I Try To Explain
I write on the basis of Dimensions. Due to Dimensions sides are there.
Three Dimensions are there due to four screens as two screens together include one more screen means two screen on opposite side includes either one more screen from up screen or down screen. So four screens/sides include up screen/side and down screen/side too.
0.75 is value of a side and there are four sides/screens (as up side/screen and down side/screen are included which is same as above paragraph)
0.75 x 4 is =3 so four sides (four screens) makes three Dimensions.
0.75 x 2 is =1.5 which is two sides So 1.5 x 2 is 3 Dimensions half of three Dimensions is 1.5 so 1.5 is the common value between sides and Dimensions.
As 0.25 is half Dimension now 0.25 x 3 is 0.75 which 0.75 is quarter of Dimensions compared to 3 Dimensions (0.5 is one Dimension I don't deny)and again 0.75 forms one side. So 0.75 is is the common value between sides and Dimensions.
Now for Dimensions half dimension means one from up or down is 0.25 so value of one Dimensions is 0.25 x 2 =0.5.
0.5 is one Dimension and is common value between Dimensions alone too. So 0.5 x 6 is three means Dimension other than side is 0.5 so why is it multiplied by 6 and not 3 as 0.5 value is Dimensions other than sides as 4 sides include 3 Dimensions twice (means x 2) that is what we come to know from value 3 of Dimensions which we get here due to multiplied by 6 so we get idea that two three Dimensions we live in.???
so 0.75 x 2 (one side multiplied by two) =1.5 and 0.5 x 3 (one dimension multiplied by three) =1.5 both are same as 1.5 so 1.5 is the common value between DIMENSIONS AND SIDES as half of three Dimensions is 1.5 same way half of two sides is 1.5.
As 3/0.5 means we can't separate one Dimension which is 0.5 from three Dimensions so we get value 6 Dimensions so two kinds of three Dimensions (means opposite to each other [opposite corners of the walls]) we live in. And 3/0.75 means we can't separate sides from three Dimensions so we get value 4 sides.
Each one side around a wall is if we see is 0.5 other than back side or density as 0.5 means one Dimension which if we multiply by 3 is 1.5 and even two sides value is also 0.75 x 2 which is also 1.5. So thrice of 0.5 means thrice of one Dimension it is 1.5 and twice of 0.75 means twice of side it is is 1.5 means twice and thrice is same for Dimensions and side. Two Dimensions if we see are including a side but doesn't include two sides exactly as include only one end of a side from the second side (doesn't include remaining three ends) as 0.75 is one side.
0.5 is one side if without back side of it means without density of it (what is same as the value of one Dimension), so if we use the value of Dimensions and sides common which is 1.5 and divide it by 0.5 so 1.5/0.5 is 3 Dimensions is the answer.
0.75 is one side which if divided by 0.5 which is value of one Dimension is again 1.5 so 0.75/0.5 is 1.5 which is two sides too and half of three Dimensions too which is due to Dimensions form sides.
So above two paragraphs we divide by 0.5 which is common value for division.
So we get relation between sides and dimensions means value 0.75 is correct for a side which is one side and value of 0.5 is correct which is one Dimension.
So 0.75 is used for calculating sides which is one side and 0.5 is for calculating dimensions which is one dimension. Like I say 1.5 is common value for sides and dimensions in some ways. For calculation we use to divide sides and Dimensions 0.5 is the common value.
So I say:
we live in three Dimensions. We require to count six Dimensions too. Six Dimensions means four sides. As up side and down side are included in four sides [means in/with two sides either one of up-side and down-side is included]
so 0.8125 is one dimension we live in. So 6 x 0.8125 means 6 dimensions multiplied by 0.8125 (=4.875) or 3 x 0.8125 means 3 dimensions multiplied by 0.8125 (=2.4375) and 4 x 0.8125 means 4 sides multiplied by 0.8125 (=3.25). SO 0.8125 is the value we use as midvalue so now 2.4375 added to 3.25 is (5.6875) (adding three dimensions and four sides both multiplied by 0.8125 is 5.6875) we subtract 4.875 which is 6 dimensions value from value 5.8675 which is adding three dimensions and four sides so 5.6875 minus 4.875 is again 0.8125 so MIDVALUE TO DIMENSIONS AND SIDES IS 0.8125.
I explain more:
three Dimensions multiplied by 0.8125 means 3 x 0.8125 = 2.4375 one write
six Dimensions multiplied by 0.8125 means 6 x 0.8125 = 4.875 is two write
four sides multiplied by 0.8125 means 4 x 0.8125 = 3.25 is three write
we subtract 3.25-2.4375 = 0.8125 so three write minus one write = 0.8125 is four write
we subtract 4.875-3.25 = 1.625 so two write minus three write we get = 1.625 which is five write.
