Qur'aan Points


Qur'aan Points:

(WORD 'IS' MEANS ALLAAH IS SAYING THAT SAME MATTER OR ALLAAH IS SAME OR ALLAAH IS ATLEAST SAYING.???) (way like last bracket too meanings can be taken out which I don't know)

'is' (due to that event) (should be$) (done event*)

'and' (opposite and not fixed) (can be$)

'to' ( told by Allaah) (To Allaah)

'do' (Allaah agrees or disagrees like informs or doesn't informs no guarantee)

'it' ( Allaah says everything is that same thing only then uses 'it' word)

'or' (Allaah denies all other than that thing)

'at' (same as normal means 'for it' or 'due to that')

'by' (same as normal means 'from it')

'from' (same as normal means 'working by or due to like certain point')

'for' (from Allaah) (about Allaah$)

'the' (safety and security from Allaah*)

'with' (all things except Allaah$)

'without' (alone with Allaah*)

'that' (wrong*)

'not' ( same as normal means 'something denied')

'Have' ( no-belief ) 'has' (belief) 'had' (belief denied)

'except' (means not by that thing) 'except the RaHman' (we can't have the same mercy from Allaah*)

'No one' (Nothing$*)

'not looked' ( not seen but it was past )

'looked' (but it was past)

'to the' ( said from Allaah)

word 'they' could have any meaning

'them' (Allaah speaks)

'them' (Allaah speaks)

'spreading' (Heavenly)

'their' (same as normal means 'for them'$*)

Surely (means we are denied$%)

He is ( we will come to know due to that job)

'He' (means Allaah is less but we are there$%)

'is' (due to that event) (should be*) (done event*)

'we' (all things from Allaah including Allaah$)

'goodly' (Economy*)

'subjected' 'he'(aren't the thing to be believed for Allaah)

'as' (not for Allaah or Allaah doesn't wants means dislikes)

'but' (denied by Allaah or caught due to wrong)

'of' (not about Allaah)

'up' (no other than Allaah)

'invite' (as per the verse means selected or not selected and to deny you)?

'about' (rewarded and of Allaah)

'be' (created)

'firm' (able to say to Allaah)

'in' (other than Allaah)

'whoever' (Allaah din't pointed certain people or certain person)

'disbelieves' (denied to believe in Allaah)

'his' (Allaah says)

'unbelief' (a muslim who disbelieves)

'will' (have hope or no hope)

'against' (lose all belief)

'him' (no one other than Allaah he has for)

'and' (could be)

'acts' (same as normal that is try to show to Allaah)

'righteously' (just by the way-of-Qur'aan)

'then' (with time)

'such' (Allaah says yes or denies to them)

'people' (Allaah doesn't see what they do)

'are' (means allowed to believe and live)

'paving' (learning what Allaah has made)

'the' (they will be able to save themselves)

'path' (belief of Allaah)

'for' (by Allaah)

'themselves' (recommended or not recommended by Allaah)

Thus' (Allaah takes favour)

'show' (same as normal means try to work for)

'the' (all arrangements of safety)

'kingdom' (Economics and Politics)

'the' (safety and security)

'so' (believe in Allaah)

'he' (such person or Allaah denied)

'might' (supernatural powers)

'firm' (able to show Allaah)

'in' (other than Allaah)

'belief' (all the jobs told by ALLAAH).

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