Another Bottom Line: After
creation we talk normal life and normal formulas so the order is mass then time then force so here a thing exists is
mass takes time in moving is real time and due to force applied is force. and I
also talk before creation where the order is force then time then mass
so here a thing has not existed to make it force is required which is in time
so mass is made in time.
This is bottom line: Mass could be equal to weight as same
force require to move the object if it is on earth means friction working on
it. Force couldn’t be time but could be
equal to time as it takes same (time and force) for how much force is applied
if in space to move the object.
Bottom Line:Mass
is size of the object including inside of it and force means effort
required to move an object. So Fishes swim in water means force
travelling they use or aeroplane moves due force travelling on
engines by Nothing through vacuum created as rotors attain Nothing so
aeroplane lifts up, also including air could pass to that much amount
more means that much speed in as less time possible that aeroplane
(mass) flies is lifted (due to force) up is one thing, more air can
pass that much amount that gravity doesn't effect it (aeroplane) as
air doesn’t gets (take) that much time (to pass) (so over powers
time of the aeroplane) due to more force (of air) in less time as air
is a force is same thing (like one thing I said before) (so even with
more time [incase of air] more air could pass and increased not speed
but amount of air aeroplane flies lifts up I mean) so amount of air
is required incase of air which is irrespective of time too it could
be incase of air so lifts aeroplane up due to travelling of air more
in amount is also a way aeroplane fllies like vacuum created by
rotors aeroplane flies ahead. As inreal due to the gravity[force]
can't affect aeroplane as force (force of gravity) requires time to
travel so can't travel on aeroplane in this short time (due to its
[aeroplane's]speed) so the aeroplane lifts up as force of gravity (or
Nothing of the Earth) can't travel on aeroplane due to its speed
(speed of the aeroplane) as force (of gravity) requires time to
travel. So we come to know force requires time to travel as force (of gravity or other Nothing) doesn't gets time to travel on aeroplane so aeroplane flies up. So aeroplane is an example of force requires time to travel
as we can create booster on which gravity can't travel due to speed
of the SPACESHIP from boosters. This formula is same in space too so
with higher speed of spaceship by boosters force of gravity can't
travel so spaceship can travel just due to speed of the boosters
speed which boosters brings in spaceship as there's negligible weight
in space to overcome like means negligible gravity so spaceship can
fly if is at certain speed or higher speed it is or boosters have as
much strength that gravity or Nothing of the other object doesn't
gets grip so here speed of ignition should be there in boosters so
gravity or Nothing of the other object can't effect even if we fly at
low speed speed of burning boosters should be more. OR some chemical
we make on some speed it (chemical) should be that force (force of
gravity) (or Nothing of the other object like Earth) doesn't gets
time to travel on it (as we put that chemical on SPACESHIP) by it
(that chemical) anyship anywhere could fly whether in space or on
Another Bottom Line: first force
travels from Allaah though from wherever forcetravels came from. Or on sky
Allaah’s force travels like Nothing or Energy included. Meet Allaah now
Another Bottom Line: We are time
as we do all work in time t=f/m as force and mass we are time (as order is force,
time and mass [if before creation] is from us we count is the other time (as)
we are [this time is before mass and we count time after mass{or we are force in time as t=f/m}
{that is m=f/t first we
look here no-force is mass (after creation)[no=force too could be mass]???? so
mass will be force [alone acting] if is in time [as we see in order mass, time
and force] as if in time mass
will be force too
so time=force/mass}]. {If mass remove from force then alone time is there
in Nothing} (F=m/t we are force but [if] we are in no time [so no even there]
is wrong) so m=f/t force you apply and if time isn’t there then it is steady
mass {or we are force either on mass or as
mass(we are) if time removed m=f/t} This paragraph bottomline is
included everywhere wherever I write. Letters in bold I say since long time I
try to write.