We subtract 2.4375-1.625= 0.8125 so one write minus five write = 0.8125 is six write
we add 2.4375+3.25= 5.6875 so one write plus three write we get = 5.6875 which is seven write. (Note: Calculating three Dimensions if doesn't includes opposite Dimensions so two sides are remaining to be included. And value of three Dimensions and four sides could be is 5.6875 ? or we require to calculate 6 Dimensions value 4.875 ? so difference between last two questions is 0.8125 I write ahead)
We subtract 5.6875-4.875= 0.8125 so seven write minus two write = 0.8125 is eight write.
So four write, six write and eight write we get the value same which only possible by percentage way if something like Dimensions and Sides are equal.
We came to know that value 3 for Dimensions is correct like value 4 for sides is correct.
Percentage value of sides and Dimensions equal is 0.8125.
so we can take other figures too and find the same answer but percentage wise we have to take all figures same. This is what I explained.only then the value we get same like 0.8125 here.
People other than using 0.8125 for multiplication or division like before still the same value could be made by other ways even like adding or subtracting 0.8125 or connecting other values too same answer comes.
0.8125 comes due to 0.25 x 3.25 means half dimension should be taken 3.25 times so we reach the mid-vlaue is (write B1).
And 4.875-3.25 = 1.625 which is five write (two write minus three write) and we get same value by 3.25 means 3.25 multiplied by one Dimension is 3.25 x 0.5 =1.625 is (A1) which means answer is same as five write.
(as we saw We subtract 1.625 from 2.4375 so it is 2.4375-1.625 =0.8125 write (B2) so 0.8125 we get so in six write too as 1.625 value is used for subtraction there.)
3.25/4 =0.8125 so 3.25 if made into four parts which divided by 4 sides is 0.8125 (B3) (copy three write) as half-Dimension requires to 3.25 times so if we see same value for sides as sides we don't require we divide means remove sides, so divide by 4 so we get 3.25/4=0.8125 which is (B3).
4 – 3.25= 0.75 so 4 sides minus three write =0.75 is write (A2)
(3.25 also comes due to three write like one dimension need to be multiplied by 3.25 which we get this 3.25 value [firstly it is from three write])
4.875 is six multiplied 0.8125 which means 4.875 is two write. So 4.875/3= 1.625 which means this value is same as five write and also same as [A1] so this is now new number as (A3)
4.875 x 0.5 = 2.4375 which the answer is same as one write, means two write multiplied by one Dimension value which is 2.4375 so (A4). So 2.4375/3 = 0.8125 means (A4)/3 =0.8125 same as one write (B4)
2.4375 + 0.8125 = 3.25 so adding one write plus midvalue of dimensions and sides is same as three write answer value (A5) and 2.4375 – 0.8125 is subtracting one write minus midvalue of dimensions and sides = 1.625 (A6) which this value is same as five write and write (A1) and write (A3)
3.25/4=0.8125 so (A5)/4=0.8125 is (B5) which same as three write.
4.875-0.8125 = 4.0625 as it is three write minus 0.8125= 4.0625(A7) and 5.6875-4.0625 =1.625 as it is (A9) same as five write, which is same as seven write minus (A7) so we get which this value is same as five write and write (A1) and write (A3) and write (A6).
WE GET THE VALUE 0.8125 FROM FOUR WRITE, SIX WRITE, EIGHT WRITE when in previous figures to/for these writes 0.8125 figure was used.
AND FROM WRITES (B1), (B2), (B3), (B4), (B5) AND FROM (A4) DIVIDED BY 3, (A5) DIVIDED BY 4, WE COME TO KNOW 0.8125 is concerning value to Dimensions and Sides too many ways. Here in this paragraph we get value 0.8125 directly means without using 0.8125 any way before still we get 0.8125 value. It also means my figures on Dimensions and Sides are correct including 0.8125 is the midvalue of Dimensions and Sides we come to know separately in this paragraph as signs of calculations are given for those calculations I showed.
Values five write and (A1) ARE SAME, three write and (A3) like (A9) ARE SAME.
4 sides minus 3 Dimension 4-3 =1 write (a)
6 Dimensions minus 4 sides 6-4=2 write (b)
3 Dimensions minus write (b) 3-2=1 write (c)
adding 3 Dimensions and 4 sides 3+4=7 write (d)
(d) minus 6 Dimensions 7-6=1 (e)
so figures (a), (c), (e) are the answers as figure 1 so 1 is the common value between Dimensions and sides.
Means value 1 for sides and Dimensions is correct they are one but not equal as one still both Dimensions and sides are one/1 too as both Dimensions and Sides merge with one number and still are not same as one number but same by value 0.8125.
So 1 is the common value between Dimensions and sides but how much percentage Dimensions and sides are same is they are same in value 0.8125 according to percentage. So 1 number for Dimensions and Sides is 0.8125.
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