People I alone too can't work on this long note on the same subject so read it at time breaks. Different paragraphs are some different idea or could be same too. Some of things I dint explain fully like gravity formula.
So Mass And Distance Can't Be One And Also Can't Be Instead Of Each-Other I say together And Speed=Distance/Time Formula Is Wrong This Two Things I Try To Inform.
Just distance is distance between atoms** what people and government thinks.
so distance between atoms too is distance like earth has formed by covering distance so we only think mass and don't know distance (as we know) like mass is distance I say what government thinks wrong and force we know is speed by which a thing or atom moves, or earth revolves so speed is force and time is My time as I say which works due to greater speed or time-travel could be known so less in number time I talk about. So speed=distance x time is the normal formula (like distance=speed/time) which is distance=speed/time (like mass=force/time) I mean its wrong if we say speed=distance/time.------what we say G= m1 x m2 /dsquare here m1 or m2 is distance and dsquare is mass of the object as in speed=distance/time formula here TIME CAN ONLY BE REMOVED FROM FORCE OR SPEED, NOT FROM DISTANCE OR MASS respectively so what is government calculates or thinks distance is mass---what is distance between atoms or what is mass.----as time remove from force or speed is mass or distance is the confusion------time removed from force is different from time remove from speed no it is same (government understands) but distance what we calculate here is mass??? as speed=distance/time as distance=speed x time is mass??? if by this formula speed and time are one then we are inside us which is mass so either speed or time one is before then it is outside mass which is distance as here we are means outside water bubble. As we live in water bubble I write. So dsquare is mass of the object we came to know if speed and time are one. And as m1 and m2 are distance as thing thrown up and coming down both are distance we calculate it isn't mass.
#what government thinks distance is mass of earth as distance between atoms too is distance so here we only think mass instead of distance (which is correct). what we say m1 x m2 / dsquare here dsquare is mass of object and m1 m2 is distance between atoms of a substance so for the object as speed=distance/time here time can only be removed from force or speed not from distance so this formula is wrong so what government thinks distance should be mass so what is distance between atoms what is mass.----AS TIME REMOVE FROM FORCE OR SPEED IS MASS OR DISTANCE RESPECTIVELY, time removed from force is different from time remove from speed no it is same as force and speed could be replaced by eachother but the formula is different as distance=speed/time is (the real formula) different from mass=force/time its different here mass and distance aren't the same things $ so mass we think as distance what formula says as (for the two formula) force is related to mass (mass=force/time) and speed is related to distance (distance=speed/time) so difference between force and speed is I say force is before speed (in past) and speed is force applied together (in present) SO SPEED CAN ONLY BE FIRSTLY APPLIED ON (DEAL WITH) DISTANCE (as MASS isn't there if force is applied as mass deals with force. but government thinks mass as no-opposite force which is wrong (mass is opposite to force) so distance what we calculate is mass so by formula speed=distance/time means distance=speed x time we get mass of the object as speed and time are one (same) with mass, and, speed and time are not one (not same) with distance as distance is something other than speed or time (which is from a place) so what government thinks distance (due to speed and time) is mass AS FORMULA FOR SPEED AND TIME IS SPEED=DISTANCE/TIME MEANS DUE TO TIME REMOVE FROM DISTANCE IS MASS WHAT MASS IS INREAL WE GET, SPEED AND TIME ARE RELATED TO MASS [SO SPEED AND TIME IS WITH MASS WHAT WE COME TO KNOW])[so speed or time is with mass this is what we come to know]) and FORCE CAN BE APPLIED ON JUST MASS?!? (here DISTANCE isn't there if force is applied (means that much distance is covered [distance deals with mass]) as opposite force is if there (due to which force comes in to existence by bracing is mass) this is mass what government calculates as distance like I say ahead, so force and time are one (same) with distance and force and time are not one (not same) with mass (so formula mass=force/time gives mass as time remove from force is force too removed so force and time aren't there with mass)as mass is something other than force or time (which is stagnant at a place)so what government thinks mass (due to force and time) is distance AS FORMULA FOR FORCE AND TIME IS MASS=FORCE/TIME MEANS DUE TO TIME REMOVE FORCE TOO IS REMOVED WHAT MASS IS INREAL WE GET, FORCE AND TIME ARE RELATED TO DISTANCE [SO FORCE AND TIME IS WITH DISTANCE WHAT WE COME TO KNOW]) so my formula mass=force/time is time remove from force means distance too remove and the formula known by government which is speed=distance/time is time remove from distance is mass.
