For calculations on MY THEORY about first page of this website

If time removed from mass we are force. mass/time= opposite force which is stagnant and ineffective on surroundings. If mass removed form time is time/mass so there is no formation of anything and alone Nothing there.
Force removed from time is time/force there is no-time and Nothing there due to time we are in. force/time=no-time so force other than Nothing can’t work is mass or on mass Nothing alone works.  Still there was mass it means so.? (if other than time)
Mass removed from time is time/mass there is no-time. mass/time=no-time means fixed force non-workable and nomass force is massless and in-effective.
Time removed from force (is also) (and) formed force is mass. force/time=mass.

Time/mass is Nothing? and force/time are one no force hasn’t formed? So this two points are confusing like mass/time is fixed non-workable force? ands time/force is Nothing? so these four question marks could be confusing especially the two different in bold and the two different in same font both are confusing with each other.

We require mass=force/time and time=force/mass so in mass=force/time time is removed force loses so not in time it is then alone mass could be there stagnant or its Nothing and so in time=force/mass mass is removed so there is no force but time was there in Nothing alone. Nothing needs to become curve to support living things some formula is there for Nothing working here mass can be replaced by Nothing in m=f/t and time can be replaced by Nothing in t=f/m? still job can’t happen in alone Nothing so mass and time are required? And first we find mass=force/time mass as force applied we know including time happened for a block or space-ship could move is one thing and/or we have to know the time time=force/mass as force  and mass are there due to time so time can be calculated and we know our new time so such kind of time we are is second thing this I say is the concept of the theory force is after time and mass required time for its effect or work mass is before time and force is after time this is the concept of  the theory you can know mass if force and time you know or you can know your time if mass and force you know first you calculate mass so you can understand the equation that only masss we require apart from reality which is time and force we see.and then calculate time as if we know force (applied) then we know mass too so can calculate time so this is the concept of the theory the two formula I mean m=f/t and t=f/m this two formulas are concept of the theory and we don’t need to know what force is required for a body to move it is simple mass x time=force. So it is new branch of physics no math no cosmology and no astronomy so I learned while writing so can’t answer other than giving in writing that is after some days.

mass/force is mass not made and there is opposite time and force/mass is (time) in Nothing or no-time in Nothing here time and no-time in Nothing is same.
force/time is mass and time/force mass isn’t there as the object is madeup from force firstly then time so mass isn’t there.
time/mass is Nothing due to time as without mass time can’t work there and mass/time is opposite and stagnant force.
force/mass there is no-time and no mass there also force can’t be put in air and time/mass is Nothing if you ahiceve time at light-like velocity and mass/time is negative force which can’t work so force as stagnant blocked force.

Mass, force and time so I say, for results:
Mass x force= no-time as time achieved in Nothing.
Force x time=event
Time x mass=force.

My formula informs our mass in Nothing. mass=force/time. as Nothing in force-achieved no-force called ‘one event above force’ which is kind of achieved force is Nothing. So if we reach force without time its Nothing as Nothing doesn’t require time or same mass we are as then we are first formed as mass till now we are incomplete mass as we din’t achieved time reaching Nothing at force=mass x time velocity as then we are some mass in Nothing. we normally live in opposite time as mass/time such stagnant opposite-force we are.? Or we are force/time as there is no force other than we if time isn’t there and we can’t do any job so our force too can’t work ? but we are in Nothing mass in Nothing just learn time remove opposite that’s mass x time velocity so we are mass at our mass x time velocity place and second thing due to we are force as mass acting in Nothing mass which requires Nothing is removes time then we are a force in Nothing and due to Nothing single force can’t exists other than Nothing so we are force due to mass and time. so we are force due to time remove in Nothing is mass. we are mass from Nothing so we come to know our mass in Nothing so the size of space-ship too we know requires for time-travell possible by mass in Nothing. I also inform mass we are time and force form us due to Nothing it proves we came how so from Nothing.
First are we, force is dependent on us and only in time, force is, due to we could work, so force is and time is we calculate when first we calculate ourselves due to my formula mass=force/time.

Mass can’t be formed if time no-their if in time it wasn’t and force could have made the mass force too can’t work other than time. so other than time there is no-force. We are force in time and in mass. if mass wasn’t there time din’t come so force couldn’t do the job other than mass and time. so we are spaceship in space. so we are force due to mass firstly and in-time only we could work so the spaceship works and single force can’t work so no-work other than mass and time space-ship could do other than time-travelling it reaches which is double the speed of light or 4 times or 8 times it multiplies if we are events if we are force then just one more light-like velocity we increase to light-like velocity we add to space-ship or electron we reach Nothing. so my formula informs we or space-ship are in Nothing value from formula m=f/t and work of space-ship or electron is calculated  by multiplying or adding light-like velocity to normal light-like velocity and we are event or force its possible we could come to know.

