Qur'aan and Science

QUR'AAN 7:171
if mountains lose force-travelling due to shook word means. Mountains were canopy if means could stay firmly due to time it is no so time can't help in case of force-travelling and only remember Allaah force-travelling could be there. Still ALLAAH could control force-travelling too other than time so till force-travelling and time ALLAAH is there with us by the power of speech which one event less than remember as remember what more is so so anytime fear ALLAAH is not told but we should try to work with power of ALLAAH as ALLAAH expalined us created force-travelling (if we apply force on a solid thing that thing is made by force of Nothing other than electron so after applying force on the solid thing force comes back to us [force applier] that force is force-travelling and that is in no time. So means after force-travelling process happens then a thing can be moved or mountains have top of them standing firm so about mountains as force-travelling in them so as we go up top of the mountain could remain as top is due to force-travelling outside time and mountains doesn't shake is due to they are in time as electron works after time and again I SAY mountains standing firm means force-travelling and not shaking is due to time).

QUR'AAN 13:2
here without any pillars means time and raised the heavens means Nothing can have power on time. And sun and the moon are the throne of ALLAAH as even the throne of ALLAAH is on time but sun and moon are for appointed time in motion this two word in motion ALLAAH means or light remaining ALLAAH means for SUN AND MOON as subjugated the sun and moon are working as later they will be outside time I say due to ALLAAH talks positioned himself as ALLAAH DOESN'T SAY WITHOUT MEANING so sun and moon are Believer of Allaah. If sun and moon are correctly believed we have possibility to meet ALLAAH.

Another meaning then means after creating time ahead Allaah says establishes is force-travelling due to Nothing and Allaah arranges matter means manages electron too (like parts of electron are made up of force-travelling and only time is after it and after it spaceforce [electron] strikes with Nothing to form everything) so sun and moon are to keep the record of deeds.

QUR'AAN 31:10
we are able to see or not this ALLAAH talks like time is holding sky I SAY SO people like Me see it and placed mountains which works on force-travelling (explained in last bracket of verse 7:171) so standing/set word means time and firm word means force-travelling so verse says about sky mountains earth are usefull to you before that rain and trees are addressed as for including them water too is formed from Nothing is said as ALLAAH SAYS sent down for tree and water and the word too is said means trees too if wants can takes power from Nothing after water and then told about heaven as said sent down water from the heavens so due to from word and the word used here where sky is told first in the verse like from word and the word and trees are told even before as words cause of and word produce told with word the means even opposite NOTHING tree will be able to take power and cause or produce word is for tree means it in this verse as ALLAAH requires them who are rain and tree informed to us so are more important like NOTHING AND TIME. And by words and caused to grow in it every noble pair. and raised all sorts of exotic plants in the land here ALLAAH says caused word which is after/due-to whole verse ahead says about plants so plants are outside time and force-travelling we just think oxygen and sunlight in case of plants.

QUR'AAN 41:11
Heaven means Nothing and Earth MEANS electron. So Nothing and Earth came into being willingly that is formed as water and as they were told either to obey or disobey so if they disobeyed there was hydrogen (smoke was there) and there was no force making them from Nothing and there was no-time and no force-travelling and friction alone was there like opposite time where electron wasn't functioning. So as they obeyed force from Nothing got created and Electron started functioning in time first then as event/working and Force-travelling came into being.

Nothing and Water (H2o) were colliding were as smoke like smoke comes out due to water evaporates when burned by Nothing and Nothing isn't so able to work and Force-travelling too isn't there like time can't be thought and electron wasn't there.

We were explosions so if we see check am I true or not if heavens and earth din't come willingly if heaven din't come willingly it was smoke so force travelling wasn't there and if earth din't come willingly there was no time so but inreal we were created from smoke. So as Heaven and Earth come willingly electron resulting in water was formed. Allaah made water out of smoke that is electron by force from Nothing too like Force-travelling like Electron was formed in time.

We were two dimensional like painting before so due to electron came in time we have work to do that is economy.

As earth was created by its willingness water was formed before it was hydrogen alone and heavens were created by its willingness then Nothing makes Earth work to make water (h2o) but I mean Nothing din't had power on smoke so force from Nothing was formed later and electron came in time so we have work in economy as we became three dimensional due to extra thing electron was sponsored by ALLAAH. So due to willingness of electron (earth) water was formed, we came in time too and atleast one dimension more we became. So Nothing works other than friction I means without friction but by force-travelling due to Heavens were created by willingness I say. So due to earth/electron created by its willingness water was formed, where time was first formed by electron moving in time as both Heavens and earth came willingly, all this is after force-travelling which is due to Heavens were created by willingness.

