Chips are opposite to current. As
current flows chips change it and work. Only as follows information
chips do. It follows current at different breaks due to current is
straight with lightlike velocity.? Again no-curve required for
current. Current is always at all points but first at the destination
object and from where it flows it is no-next thing but but it is
all points same current is (so is it in opposite time No but in
oppostie time too it is [time validates current but same time can't
be opposite to it self it is other time too opposite but as current
could be opposite too opposite time too current is both same current
is) job has not happened current can't be recognised or we
feel current is a job too if current is there there is somejob. Alone
current could never be found I say it. and current is in time
due to lightlike velocity but two things if attached experience same
current. So current is not at two points as it doesn't require to be
at two points but current is everywhere between two objects. No thing
can exchange or replace current.In opposite time too it is more
Current has no-recognition other than
current it is one-Nothing and is an event too (I don't write).
Current could do all same jobs when it works is same with the same
thing is one current and different with other things is also always
same current as it can't have frequency or direction and it
overpowers time as due to opposite time too normal time it is in
always not only that in opposite time too it is.
Current is like event not work as my
formula mass replaced by current and current=force/time as if we are
event back we are mass inplace of current so we are current too event
ahead and Nothing is if so Nothing Force is an event so
current we are first now I say thaa) so force is distance
(too) and time is no-time is one or one/time in such cases if we
don't get current output as speed is current (speed=distance/time)
too or could be current so time-travel not possible as speed is so we
need one upon time to know current as distance
multiplied by time is current normally and as current overpowers
force it is force x distance and as current is in all place same time
so time square so I hope force x distance x time square is formula of
current. Current are chips too no current. I deny it due to current
is not just computer program otherwise all it is. As it is time and
Nothing both ahead than us so we live in Nothing and Sky world so
live in time so it is Nothing ahead and time ahead due to event we
come to know current. As current is outside time too and in Nothing
too could work any current processing chips is the example is not due
to time, but only in time, and software made is extra job current do
current could only work and current could only work in chip
Why do we believe in chips, chips make
current no they dont' they only recognize current. The only way to
recognize current is chips (chips maintains flow of current). Like
current is in computers due to chips they could exchange data or
store data esp I dont' understand different levels of chips have
different storage due to current handled different way (this I SAY)
by them (or by them I don't say it is not possible for current to
store or it is in opposite time I don't say it is real time too like
opposite time as storage is only possible in time. So our time and
Nothing current could govern atleast this power current has).
Or space-force is if current then we
are electric people as I say in my theory space force forms electron
in time due to friction by striking means all job Nothing do space
force is striking with Nothing due to friction and time Nothing could
works or inreal Nothing creates a thing as electron due to friction
so in-time they are in. Now I say current can't be in time like
electron so current is everywhere I say yes write.
Opposite time is not bigger than
all-time current is so I explain opposite time too as time comes now
time comes but from end of the event is also time which we are not
time-compatible so it finishes our event in no-time too it could
finish and if we do or negative time as if we believe in opposite
time which is against anybook or Quraan or anysuch book and then only
after that I say current is in all-time usefull to be usefull. As
after Allaah current is powered we too so all jobs current could be
but it is after understand Allaah as we din't understood Allaah I say
it even current could work.
People I just write on computers only
this I could explain due to people don't understand my too-many
writes so I write all this which people say yes as have no-knowledge.
So chips work this way in computer as in no-time chips live so are
just blocked?(or canceled) or the flow is desinged of current means
current too designed and has separate destination with different
chips. And overpowering current chips can't do it but could make new
guy by taking power from Nothing as power of Nothing has life too one
subject or just one subject it has I say like taking power of Nothing
you live.
Now new Topic: If chips are in-time it
could all the jobs but it is such as chips could remain chips even by
bringing in time-compatible mode as we study electron we can bring it
in time-compatible mode by reducing speed of electron till chips
could process just we learn opposite time and such things don't work
so we learn superhuman-opposite people to be removed so such way we
bring time to be correct but opposite time is the other thing I just
can't say which comes due to rules we don't follow all books have
same rules overhere like rape or gay we deny and justice we do that
as after truth all is No I don't believe, as right is required
onething and after right if you do more correct for Allaah if justice
its small thing just Nothing it is Nothing but if reality which is
not after true but right too and here above Nothing you are and as
incorrect you cure like follower of Book Qur'aan and I mean incorrect
too you cure above true and right here is not Nothing which is
justice (truth right justice) but reality is we repeat the Nothing
above information like (true right and incorrect) which gives above
one more thing like Nothing when combined (last two brackets) any
combined you can't know other than believer of Books like Qur'aan
that is including information like the Nothing too it could be which
is tag is right and justice after you are truth its Nothing.