If Mass is removed from us so we are force. We are force in time and mass, and due to time and mass we are force. If mass is removed and time we are able to use then we are force force can’t be other than time so if mass is removed and we are able in time then we are force as m=f/t so time remove from us is force we are which can’t work but removes mass so here we are different kind of human.
Force removed from us we are not made as force made the mass if time was there. Force made the mass after time was possible.
Time is removed from us force din’t come so no question of mass. It proves here due to time and force mass is there.
Mass x force? Curve is opposite weight is Nothing. a ball could roll on some curve surface goes in up direction too so weight is opposite and in favour of Nothing just due to curve so half job happens extra here like Nothing working so Nothing is curve or curve too Nothing is.?  Mass x force is event in Nothing? mass x force means force applied it is means force making the object which is not in time of motion but in steady time so there is not any event here but the object is built half or not built tried to be built?so we don’t write time remove here that is force/time we don’t write so reach the object which is not made? Some too big thing to know. Here division means (force/time) object or we are there and if no time removed (mass x force) then the object is in Nothing but not built as din’t reach under the action of force as force is opposite to time so time removed force is more so due to force is more it is f/t is mass and m x f is in Nothing but not created.
M=f/t time is removed so no force could be applied but mass is there which is fixed and stagnant. We are such mass? if fore is applied force and mass are equal mass can’t become other than force and as time remove from force force can’t become so no time there. Time remove mass can’t become force and force can’t become.
T=f/m mass is removed so force can’t be applied but time is there alone in Nothing. even if we are not there time is there this formula says it. If force is applied time and force are equal in measure and mass remove time can’t become force and force can’t become.
So time remove from force, time can’t become force and mass remove from force mass can’t become force. Time can’t become force mass can’t become force. Time can’t become force is mass (so mass is not in time so stagnant) and mass can’t become force (if mass is in time is under the action of force) is time.
Mass time and force we are dependent on. We are mass and time and our universe is force universe. So we are if in space then only need to calculate mass, time, and force. Weight is opposite to force and force travelling makes job happen. Either force is travelling from Nothing or from some entity but force travelling makes job happen which is in mass and time. also weight works positive in space in case of force travelling as heavy objects travel longer. Force travelling is in space too so it is m x t x force applied x weight so weight adds in longer travelling ahead too like someone can’t displace us easily if we are heavy so such way force travelling is there applied force is the extra thing before it is force travelling working after mass and time.

You always have conclusion knowledge like mass is first time is second and force is third. So due to mass time is and due to time force could work as force is in time. now a sliding rectangular block you push so force=mass x time so due to applied force and time you know mass as mass=force/time. you can know your new time too from this formula time=force/mass and you know how much force is applied like how much time it takes so can know mass of the object.the mass of the object is applicable in space normally on ground it has to overcome friction still you can know time and force applied on the rectangular block so can know mass on earth too. So these sentences are key to my whole theory. In space there is no friction so mass is alone known other than time of it so force applied could give us mass which is from Nothing. so and even if the object is steady (in space I mean) it is in some time since it is made that time too you can use where force is zero its time which is there and is its force too used so time and force are of equal valuefor building the space-ship so we can calculate mass as Nothing value by mass=force/time here time and force are same so exactly object is made from Nothing here this is the Nothing size of the object to calculate space-ship made for used in Nothing which should be same calculation used for time travel.? I say yes like if time and force are same So such space-ship is appropriate for time travel and electron replaced by space-ship in LHC pipes then know the exact value of electron by force and time same then we go to electron created it is also useful for space travel appropriate for size in space also for force travelling even if lowest could result in bigger force travel.

Okay I correct myselves if I deny these three paragraph I write down more and no-more.

force/time is mass and time/force mass isn’t there as the object is madeup from force firstly then time so mass isn’t there. Before mass is force in time made it (but was no-mass so no time or no force its just for opposite calculation which is before mass where force and time aren’t there) so new formula of mass isn’t  there? As here object can’t be made by force first.. In a fraction of a mass time is there and then force can create it ahead. If there is no mass then time and force can’t come. The fraction of mass could be a force too but can’t be considered, other than time.

Mass x force means object is built half and not created because time has not happened. Either mass or force one there but event can’t happen is wrong clue object isn’t created other than time.

mass removed from time can’t become force and force can’t become. So no object or not any event happened in Nothing as time in Nothing could be there but mass no there.

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