If PEOPLE AGREE WITH me can-be I write

Electrical Force-Travelling we create. From force exerted (but how? I say as We make AN OBJECT/BLOCK OF electrical signals WHICH EVEN gets activated due to the force of pushing we feel/see after it is pushed, so the more the force the more the amount of electric signals we get) by Force-Travelling I say.

So Using-Time I explain it is Force-Travelling x Time we get. So Electricity has different Using-Time or not we will come to know. So Using-Time is Force-square x Time so we come to know the shortest time in which Electricity can do job, may be fraction of a second for a 20gms thing. See-check it is so or not.

So how about gravity. Before electricity gravity is negligible (job). So try for 2gms or 0.2gms and see-check. Here due to Electricity friction can’t do anything. As centripetal-force could work and centrifugal force can’t do anything.

This formula will be helping satellites and space-ships to work/design.

If a computer program understands this formula of Using-Time different kind if computers too could be made. (as centrifugal forces like things can’t work due to use of Electricity I say).

Electricity at quantum-level is outside time, dimension, event so permanent staying in space Electricity could help I think as staying in space if we go too far, time and dimension could be transgressed alone event is their I think. (May-be if we go at more than light-like-velocity in space we reach to depth of Space, so deep in Space we might find electricity as at some higher speed we can be charged by Electricity as Electricity is from Nothing what we should see check).

Like a generator used in wind-mills where two opposite magnetic poles are side-by-side their and they are rotated to produce Electricity. Such way more electricity can be created we can come to know by Using-time Formula. Means percentage of force required due to time taken should be multiplied so we will see variations in the working of electricity-produced so at double or ten-times speed due to Time is required less any over-powering or force can be produced I mean if you use magnets instead for force-travelling it is disastrous. I say instead of kinetic energy if force-travelling is used (see-check it can be or cannot be, why?) we are out of half risk if with Electricity we don’t mess-up. So I say some electricity-built force-travelling things we arrange same way like in generator and in as much less time we can we rotate those things may be enormous energy could be produced, much more than we have-now/think . so try this idea PEOPLE.

If I am given data or information with some explanations I can write more. And I want experts advising me on the Topic which I ask for, at that time.

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