So reality is the tag I say which is if true, right, incorrect tag if
we cure incorrect we are reality nearing reality which is
bigger than Nothing information due to the two tags I explained here
second tag too I say like are Nothing and Reality here we gain or
reach reality so chips can't work other than reality so this two tags
(second last and third last bracket) software should understand? Any
reality is only, but study other tags too first truth:what is there
we believe (is) right: we don't harm right and person should get his
thing is injustice cure so this three things we learn including
justice. We work our software should know same way our software
should know Nothing I mean and it should also know REALITY: true we
do to right that is truth is if before right we correct right (like
we do justice): and ahead we do more to true is someones right
onemore right here (after true) (if it is already there) too we mind
so fight against enemies (wrong people) (is right here like such
other jobs) and anything we do after truth and right both correct is
one more true then another right is to fight enemies correct is I say
here is right and Owner gets his thing is REALITY which is incorrect
cure (is incorrect cure) (you do is know Allaah) then we have to see
what is incorrect in the world to cure is REALITY LIKE OWNER gets his
thing so other than Reality (what owner is) Nothing (what care taker
is) could work by tags truth, right, justice is Nothing in such cases
and reality tag is there for Allaah other than Nothing too there as
by true,right,incorrect cure is reality tag we know reality Allaah
likes it due to it is Reality bots and software should be made from
should make chips from Nothing and Reality as this explanation is
possible as things are there in real life.
Like chips could understand what we believe and not believe by
using words like meet and don't meet
we should make separate software as one understanding
software already has so directional understanding of good
alone. Like after meet its what we say after say is remove
wrong in speaking too then write on see
so see now think and do, think and govern, think and
handle, think and tackle, think and see, so we reach
work and learn to explain it to bots or A.I Artficial
Intelligence people learn or we make css
(for all underline in this paragraph) on computer so so
software you make and see how it will do the job as
I underlined in this paragraph before used I talk here but due
to it, not you write, but chips tell you same is opposite too or
like too as you hear on different matter which is after we
made css script (after all underline in this paragraph below and
above including Nothing and Reality we make software) script should
be due to last bracket I write same as we say I even say to make new
software but chips can't work so I will say ahead on asked if and you
put as to do bad you don't need a software only for good you require
and chips already has first understanding so I explained here I say
other too like adjectives good and bad we classify so write remove
bad and different title we give for different sets of Information
that are verbs too like adjectives to classify by tags for whatever
we think the tags all tags software should understand as
something from this underline in this paragraphs
and the last bracket
software will say
like last we decide these things other than underlined sentences in
this paragraph these things are seen after
the underline statements is Nothing and Reality
we have to see last is
reason purpose logic psychology concept rules and principals is we
understand to live, basic is think and know, or think and
such more tags as these tags I underlined above in this paragraph
so we design the whole treaty due to before underline in this
paragraph and also by continued sentence after last underline till
here think ahead on it after Nothing and Reality
no again after it and also due to Nothing and Reality we can make a
software ( a sepatate software too we make on Nothing and Reality and
this paragraph I say too.we check the last part in this paragraph
(after last underline) of say so any treaty could we also can make
As so electron loses time-compatible
mode due to its speed so lessening it is in time-compatible mode one
is mirror could do it, exact one event back past (of mirror) and
LHC pipes I say Large Hadron Collider could slow down electron
due to using lasers opposite to electron somehow is force opposite to
rushing of electron so we know past of electron it could be some
stable friction experiencing or is it space-force too same way I say
increasing speed could result in knowledge of creation of life, as at
high speed of electron we travell time in past where it came from
in real here we travell time
due to speed of electron and in past we are by mirror
and lasers work opposite is inreal just events back we are .
