Time force is keeping satellite up. As gravity requires time to travel so inless time which satellite is gravity can't work or satellite is at higher speed so gravity can't travel on satellite due to the speed of satellite too like gravity doesn't gets time to act on satellites so satellites are floating.

Time comes from the farthest end to beginning so as time reaches beginning, job has happened in that time, so normal event on earth is so. A car is moving is only when time has reached from its destination to the car so till that area car can move (as time allows to move). So from a satellite time can't travel back to earth so too satellites are floating at limited height as earth isn't their destination and or at such height for satellite time is force like if go at more height outside galaxy other than time we reach Nothing where space-ships could be floating forever in Nothing. So at some nearby height till there is time so gravity can't work so satellites can float and space-ships can remain steady by using much less fuel than on earth.

Force requires time due to time is in-between till gravity can't act so the satellite floats.

Till gravity could effect (on satellite too) time force is there working opposite means against gravity as if far ahead we go up where time isn't required is NOTHING so as time is more below satellite so speed of satellite is required to be more (to over power time) in time force at less height.

Time is losing itself (means time becomes less) lets object satellites floats above surface. Time isn't there at such height. AT HIGHER SPEED TIME IS WE ARE ACHIEVING so time gets nullified and gets destroyed from which we take help to be out of any-force at like light-like-velocity where there is only Nothing.

If we see electron is how works we will see that electron comes in time then force is from Nothing so electron could effect after Nothing Force creates it so time prevents electron from exploding. Like I say Electron at half-of-light-like-velocity is the creation which works from Nothing which is like light-like-velocity is working on Electron.

Electron collides with Nothing Force where time was already there from before so Electron forms. Time lets Electron revolve by working in centrifugal or centripetal force which we do opposite we can reach our origins from Nothing.

Any Inertia is possible due to same time two entities are. Inertia is only possible at object with equal mass and equal speed means time same. As two space-ships if are different in size different force of boosters or different force of rotors are required here Inertia is only possible with time same if two things are in different size. So time same lets inertia work.

For Inertia if we see coin placed on cardboard and the cardboard is on a glass we hit the cardboard if at higher speed coin falls in the glass and cardboard moves ahead it is due to coin and glass are in same time so inertia happened and force which we use to push cardboard doesn't effect on the coin as our force doesn't gets time to travel on the coin (which at higher speed of cardboard not possible) as for force to act on the coin it requires time for the coin to come in which due SPEED OF CARDBOARD PUSHED BY US FORCE DOESN'T GETS TIME TO TRAVEL so inertia is (at this higher speed force can't work on coin due to time can't be formed for coin which is I say due to speed by which cardboard is pushed) on coin is, due to coin and glass were in same time, so cardboard reaches in other time by our force which the coin and the glass can't get time as in less time the cardboard moves-ahead/reaches. So formula for force is mass x time I SAY IT FORCE F = MASS M X TIME T. SO F=M X T.

So only equal mass and equal force could be known or used by formula f=m x a but due to my formula two objects in different sizes or different kind objects with different mass and different force could be known I MEAN by knowing time means two objects just require time same for inertia which can also be from force-travelling. So I SAY MY formula force=mass x time.

And coin and glass is in same time due to both are not pushed as force-travels on cardboard but doesn't gets time to travel on glass or coin so on both the force doesn't travel so are in same time. Same time means same force-travelling means equal according to percentage of force-travelling and force and mass could be any but percentage of force-travelling should be same Like a glass or coin or for two space-ship too inertia could only be there if same rate force-travelling there on both (on two space-ships or on coin and glass) so mass could be different for two space-ships so are running by different force rate too but if force-travelling is same value they are at same speed and same time but even if different speed of boosters or rotors with different speed or with different amount of force too acting on them inertia could be there as/due-to they are in same time. For formula of inertia which people know mass and force should be same whereas my formula is also correct with different mass and different force on two entities just their time should be same means just by time same we can have inertia by my formula.

Any force we apply on both space-ships is should be at same time then can have inertia can stand on two space-ships together opposite force is in past too is different means percentage of force-travelling is different value required for them then their mass is different mass could be different but inreal the things are different if percentage of force-travelling isn't same means the things are not big and small different but are different things. (if we push an object our force reaches the farthest end of the object and comes back to us in no-time means is at light-like-velocity so that process is called force-travelling [by which the object is called one entity {means object is one in number}])

As Nothing works first in time so for the formula E=MCSQUARE SHOULD include my time time=force/mass is the formula here this time I SAY IS calculated before Nothing working so before Nothing working electron is in time I SAY so formula for ENERGY IS M X CSQUARE X TIME.

So we can know by mass x csquare alone Nothing acting on mass which is all-time formula but denies the state of the object as object is only in time or first in time the object is after it Nothing works so state of objects is due to time so I SAY energy E = MASS X CSQUARE X TIME. (if we push an object our force reaches the farthest end of the object and comes back to us in no-time I SAY IS FORCE-TRAVELLING which is at light-like-velocity so that process is called force-travelling [by which the object is called one entity {means one in number}] this force-travelling is outside time so force-travelling too we need to see check before reach Nothing like before reaching cosmological constant (the formula is force x time x mass x weight which is for force-travelling)

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