Nothing Force after
colliding with space-force making electron then force-travelling joining parts
of electron we call friction, then time working as force doesn’t allow friction
to burn or doesn’t allow due to friction explosions who could finish the earth
(electron), then mass which is a from after energy created, then gravity
effecting mass, so then weight comes into effect so due to my formula we can
know Universe is created in this order (mass means force / time and
force-travelling means force x mass x time like
energy means mass x force / weight x time [so energy works as a force so
mass which is energy is combined with force so mass x force I say now as energy
doesn’t require time and is weight-less so divided by weight x time).
Any overpowering of
my formula can't be there as any one, time, force and mass can't be changed. wrong
force travelling if we do then every thing will be finished as lose power to
exist. time which is force we don’t count it so can’t progress means any wrong
direction we go if time don’t know how to calculate means my time I talk about
that is less in number is more valuable and my time same for light-like-velocity
like things could be exploded if time doesn’t
work as force stopping explosions. from time, force and mass if we subtract any
one, most of the formulas couldn't work. Like mass if removed from my formula anything
can’t exist as time and force couldn’t work if we see after creation. Like force
we don’t believe as mass x time then acceleration we require. Like mc-square if
we don’t calculate with time (of/by my formula) then we can’t say a substance
have a form. This I feel as this formula could be used in/with other formulas
like in formula for kinetic energy or potential energy.
I discovered new
thing which is mass or time-achieve my time is I say this too I discovered and
I mean time is force so known as time-force is my discovery like we come
to know the exact value of human force is also my discovery like force
by my formula is correct, substance have a form by my formula is on
paper. As I say time is able to work against gravity is due to it is a
force AND as everything is made up of forces time works with them being
a force so time-force stops electron from blasting off to carry the process
correctly and as each
and everything is force time could work on them becoming a force like
electron works due to force from Nothing so time to deal with it
requires to be a force. Time is also force so can stop big-bang from explosions
getting burst out and As I say like
force apply process of humans could be calculated (due to mass of the object
known including its time of moving known so by formula mass x time we can
calculate human force too by formula (force = mass x time). AND I also say
force formula is not (mass x acceleration) which is without destination but
with destination means (mass x time) so my force formula is more correct than
of Newton as I Say to use time. So due to higher speed takes less time
is time-achieving job so due to time-achieving gravity or other forces like
meteors can’t effect as such less time like gravity any other force can’t
work the reason is more speed (due to it takes less time). Now mass is
form of energy as energy required a form to work or stabiles due form it has to
come in energy should become form to stabilise it self so my mass
formula is applicable for all kinds of mass like stabilising energy too my
mass value could work (mass = force / time)
Mass, force and time
any two of them if are together there, could be separately calculated by /due
to the third one could be found.
Time is after
force-travelling and time is a force I discuss force-travelling and time here
things doesn't exists other than time after force-travelling what is a force
and is in past so again time deals with some force (force-travelling) which is
only possible if time is a force and time is after force-travelling. Each and
everything is force time could work on them becoming a force like electron
works due to force from Nothing so time to deal with it requires to be a force.
Time is also force so can stop big-bang from explosions getting burst out. Now
time is after force-travelling as if by force-travelling parts of electron are
collected but could get burst-out which time saves but other than
force-travelling time can’t come in to action. So time is the maker of electron
after force-travelling. So time saves electron after force-travelling makes it.
Also we come to know
force-travelling (mass x force x time) (means force comes back to us if we push
an object is force-travelling) and time (time = force / mass) (means time is
due to some thing moved takes time till the reach end) so both force-travelling and time are makers of
Universe. As time works for force and mass (mean we and job [event]).
force-travelling is what our universe could be reached last as all time, force
and mass combines is force-travelling. Only dimensions and Nothing could be
other than force-travelling who are like force-travelling.
So everything is made
up of mass, force and time by formula mass = force / time one thing so if we
know two out of mass, force and time we can calculate the third is much proper
thing which people should understand after try the formula. as time we know (we
can calculate from clock), and if force and mass out of one we know other than
time we understand then force and mass either one could be found by formula (so
force = mass x time and mass = force / time) what is perfect thing but here I
say my time is same even for calculating light-like-velocity the same formula
answers this is no wrong information. So people enhance my time job like we are
alone force and mass
like if time is before
force-travelling any event can’t happen and space-force isn’t there. Or time is
not before force-travelling then humans could only then use force. And any else
force could be not informed. As Time saves electron after force-travelling
makes it due to friction. As our all jobs are dependent on time I say in this
paragraph but force-travelling is more bigger thing this too I say in this this paragraph so time
could do all jobs but can’t be before force-travelling.
Now time is after
force-travelling as if by force-travelling parts of electron are collected but
could get burst-out which time saves but other than force-travelling time can’t
come in to action is one more thing as there will be no body due to whom time
could form if force-travelling wasn’t there.
By force-travelling
amount of push is given which converts as force travelling (works) by more
proportion of force than the actual weight of the substance put, just amount of
force we use should be exactly the same value or more value than the
force-travelling formula (force x mass x time) on a substance so due to such force-travelling substance
could go much more farer due to more weight comparing to less weight as come in
action of force-travelling or it is so in space atleast. As weight is due to
rate of force-travelling of a substance, and at some force we apply on a
substance in space the object will keep moving until time and friction
nullifies it like the third law of Nothing Theory of mine.