The Two Formulas Distance=Speed/Time And Mass=Force/Time Are Seen Due To Each-Other But Can't Replace Eachother.
And my distance is mass what government thinks. Speed x time is mass and not distance (from speed=distance/time) and (speed=distance/time is proved WRONG BY mass=force/time where mass is distance and force is speed). mass=force/time is same as distance=speed/time so for speed=distance x time so with distance and time together speed is so SPEED=DISTANCE/TIME what is wrong formula IT MEANS ONLY THE OBJECT WAS THERE and din't do a job means speed wasn't there if time wasn't there normally we think but inreal distance WHICH DIN'T CAME IN TIME IS (FROM) so there was no distance as no time was there to form distance means distance is wrong here DISTANCE WASN'T EXISTING if time wasn't existing IT IS MASS EXSITING IF WE SEE time remove as speed=distance/time so this distance=speed x time is mass. So just distance is replaced by mass??? real formula is distance=speed/time which is same as mass=force/time.
And DISTANCE IS MASS (by quantum way or in normal life) by way distance=speed/time so from speed time is removed so THE CAR WAS SKITING ALONE AND ONLY SPEED the car HAS REACHED [THAT MUCH] DISTANCE is the size of the car (MEANS CAR IS IN A PLACE SO DISTANCE EXISTS) IS WHAT GOVERNMENT THINKS IS MASS which is wrong is due to developing force is speed {if we see speed=distance/time it can't be force=mass/time}(SO SPEED IS DUE TO FORCE [as explained in above paragraph] and not that mass develops force (SO by formula speed=distance/time [what is wrong] and mass=force/time [what is correct] (developing force is speed (SO SPEED IS DUE TO FORCE so speed should be replaced by force and not that mass replaced by force neither mass develops force (so formula speed=distance/time is wrong and distance=speed/time is same as mass=force/time) as mass can be replaced by distance as mass has beginning point and end point like distance SO FORMULA MASS=FORCE/TIME IS REPLACED BY DISTANCE=SPEED/TIME [and not that speed=distance /time])MASS DOESN'T DEVELOPS FORCE DEVELOPING FORCE IS SPEED so speed is instead of force by formula so mass=force/time is correct comparing to distance=speed/time), and OTHER THING IF WE SEE force makes electron revolve or earth revolves by force so??? distance = speed / time here from speed time is removed so it means distance was still there not that mass is there what I say is correct as government replaces mass and distance instead of each-other is wrong.
As government thinks speed=distance/time (so distance=speed x time is wrong as carried away by speed and time is mass and not distance. Also time isnt't time-achieved so time is [should be] reduced and removed from speed that is distance ) which means from distance time is removed which INREAL MEANS MASS HERE, DISTANCE IS MASS (LIKE mass=force/time is same as distance=speed/time what are correct formulas) AS OBJECT IS CARRIED AWAY WITH SPEED AND TIME, IS MASS (whether we see quantum-way or see on Earth) it is not so that distance, distance can't be carried away DUE TO SPEED so the equation is wrong if we say speed=distance/time so speed=distance x time is correct. AND AS FROM DISTANCE WE REMOVE TIME MEANS FORCE BY WHICH THE THING IS MADE IS ALSO REMOVED SO THERE IS NO SPEED so speed=distance/time is wrong. SO distance=speed/time means from speed is if there with time removed is distance as speed is in distance so atleast distance remains if we remove time as distance is already there outside speed and time so distance=speed/time what Allaah has created.
SO SPEED IS DUE TO FORCE and not that mass develops force!!! so force can't be replaced by mass and inreal distance is also a kind of force now it can't replace mass?!? as mass isn't any kind of force but NOTHING working within/in-between forces. mass=force/time compared with speed=distance/time this formula is wrong so correct formula is distance=speed/time so for mass and distance there is different formula they aren't instead of each other. So speed is due to force not that mass is due to force.(formula can inform it?!?)
as something moving is due to force so context of force speed too is a kind of force. Means in section of force speed can be seen as force as speed too could create the same thrust like force.?!?
