Then ALLAAH OR Allaah is with you, according to responding of Allaah.



Four-Topics: (This is not Belief of Allaah this IS work of ALLAAH) ZAMEER-AND-EEMAAN OR Zameer-and-eemAAN (means Loyalty, like Allaah isn’t their other than Zameer-and-Eemaan, and ALLAAH IS in you due to Zameer-and-Eemaan)-one-tag.

Rules (truth, result are the Rules of Allaah AS THE WORLD ISN’T THEIR OTHER THAN RULES OF Allaah, due to Rules of Allaah life is carried) and Principles (justice, no-rape and also BELIEF Are Principles of ALLAAH AS WORLD CAN’T WORK even if their/present other than Principles of ALLAAH, due to Principles of Allaah life is systematic/carried-ahead means all ADVANCEMENT could be their) –two-tag.

Pyschology (we don’t rape so live with cooperation so can use Money so due to this psychology we live) –three-tag,

Reason and Purpose so you have Believed (due to  Zameer-and-Eemaan, Rules-and-Principles, Psychology we Believe in Reason and Purpose) four-tag


Three Topics: (ALLAAH LIVES with you due to THIS )Namaaz (The first and The ONLY REASON to reach Allaah, and even if you do less times Namaaz still should be doing extra nifal atleast twice a week, Allaah could be contacted just due to Namaaz, some Namaaz people do so ALLAAH CAN TALK like earth could run) one-tag AND Zameer-and-Eemaan (Do Namaaz right way means without thinking in half Namaaz and if have thoughts think sentences of Allaah in other half Namaaz so if you BELIEVE IN ZAMEER-AND-EEMAAN you will do Namaaz rightly, like helping people like ourselves who are BELIEVERS or saving respect of female , IS Zameer-and-Eemaan so this Zameer-and-Eemaan is with ALLAAH)two-tag AND ALLAAH.DOES.JOB.SENTENCE  (YOU CAN KNOW Allaah due to Allaah.Does.Job.Sentences as unless ALLAAH does, there is no possibility of the jobs given by Allaah ,so such sentences are usefull as from them we know what Allaah wants as How Allaah Does The Job we learn from such sentences as ALLAAH MEANS Zameer-and-Eemaan too and Allaah isn’t Zameer-and-Eemaan wrong so such sentences are correct) three-tag.


Four-Beliefs: (This is Verification of Allaah) Nothing (The one who is having credit of all the jobs means without it any job can’t happen is Nothing, like justice can be called Nothing-correct and we are created from Nothing so we can Believe it that we are created FROM NOTHING, still for Belief Nothing isn’t the BELIEF OF ALLAAH means can’t be Believed instead of BELIEF-OF-ALLAAH/Allaah) one-tag corrected by Zameer-and-Eemaan (what ever Nothing is Zameer-and-Eemaan wrong I say can be corrected is one more way of using Zameer-and-Eemaan to know ALLAAH after job is decided from Nothing)  two-tag that corrected as some places by Qur’aanic-VERSES SEEN (IF SOME ZAMEER-AND-EEMAAN IS FUTURE WRONG means resulting in no Zameer-and-Eemaan ahead I say then Qur’aan Verse can inform correct but only after Zameer-and-Eemaan matter we should check [in Qur’aan] three-tag check by Belief.Medications-Allaah-does-job-sentences (whatever Qur’aan says we can know its implications/basis-of-ideas [ which are we find] more correct by Allaah.Does.Job.Ssentences)four-tag.


Three Topics: (This is Believing in ALLAAH MORE) ZAMEER-AND-EEMAAN-AHEAD (Anything Zameer-and-Eemaan wrong we don’t do but we should Zameer-and-Eemaan- ahead is what ALLAAH WANTS)one-tag we implement Nothing which is atleast more ZAMEER AND EEMAAN (Some Zameer-and-Eemaan correct if is giving idea of wrong Zameer-and-Eemaan then it should be corrected by bringing Nothing in it which is/will-be more Zameer-and-Eemaan )two-tag MEANS NOSE TOO WE SEE AHEAD which can’t be implemented unless we are Allaah-Correct which is extra Zameer-and-Eemaan (Nose-wrong can be easily made correct after Zameer-and-Eemaan-ahead Nothing we check is some kind of  Nose too which is more Zameer-and-Eemaan but separately we see Nose which is greater and bigger Zameer-and-Eemaan we (will come to know???) already knew  what we find in eachother  such matter-of-Nose we should see separately means such Nose matter is bigger than Zameer-and-Eemaan-ahead Nothing we check, shouldn’t be forgotten means should be again checked lastly ,which we knew from before we saw Zameer-and-Eemaan-ahead Nothing)three-tag.


Prefrence-Maker-Knowledge: (This makes you nearer to ALLAAH) firstly reason-purpose (All jobs like basic and concept or like we live with, should be by reason of ALLAAH ,and we should learn pupose of ALLAAH at different places like books and normal-life so then ALLAAH’S Rule should be established) one-tag seen for Allaah so logic,psychology correct we are (Any relation wrong we shouldn’t be is logic and the way or the belief or the goal we live with is psychology so both logic, psychology we do for ALLAAH) two-tag and we should do idea means Zameer-and-Eemaan correct first (IDEA correct means think from Zameer-and-Eemaan first then anything can help so with Zameer-and-Eemaan and after Zameer-and-Eemaan we can go ahead in ideas thought as only due to Zameer-and-Eemaan hope or advancement can be there is the matter of understanding) three-tag then also do ideology means live with right people and do correct (right way of living we can adapt only such people we have good-relations with so then we will accept right ideology to correct our life) four-tag so we will adapt all criteria for ALLAAH (our criteria is if to help Allaah then we have right-life with us so should learn more criteria to be seen for Allaah) five-tag AND all policies we have so that, ALLAAH COULD RULE (Our policies ???should be from Limit-Titles here we learn so just Allaah can work/help more and girl-favoring-policies we make by our effort which others can know, here Zameer-and-Eemaan wrong we shouldn’t become for ourselves but should be kept in mind )six-tag so we make more knowledges  like Rules-and-Principles (As like Rules-and-Principles are built by Allaah we can make more such tags to help Allaah and bring help of Allaah where Rules-and-Principles denied it/such-tags shouldn’t be) seven-tag IS Prefrence-maker-KNOWLEDGE.

AND SIXTH-Title-Limit is we implement Nothing and Zameer-and-EEMAAN from ALL TITLE-LIMIT-KNOWLEDGE (This sixth-Title-Limit means ALLAAH WAS WITH YOU SO YOU understand it or know to implement or Allaah is going to come before you) (we implement Zameer-and-Eemaan and NOthing together when all our Title-Limit-Tags we don’t understand or all Title-Limit-Tags if we are correct then we could be NOthing and Zameer-and-Eemaan tags together correct.


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