Electrons collide with Nothing so force-travelling is created by Nothing is their or force-travelling came in electron from Nothing and to form an electron force-travelling makes Nothing work on electron. So friction was there from before but force-travelling came due to heavens obeyed ALLAAH so we were painting and friction means inability to move due to either rough surface or it is same like some object is blocking the way of our object so were one kind of friction before where our painting was immovable due to friction so force-travelling is born from Allaah due to whom we can come in touch and walk or due to whom parts of electron are assembled after created from Nothing one more way Nothing works is force-travelling so due to Heavens obeyed force-travelling came into being.

And NOTHING AND H2O (WATER) were half if were in the form of smoke due one dimensional we became more from ALLAAH like due to TIME FORMS Nothing and electron to work it means only in time Nothing and Electron could work so without time too if we are present we can't work.

Now verse part I say why ALLAAH TURNED to Heaven or Sky is informed as ALLAAH says to investigate why. This sentence It was then (just) smoke is separate sentence Munir Munshey is correct other sentences by different people should say same so how is change in smoke going to effect is told by Allaah. To it and the earth, He said again Munir Munshey is correct so smoke and earth means ALLAAH TALKS TO smoke but before earth word, the word like and word is used it means Earth wasn't there means any sign of earth wasn't there as Allaah say the word too before to word including and word to earth so due to to word and the word are opposite for earth so not only earth wasn't there but any sign wasn't there. Ahead the verse is Come (to My obedience), both of you, willingly or unwillingly is told correct by Taqi Usmani and told correct by Yusuf Ali as He says "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." so Munir Munshey is of wrong view that they were ordered to come in to being as Allaah talks open will to them so they said we come willingly (who are HEAVENS AND EARTH so Nothing and Water) (like electron, time, and force-travelling, force from Nothing we got as Heavens and Earth obeyed Allaah)

we should check in LHC pipes as should try I SAY WATER that is water molecule one thing I SAY.

FIRST thing We CHECK IT at light-like-velocity which is Nothing so its half is space-force so keep increasing space-force (speed of electron at half-of-light-like-velocity) to Nothing I mean adding new space-force by going ahead in speed like double or five seven times of space-force so some time travel will happen. As Allaah turned up to sky and says why the smoke was there so we should see if some thing is other than Heaven or Nothing as ALLAAH SAYS HE TURNED UP TO SKY SO WHY SMOKE WAS THERE WE SHOULD FIND OUT WE SHOULD FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED AFTER SMOKE.

Second thing space-force collided by NOTHING means two electron collided one at Nothing speed that is light-like-velocity and the other at space-force speed that is half of light-like-velocity so due this collision of water molecule we can reach our beginning where there is no-time I mean reached at no-time we will be there too see check force-travelling there or not, it is there, and we will see how NOTHING makes electron. Even Earth molecule is collided by Nothing it is after Allaah is told they come willingly so we should see what Allaah wanted here so we should obey Allaah.

Third thing we revolve electron in opposite direction so we can reach the beginning of time. So here disobeying Allaah we will come to know. So this experiment we should use if we have knowledge which is with guarantee only then we could confirm the experiement. The verse ends on we come willingly so disobeying din't remain. So ALLAAH doesn't says to check but the verse says to check.

QUR'AAN 48:4
we will be able to understand ALLAAH and grow more in belief due to if we will come to know forces of Heavens and Earth ALLAAH said due to knowledge and wisdom ALLAAH has ALLAAH created forces. Some meanings also say hosts instead of forces, they are just force created by Nothing as Heavens and Earth are created from same kind of forces? so as ALLAAH the way ALLAAH decides Heaven is more not allowed ( to do anything as ALLAAH says in this verse that ALLAAH IS FULL OF knowledge and wisdom so about earth is told opposite due to word and, also the verse is is it says the earth means Earth will have power on forces as the word is use before earth word in the verse. I mean force means force which revolves electron is told in this verse which is from Nothing is told by the way belong word used after phrase and to ALLAAH SAID IN VERSE so here Heaven means Nothing so here earth due to and word used before earth as said and the earth is said in verse is opposite power from force of Nothing and in Heaven means Nothing is having normal force to work from ALLAAH. SO Heavens and Earth are separate forces. Now the Force of Nothing which makes electron revolve Allaah talks here.