So My formula mass=force/time is equal to distance=speed/time. I mean if time is removed from speed (force) then there is distance (like mass in other formula) alone remaining as what is no-force is distance (like two forces are exact against eachother that way distance is formed due to neutral force).while speed is force (so speed=distance/time formula is wrong) so distance and force can't replace eachother due to distance is no-force, and mass and distance what government thinks wrong as has inreal separate formulas (as I mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph).
so SPEED=DISTANCE/TIME what is wrong formula one more way it is wrong IT MEANS ONLY THE OBJECT WAS THERE WHICH DIN'T CAME IN TIME (what is it FROM) so there was no distance as no time was there to form distance means distance is wrong here DISTANCE WASN'T EXISTING in our world only NOTHING couldn't require time at any distance such speed is NOTHING, AND IT IS NOTHING EXSITING AS MASS WHICH IS as in formula speed=distance/time distance doesn't exists as time first makes the distance which is removed so due to it (the WRONG FORMULA) we get speed which is at that time alone and for velocity this formula can't work I mean for average speed this formula can't work as distance is mass AS DISTANCE QUANTUM-WAY IS MASS as there is no average mass due to we are in a bubble[as mass=distance, force=speed, time=time-achieve] we live in a bubble I mean our volume formula can inform it) what we think distance is mass.
DISTANCE IS MASS (by quantum way or in normal life) by way distance=speed/time so from speed time is removed so THE CAR WAS SKITING ALONE at a place AND ONLY SPEED the car HASN'T REACHED [THAT MUCH] DISTANCE (the tire is rotating at a place) ??? (MEANS CAR IS IN A PLACE SO DISTANCE EXISTS) IS WHAT GOVERNMENT THINKS IS MASS so due to speed=distance/time government thinks distance so time could only be removed from speed as if from distance time is removed means distance isn't formed due to speed=distance/time so no question of speed but MASS CAN BE FORMED DUE TO TIME REMOVE ???(distance = speed / time the distance here is mass but how???) could only be due to speed means if speed was there, so either it is we get mass or distance as time remove from speed either it is light-like-velocity (means mass) or the place is there for a car to stand if time is removed which it is also because time of formation we din't remove (no quantum time of formation we remove) of that thing even if we write time-remove (FROM SPEED IS DISTANCE?!? for formula distance=speed/time) if we go quantum so either time achieved we are or place of that thing ( formed car) means distance is there. Is time remove doesn't removes the existence??? I mean only quantum way we are there if we time remove (so normally only that thing or that place is there if we time remove.)
Due to developing force is due to speed and not mass (so for mass=force/time same as distance=speed/time) so speed=distance x time and force=mass x time. So due to developing force is due to speed and not due to distance alone, it REQUIRES TIME, WITH DISTANCE OR MASS, TO DEVELOP SPEED OR FORCE, it requires time so speed=distance/time is wrong as time should be with distance or mass not that removed from distance or mass, as if time remove from distance or mass is wrong as then distance and mass doesn't exists as distance and mass aren't there now SPEED ISN'T THERE IF TIME REMOVE FROM DISTANCE in speed=distance/time (force=speed, mass=distance, time=time-achieve) IT IS NO MASS WHAT WE THINK AS MASS FROM FORMULA SPEED=DISTANCE/TIME!!!now distance is there if time remove from speed distance=speed/time (its correct) or time is there if distance remove from speed is can also be seen by time=force/mass time=speed/distance or if we see distance= time/speed or mass=time/force what government calculates I deny it??? or speed=distance/time (is same as force=mass/time) as time remove can't be from distance speed=distance/time one thing (as atleast time exists even if any thing is removed) I mean so distance isn't there not that time isn't there and it is so distance isn't there due to mass is the real thing as it can't be distance If Time Remove Distance distance Can't Be Outside Time (so speed=distance/time is wrong) So What Government Thinks Distance Is Mass!!! Time Remove Can't Be From Distance But Time Remove Could Be From Mass. So we get steady mass if time is removed from mass!?! so force/time=mass or speed/time=distance are different formula AS FROM DISTANCE TIME CAN'T BE REMOVED DUE TO THERE IS NO DISTANCE IF TIME REMOVE {AS SPEED BECOMES AN EXTRA FORCE SO TIME COULD BE REMOVED FROM FORCE but} WHEREAS FROM MASS TIME COULD BE REMOVED AS IT IS QUANTUM WAY EXISTING MEANS AT ITS PLACE THE THING IS THERE {AS MASS COULD BE SEPERATED FORM ACTION OF FORCE [WHICH IS IN TIME]}???###
for speed=distance/time or time=distance/speed so if speed removed from distance there is no distance and no time I mean distance and time both doesn't remain by time=distance/speed so the formula should be as we see from time=mass/force SO MASS=FORCE X TIME MEANS DISTANCE=SPEED X TIME SO THIS FORCE X TIME,OR SPEED X TIME, DOESN'T EXISTS aren't the formula for mass and distance?!? so are wrong formula. As due to force x time mass is carried away so mass is not there at that place so it is for mass working (AHEAD OR IN TIME) and not distance!!!FOR MASS=FORCE X TIME AND as distance can't be removed from place means can't travel only mass could be removed or travel to place is mass alone FOR DISTANCE=SPEED X TIME. (as the formula goes wrong mass=force x time means distance=speed x time this is what speed=distance/time formula states as Mass Should Be Distance, Force Should Be Speed, And Time Is Time-Achieved so MASS=FORCE/TIME I SAY CORRECT DUE TO WHICH DISTANCE=SPEED/TIME IS WHAT THE FORMULA SHOULD BE I mean this way is the correct formula mass=force/time and from this formula if other formulas will be understood will be correct too.)