As I din't write on it should be usefull
in LHC that not decreasing the speed of electron and go opposite at
higher speed due to time-compatible at light like velocity such is
the time-compatible mode, so half-more, or double, or two and half
times more, or such ahead more like half-more of light like velocity
is electron and double of l.l.velocity so lightlike velocity is
Nothing and even half-more ahead to double of velocity is
space-force so this information I also gave on website in Large Hadron Collider Section I
People no new topics I understand.
Large Hadron Collider is could be usefull in knowing chips computers
and software. Electron could answer if we are in past due to gaining
of velocity so at such place universe beginning we know so do
electron know so one thing and software too could be known as
how was electron designed known by the way Allaah works as it is
Allaah works tag you can design by my blog named by Unique-Aqeedah
and we think separate for thirdlast paragraph and UNIQUE AQEEDAH so
we run power is BUT IT SHOULD BE INCLUDING or not so but here chips
computer software run power if we are able to think as both as Allaah
works, and so in Unique-Aqeedah blog, I say second thing to
make css or programs so. Third thing as I say anywhere I say
decreasing the speed of electron it could result in chips and
programs by deciding right rules for it and form it we write same (as
underline stuff on second-last paragraph so this is the third
clue I write here just LHC PIPES SHOULD BE USED FOR what I say the
third too I say so this three things should be seen in the third
last paragraph's underlined information.
I continue: Events are opposite to
current chip is an event comparing to Nothing and Computers and
no-software, and no-software are chips too. So chips function without
software and highest function of the computer is chip. All opposite
current is chip, due to chip we know opposite current we know. Event
comparing to chips is software so computer is not any event for
chips but for software it is an event a computer it is. Only
current is event for chips software could make chips and only
computer is make write software you can say so so building A.I
Artificial Intelligence computers could only be used by types
of program I say above paragraphs last too and thirdlast one
underlined by me is so like my UNIQUE-AQEEDAH BLOG we understand same
information is the same third thing I say or I will say
on ask or if I will be asked I will try to speak
for it.NEXT WRITING I write: chips are a matter of strip. A strip
could contain current is chip now how is it workable due breaks in
current I don't say due to Nothing too I don't say here but due to
flow of current it changes due to space-force as I explained
space-force it strikes with Nothing to form electron by friction is
my discovery and so current puts data
to be changed which
is in space-force
so chips work how I explained as space-force so is (space-force) half
more of Nothing so Half Of Light-like Velocity if increased in it is
electron (such space-force is electron) achieved as space-force if it
is (electron is)too achieved if we are (at such speed inreal at such
speed we will be overpowering Nothing which is double the speed of
light) so current just changes the data chips stored in space-force
that is electron or half more than double the speed of light is
writing software as space-force we know so this is normal space-force
and Nothing is in between electron and
as (Nothing) is double the speed of light.NEXT I Write: Software is
not made other than css we design whereas in computers design is due
to keys where as css I know from my designing of my blog css I know
must be used for software where as computer is designed due to
space-force as css is other than space-force. Computer can read
everything due to
space-force computer
works for but for calculations too like knowing stats computer needs
keys which is not in software as software have programming language
or css so computer know more than css but some weird software is
different. So half more than lightlike velocity is electron double of
lightlike velocity is Nothing and even half more than Nothing is
space-force so continue due to light-like velocity electron is
halfmore so can understand time-travel so due to electron software is
possible like due to Nothing is double the speed of light so does a
lot of function not time bothering/sensitive so not just understand
like electron but travel time-compatible way and time travel is
possible due to time is no-barrier
for Nothing. As for electron if can work in past on chips and games
and software it could put new understanding as in designing of chips
due to LHC could be known that electron are time sensitive not
compatible with things less than speed of light. Some time
job it could understand so
software could be possible as I say make by thirdlast
paragraph I separately underline
understanding but including fourth-last parragraph. NEXT I write:
Computers are space-force too
I deny this information it has to work on keys and software it can
make run due to space-force it is I say but how it works just on
Dream of Allaah, not so it is other than lightlike velocity and not
work on spaceforce and we do can make computer understand by my
underlined things in fourth-last and underline we know on third-last
paragraph too still it needs somework or job that is css this too I
deny inreal computer works on joint effort of Nothing and Space-force
just this I say as from Nothing computers learns css and we put keys
for other than language understanding like understanding calculation.