QUR'AAN 48:23
practice of ALLAAH is in past so past will be with you if follow Qur'aan against enemies due to the verse ahead and back too says same as you will have Nothing helping Nothing is in past. So everything which happens from ALLAAH in past has happened by Nothing and by words established practice of Allaah Nothing force is meant so just this is my explanation. Norm is electron works from Nothing this thing will not change anytime. And ALLAAH says

I CONTINUE FROM BEFORE PARAGRAPH (Such has been) the practice (approved) or according to the consistent practice of Allah or Such is the norm, the established way of Allah, it means even before us the Universe was same so we can check first experiment electron at lightlike velocity which takes power from Nothing works with we check electron at half-of-light-like-velocity called space-force. We can know our origins by changing velocity of two kinds of electron either one kind electron at a time we change(kinds means different speeds). As I say means by using speeds at different levels of both kind of (speeds of) electron could be changed may be twice or thrice if we don't reach our origins (around for half of light-like-velocity for space-force and light-like-velocity around means keep go ahead and see check this area for both the electrons we have to check so either one kind of electron at a time or both the electrons we see differently by speeds multiplied by twice or thrice for any one kind of electron multiplied by twice or thrice at a time) like I say to work by the difference of half-of-light-like-velocity (what is space-force) we see like if we use electron from Nothing (electron at light-like-velocity) and this two different kind electrons we mutliply one of them with increasing there speed twice or thrice means for space-force ( electron at half-of-light-like-velocity) or NOTHING (electron at light-like-velocity) so two kinds of electron we see check to work with eachother at speed multiplied by any one of them twice thrice or more as ALLAAH says his way will not change so we can know our origins is the first experiment (colliding two different speeds electron resulting in our formation known [we reach our own beginning]).

I CONTINUE FROM BEFORE PARAGRAPH The experiment is second experiment I say revolving electron at light-like-velocity and adding spaceforce to it could result in time-travel or go ahead in adding space-force to electron at light-like-velocity till we reach different speed or time-travel we will catch atleast of some kinds the verse phrases are no change wilt thou find in the practice (approved) of Allah, you will never find a change in Allah‘s consistent practice, You shall not find any change in the established practice of Allah! are the sentences of Qur'aan So ahead the experiment could lead to new thoughts so this experiment I say so at double or eight ten times adding space force to Nothing or electron at light-like velocity we will see something different or time change should happen normally. So go ahead in adding different space-force till we can gain full time in our hands. As Allaah has approved or it Allaah consistent practice or practice established by Allaah as these laws of physics too as work of (electron, Nothing, spaceforce, time) are also called same for Allaah (due to electron speed time travel will happen).

I CONTINUE FROM BEFORE PARAGRAPH And the third experiment we revolve electron opposite (direction opposite) double or ten times speed so too we can reach the beginning of time can know what was our past so words of Qur'aan like since before, in the past, very long time means see check oppositely moving electron these phrases of Qur'aan tell us to see (electron revolving in opposite direction we reach beginning of time [like what was before us]).

I CONTINUE FROM BEFORE PARAGRAPH in LHC Pipes all these three experments should be seen is told in Qur'aan OUR PEOPLE CORRECT ME DUE TO REASON VERSE could be applicable where I could be in appropriate instead of one I say other so these experiments should be seen as Allaah says practice (approved) of Allah or Allah‘s consistent practice or established practice of Allah so we should know what it is established practice or past practice so three experiments in LHC Pipes should be checked.

QUR'AAN 67:4
again and again means time so look in time eye will come back now abased word in QUR'AAN by Taqi Usmani informs force-travelling and come back means anybody can't change anything in force-travelling and time as even if we try we can't overpass and we will be in state of weairness like the other verse meaning that is dull (means no power in time before it)and discomfited in a state worn out (means no force-travelling) by Yusuf Ali, in a state of weariness (we are time wrong) by Taqi Usmani , and your sight would (wander and) return to you, bewildered and in vain! (Means lose force-travelling and time too lose) by Munir Munshey so now the translators know what is the correct meaning told in QUR'AAN. What I think is as we are there to see means only lose power in time first means humbled and fatigued means after losing time losing force-travelling (thanks to the website people for providnig literal translation from words without put brain by anybody I SAY so I say here what I think ABOUT the TRANSLATION SO THE website is islamawakened.com)

MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS certainforce@gmail.com

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