I explain formulas on mass, force, time:
Here I understood first mass=force/time (m=f/t) then force=mass x time (f=m x t) then time=force/mass (t=f/m) so I have underlined these three formulas I put here as (in) this order I understood first
I have underlined those formulas I understood first in explanation ahead:
mass=3, force=12, time=4
(mass x force=event=36) (force x time=48 which is enough force to move the object what is called gained momentum) (mass x time = force=12)
(mass/force= 1/time= 1/4 what is called object in no time???) (force/mass = time=12/3 =4 means object is atleast in time by this value 4 and difference between no-time and time is 4 times)
(force/time =mass =12/4=3 if their is no time still mass is their even when force can't result/do-event) (time/force = 1/mass = 4/12= 1/3 so there is no mass if force is not formed after time means before creation??? or that mass isn't there as force din't form??? or force wasn't effective at all on steady object is time/force like 1/mass is no force.)
(time/mass = 4/3 it means if mass wasn't formed still its effect was their or means there was no force still object could be sensed due to time was there) (mass/time =3/4 what is called object without time so if time removed from object where there is no force applied it is 3/4 or means there is no force working on the object and the object is steady)
Here mass=3, force=6, time=2
so (mass x force =event=18) (force x time=12 which is enough force to move the object what is called gained momentum) (mass x time=force=6)
(mass/force= 1/time= 3/6=1/2 means object is atleast not in time so by 0.5 value object is not in time) (force/mass =time= 6/3 =2 means object is atleast in time by this value 2 and difference between no-time and time is 4 times)
(force/time =mass =6/2=3 means mass is there if their is no time which is formed by force so is by value 3) (time/force =1/mass= 2/6=1/3 means if their is no force mass isn't formed if three parts we see for mass value 3)
(time/mass =2/3 =0.75 means time wasn't there by 0.75 value where force is value 6) (mass/time =3/2 =1.5 means mass is steady can't move by force of value 1.5)
Here mass=4, force=12, time=3
so (mass x force =event=48) (force x time =36 which is enough force to move the object what is called gained momentum ) (mass x time=force=12)
(mass/force= 1/time= 4/12 if force is removed from mass there was no past [time]) (force/mass =time= 4/3 if mass is removed from force we can reach time which comes from future).
(force/time = mass =12/3=4 time removed from force is no-event [what we stay in as our Universe is no-event-Universe means NOTHING is one step {event or time} above or ahead of us so our mass without event or without time is NO-EVENT) (time/force =1/mass =3/12 =1/4 if time is there like if event is happening and in-between there is no force [we remove force] then event can happen so there is some future possible till the force is traveling which was removed means when was there before one thing now if we remove force by which the thing was formed then due to force alone where even if time was there still mass is removed or nullified if time is no there two thing)
(time/mass = 3/4 mass removed from time means either it is NOTHING or exact present could be known due to we live in no-event as if we were living in NOTHING then future could be known due to remove mass from time) (mass/time =4/3 if time is removed from mass object is not formed or no-there and mass will not be in event or is so that mass wasn't formed if we see before creation as some event we live in as one step ahead of us we are out of no-event and are in Event like for after creation we do all jobs in Event or in NOTHING but without doing jobs we are in no-event)
NOTHING and EVENT both are one step ahead of us so the formulas could differ (like in before creation and after creation).
One-clue: Does It concludes time/force is same as mass/time??? like for time/force if there is no force time can't be used for object to travel like for mass/time if there is no time any force too isn't there so mass can't be-there [so travel and be-there we get at same place for formulas time/force and mass/time like we are force too and mass we basically are but whatever mass and force we are we are formed by time {like mass and force could be one but time is different}]. For time/force the object is made but can't do work means not in making function or event. For mass/time object isn't there but its traces are there which could mean the object is destroyed, so phrase can't do work and word traces are at same place for both the formulas so does it mean the formulas are just Event different???
Tips: Time and Force are interconnected like if there is no time there is no force and if there is no force there is no time ONE THING. Like for division we take any two from mass force time we talk of the third one inreal TWO THING. Due to such ways if we know about the formulas it may be it is easy to work.
MASS SQUARE IS EVENT/TIME ( means EVENT divided by TIME I say) we come to know I explain ahead:
So without value of mass-square which is event/time if we push the object with this less percentage force the object is immovable or that much distance moved (for that object) is called no-event for that object. So object is not in time means not in event too but the object is there by mass-square which is EVENT divided by TIME.
SO to come out of no-event mass-square-value is use with speed-of-light square and we multiply by time too as the object is out of no-event means then comes in Event so we multiply by time SO MASS-SQUARE X SPEED-OF-LIGHT SQUARE X TIME IS THE FORMULA to come out of no-event and get formed as MASS which was formed of Energy in NOTHING where it is by this FORMULA READY FOR EVENT means READY FOR JOB.
We live in no-event-Universe as NOTHING is our Sky too so above paragraph formula is required to reach NOTHING for that thing or object. So we are one-event below NOTHING for formation of our's and for our place both. So one event more ahead in Time we are in NOTHING (MEANS outside no-event we reach).
So I explain according to formula mass=force/time if we check I show down.
and either addition or subtraction of mass and force is equal to event/time. If the mass is faster (means in less time) then addition of mass and force is event/time (means time remove from event) and if the mass is slower (means in more time) then subtraction of mass and force is event/time (means time remove from event). As EVENT/TIME IS EQUAL TO MASS-SQUARE IT IS NO-EVENT VALUE FOUND. No-event means job done outside time.
our no-event value we can get, which is even by using force and mass alone the way I show, like same value we get by mass-square or same value we get by event divided by time. All such ways same values we get, if we are making the formula mass=force/time correct means taking values according to this formula.
f=force, t=time, m=mass
m x f = event
3 x 12 = 36
event/time= 36/4=9
m-square= 3 x 3 =9
12-3=9 here subtraction way of force and mass 12-3 = 9 we get number 9 due to mass is less than time. So 9 is the no-event-value.
m x f = event
3 x 6 =18
event =18
event/time= 18/2=9
m-square= 3 x 3=9
here addition way force and mass 6+3 =9 we get number 9 as mass is more than time so 9 is the no-event-value.
m x f = event
12 x 4 = 48
event= 48
event/time= 48/3=16
m-square= 4 x 4 =16
here addition way of force and mass 12+4=16 we get number 16 as mass is more than time. So 16 is the no-event value.
Few more ways I write the formula:
If force was able to be applied and there is no time means mass is their.
If force is applied to an extent till time can't form is mass.
So on mass if force was able to be applied time is there. (If force and mass were their so time is their).
If force can't be applied on mass time is there.
If mass is in time then force has to be their.
where mass and time co-relate/meet force is their. (force is in-between mass and time).
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