Now ALLAAH knows
it.(computer has fixed keys and language which we can make our
language as third paragraph underlined I say but other than css it
should work that is programming I don't say that but money language
it should understand only by underlining we know this money
language separate I write (like give and take understood due to Money
but other than css it should work on program by electron made due to
friction from Nothing it is computer too made but these electron
should follow a language I write it I can explain too but no-means of
testing I have so my views aren't wrong but taking power like
electron (how electron takes power we should see) it should work so
LHC pipes should test electron achieved which is half more than
light-like velocity and then bring it in past due to increasing speed
so use lasers or mirror for both it is in past laser directing
against them or mirror capturing several paths so that denied time
electron after achieved light-like velocity will say to us what
electron does so only then we will know (after making electron reach
speed four lakh fifty thousand kms/sec [four hundred and fifty
thousand kms/sec]) as it is the value of space-force. So we can know
the data of electron.
What electron
does is from its past we will know either it is revolving or not (by
mirror and lasers both by taking electron in past), what is the rate
of friction for an electron we will see that (due to knowing electron
event behind by both mirror and lasers) and I say due to beginning of
man-kind we know was electron too created as space and dimensions
(three dimensions two ways is space) are created for an electron
(still the electron is outside time, time is outside dimension and as
I write on this website “force travells I should get Money” on
website url 'forcetravelsinwith.blogspot. com' force travelling I get
[come to know] only force-travelling I explained there which is
before time [when there were no dimensions]) so we will or could know
by repairing Large Hadron Collider we can see how space-force works
on electron. Just we could use magnets in which electron either works
opposite or straight so its past will be known as magnet is past or
mercury shows the temperature of electron is different as lightlike
velocity or laser to compare speed of electron is also told like
other things than electron you know it the electron should put lasers
behind if lasers are at light like velocity. MAY BE AT LIGHT-like
velocity electron is known in mirror or not see check, it is mirror
zero, comparing to speed of light-like velocity which electron has.
Just I say for right-time for electron known in LHC that is Large
Hadron Collider as only LHC could explain what's the real time for
electron other than friction it is in force-travelling with infinite
amount of speed so forcetravelling works to make electron after that
friction makes after that dimensions make after that time makes,
before all spaceforce makes from Nothing (our making is from Nothing
first but force-travelling was there from before) no it is no so, but
space-force came after force-travelling (so space-force is second
number) so electron too began to live a product of Nothing as before
time Nothing makes us. So after Nothing is space-force then
force-travelling is before space-force then time then friction then
dimensions makes us.
If there was
no-force-traveling we can't be formed. As live in time dimensions we
don't know after us they are. Space-force is created before Nothing
like force-traveling was before Nothing and Space-force both before
Nothing and space-force too force-traveling was there.
So software is
lines and rays understanding thing. Lines are mathematical numbers
and rays are science. Numbers can't be reformed for lines to come
back so anyline not return unless is a force. Force is just in favour
of line it works and line extends. Ray always has a destination place
so opposite ray is negative-time there is no opposite ray inreal but
ray could come back as like science function could be removed and
returned if it is science function. It is not only time which could
reverse but electron too could reach final point of start if science
electron is. Chips don't work so is wrong information. Anyline of
current is not chip and any ray of current is chip. Chips could be
processed and reversed and changed just by flow of current. As chips
designed by ray and line remove chips will be most advanced
what change in program, software and computer is here I can't know.
Chips aren't
dimensions and dimensions aren't chips as otherwise everything has
happened so chips work on new process and as CHIPS could inform us
reality if we work as I informed in seventh last paragraph somehow.
Chips aren't dimensions otherwise its Nothing. Any ray or line can't
change a chip unless current it is. Even if chips become current it
can change by ray or line which is a kind of chip. Chips rule all
space-force any just program is on chip software and computer too are
on chips normally computer process is not possible other than chips
and software can't be made but a computer can be made as computer is
if not in time can be made other than chips. You have keys or rules
designed by a computer could be other than chips too as it could be
different kind of program using computer but software of anykind
can't be made. Other than chips no software there.
Last two
paragraphs I write is out of subject.
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