Untill time and friction nullify event will
keep going ahead means making phenomenon is my third Law that is more easily
known in space so some weightfull object if pushed in space it keeps going
ahead until friction nullifies we understand but opposite time too nullifies it
and this opposite time begins from us as we do wrong jobs which brings dooms
day or retardation. Time nullifies mean opposite time. only negative jobs are
done by opposite time, normal time (time-force) forms us and opposite time works
against us. We are even not created due to opposite-time. so as if opposite time
nullify so in space too we could stop by speed getting lesser so we stop or
slow down in space is due to opposite time even where friction wasn’t there. So
after applying force once space-ship can’t keep moving due to opposite- time so
all the time boosters are needed then only space-ship can move as opposite-time
is against space-ship to move.
For time as time we meet due to higher speed
is real time is the bottom-line. So time-force works at higher speed. Here it
is not possible or less possible for other thing who are forces to act on us
due to less time I say we take (we are at) which is less time (passed) at
higher speed it means so no force or object could act or atleast less acting
they will be. light-like-velocity is the proof if we are at if we are at it
there is no-obstacle to stop us between us to travel to any destination. (any
meteor or thing will not come in way).
I say such any two things like mass, force and time any two of them if are together there,
could be separately calculated by /due to the third one could be found so any one
known due to the two other from mass force and time people should
understand like force-travelling too is there already after which time is this
part people can't understand as force-travelling is the force which makes a
thing so it requires to come in time to be effective outside explosions as force-travelling assembles parts of electron but due to
heat and friction electron can’t stay in its state which stays is okay if time
works on electron so energy of electron stabilises due to time which works as
What could be done by My Theory and from
my Formula.
LHC I write with
explanation of qur'aanic verses link Qur'aan and Science verse number (ch:
41-11 and ch:48-23) on my website here Qur’aan
and Science link on the same webpage. so
electron which is at light-like-velocity should be seen dashing with electron
at half-of-light-like-velocity so we come to know our formation one write or
electron should be seen at increasing half-of-light-like-velocity all the time
as we increase speed of electron each time by same rate (in the same direction
which electron revolves) we should notice some time-travel due to higher speed
of electron two thing or electron we revolve in opposite direction by
increasing its speed half more after we first check at light-like-velocity so
keep increasing speed by half rate in the same opposite direction so come to
know our beginning three write.
Space-ship's mass
can just be known by moving the space-ship and/so knowing its time and force
applied rate so by formula mass = force / time we can know real mass of
space-ship which is if never known before then I had no idea but I say my
formula will work.
Here energy taking a
form is mass. Energy formula is force x mass x time x force-travelling means
force-travelling square. Mass of a body is due to force of Nothing creating
electron and time stops electron from exploding, by working as force, where
even if force-travelling is included in creation due to we have to use the
formula so we come to know the work of mass (which is other than force, time,
force-travelling) as it happens I say work of mass is inreal energy, energy is
inside mass. After energy can't work ahead mass is the acquired form (so this I
Force requires time
to travel. As force of earth (gravity) can't get time to travel on the
satellite due to its (satellite's) speed of moving (other than height) so
satellite floats at height. Like any force can't work at light-like-velocity as
anyforce doesn't gets time if we are at light-like velocity so at this speed no
meteors and no obstacles in space we have means at light-like-velocity we are
out of force (or out of all forces [objects / obstacles] other than Nothing) as
force requires time to travel.
Time is a Force. If
you attain time you lose effect of gravity and other forces, as time can work
against the force of gravity, as against force is only a thing which includes
force or is another force as can work against force (here gravity) so time is
force. As all things are force time too has to become force to work. With speed
time is achievable as speed is like applied force which is other than force a
kind of force still time is achieved with higher speed what is like force or
happens by force so too time is a force.
And all speed works
from force so after Nothing Force time is a force means after creation to move
an object time is force due to it object can move (as all things are made up
from Nothing Force) and before creation to move electron Nothing is Force but
after electron becomes formed resulting as mass time makes electron too
function. So time even works for electron time is force.
Like object is made
(or space-ship carries the job in space is same for time before creation and
same for time after creation?? So for space-ship force is in between, and time
or mass are before and after, so are two kinds of space-ship [like for moving
of space-ship to calculate its order used is for before creation {time, force,
mass} and steady space-ship to calculate is order after creation {mass, force,
time}] )
Time Travelling
means time is self-force such big or fast or powerfull where no force, object,
obstacle, meteor all can’t come in our way / in between as there are forces
only of the kind which requires time force to exist in our universe, each and
every existence is force all creation requires time to exists time means
time-force here I say. All forces require time means want us at less speed to act against us otherwise can’t work
against us if we are less time consuming and at higher speed we are, or all
forces require to come in our time to
block our way, such things can't happen if we are time-travelling and I means
all such trouble we don't have in the matter of time-travelling. Due to
time-travelling means no-time passing that much speed we are at so overpowering
time where all things who are forces if can’t get time to come in our way we
are outside meteors too outside obstacles in space in time-travel means if at
such higher velocity we are at there is no force (object, thing) blocking our way.
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