Another Bottom Line: 1/m x t is we living creature as single
force (we are living so are such single force normally single force can’t exist
and Nothing has to become curve for making living creatures ( Nothing is curve
so can use various energy levels or various spaceforce like for colliding and
for friction [with spaceforce]and for revolvation of electron[so Nothing is
curve here as in non-living creatures are made by one types forces so living
creatures do various jobs {see, think, learn, implement, talk and so Nothing
needs more forces so collision could differ by different spaceforce} together
made by more forces so Nothing is curve for living creatures[there is no space
and time curve {time is straight lines in that much occupying space that
everyspot of space is included and space is colliding by highest way of
collision that is by straight line}]).
Mass=force/time so no force is mass (as there was no time so
no force could exist) (only Nothing is there and time remove no force is
there but mass which is before time (why not that time which is before mass?).
now what is mass after time here time is equalto (=)and time=force/mass here mass
is removed so no force and only time in Nothing that is before mass or mass
is acting in time so mass will be force too. (so mass will be alone force
acting in time (but time isn’t there so is steady mass m=f/t). due to the order
mass, time and force as mass will be force too so time=force/mass so first
time is there as much force is if mass removed (is time before mass [if mass is
force]) (or mass is no-force if calculated after creation) ({or time with mass???? has same formula hinting different
if mass is steady it is time after creation and if mass is moving it is time
after creation}
)so due to no
force mass is it is only force in time (only after time mass is force*
{that is forcetravelling but}) so t=f/m (after time mass is force which is
forcetravelling) (and no mass there) so such time we are (time=force/mass is only
counting force in time [when it is so?]) (you say time is equalto[=] so time is
there so if time there it is force too there so mass removed still till
force and time there mass is there?is proved 1/m is so 1/mass=time/force
so we come to know one more formula from mass=force /time is 1/mass=time/force
so we (if no there then there is no force so anything din’t exist other than
Nothing so to make us mass and time are
there we are are such force or with time
we lead any thing other than time can’t be created and time is due to we or due
Force x time = 1/mass
we are such Nothing
Force=1/mass x
time so is Nothing force
Time=1/mass x force is Nothing.
so due to no force mass is it is only force in time
there (only after time mass is force*) so t=f/m (after time mass is force [is
force travelling too is there but as force] [or mass isn’t force but works as
force) (and no mass there) so such time we are if we
are time, no mass and force we are our force is before time and after time we
are forcetravelling so mass removed isn’t time? (is no-time for us is only time
in Nothing [but time din’t exists as can’t exists other than us. {still Nothing
is there}]
bottom line:
the formula t=f/m is mass after time but how time we say so is there mass if
removed means (but) mass was there too (so force could be stopped time but have
mass) so we know time if mass was existing. And the formula f=m/t
(before our creation) force we say is there if time removed it is steady mass
so mass could be stopped force so we know force if mass was existing without
five lines below are bottom line: (could be compared with above paragraph.
is the thing after time so t=f/m so from force if mass removed then time there
(before our creation not after [our creation]
is a thing after (due to) time so m=f/t so from force time removed then mass
bottom line*:
to force, we have our time as force means no time in Nothing (??? But and
questionmark too I say) (means Nothing and Nothing Force) (*or the object is
there time is there ) t=f/m.(mass is ineligible and is force in Nothing if mass
remove as force=mass x time is Nothing Force and also time=force/mass could
reach Nothing such time could reach Nothing)
to force [force works in time], we have our mass, as time means time after mass
m=f/t other than mass time has not happened and force too exists due to some
mass and was in time](time is ineligible* [or if time is ineligible] as without
time mass was as force before creation and after time mass is moving due to
forcetravelling and is not a force??) (this is understood but above one
[paragraph] is not understood)
*In mass=force/time mass and time both are
there andin time=force/mass time and mass both are there. So m=f/t time remove you are force
and So t=f/m mass remove you
are time it is another simplest Bottom Line. (after creation)
*This Bottom Line
I wanted:Force and time are there, is mass And mass and time are there, is
force. [time is in {but with mass?}mass due to force] (In normal life that is
after creation)
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