Mass is distance inside mass government thinks by speed=distance/time (as distance can't be removed from place means can't travel only mass could be removed or travel to a place so without time no distance their but object could be their) and Distance means mass inside distance which means water bubble government thinks?!? doesn't think!
so I explain My Formula:
From My formula if speed, distance, time any one isn't there formula has no meaning. I say the real formula now.
so distance=speed/time so from speed time is removed then there is distance alone which is in no time. Quantum-way if we are in no time and we are at some speed then what we find we are in distance. This is the normal way understood formula. The two formula I write down are some complicated to me.
So time=speed/distance means it is place of the car or mass of it as even if the car is steady AS DISTANCE ISN'T THERE so speed too isn't there so time passess. OR so from speed distance is removed still time is there as car skit-ting takes time at a place. OR SPEED MEANS ELECTRON AT QUANTUM SPEED from it distance removed so mass we get which is in time. OR alone speed is their and there is no distance is NOTHING. OR we reach at light-like-velocity so there is alone speed and no distance. So this formula is same for calculations in NOTHING too like on Earth.
So speed=distance x time. In distance means not at a steady place if time passess by covering such distance then we are at some speed. OR in time we are at quantum-way then distance is mass if it was so then their is no speed so to see in quantum-way too it is same as in quantum-way if we are in time then it is distance we cover if we are in time it is not mass we calculate there what MY FORMULA INFORMS SO then distance we calculate instead of mass if we look quantum-way. OR distance and time together makes speed is MY NORMAL formula explanation which is workable to see in quantum-way or in NOTHING too we can see same way.
So I write one paragraph again:
what government thinks distance is mass of earth as distance between atoms too is distance so here we only think mass instead of distance (which is correct). what we say m1 x m2 / dsquare as I say here dsquare is mass of object and m1 m2 is distance between atoms of a substance this way formula is calculated so for the object as speed=distance/time here time can only be removed from force or speed not from distance so this formula is wrong so what government thinks distance should be mass so what is distance between atoms what is mass.----AS TIME REMOVE FROM FORCE OR SPEED IS MASS OR DISTANCE RESPECTIVELY, time removed from force is different from time remove from speed no it is same as force and speed could be replaced by eachother but the formula is different as distance=speed/time is (the real formula) different from mass=force/time its different here mass and distance aren't the same things $ so mass we think as distance what formula says as (for the two formula) force is related to mass (mass=force/time) and speed is related to distance (distance=speed/time) so difference between force and speed is I say force is before speed (in past) and speed is force applied together (in present) SO SPEED CAN ONLY BE FIRSTLY APPLIED ON (DEAL WITH) DISTANCE (as MASS isn't there if force is applied as mass deals with force. but government thinks mass as no-opposite force which is wrong (mass is opposite to force) so distance what we calculate is mass so by formula speed=distance/time means distance=speed x time we get mass of the object as speed and time are one (same) with mass, and, speed and time are not one (not same) with distance as distance is something other than speed or time (which is from a place) so what government thinks distance (due to speed and time) is mass AS FORMULA FOR SPEED AND TIME IS SPEED=DISTANCE/TIME MEANS DUE TO TIME REMOVE FROM DISTANCE IS MASS WHAT MASS IS INREAL WE GET, SPEED AND TIME ARE RELATED TO MASS [SO SPEED AND TIME IS WITH MASS WHAT WE COME TO KNOW])[so speed or time is with mass this is what we come to know]) and FORCE CAN BE APPLIED ON JUST MASS?!? (here DISTANCE isn't there if force is applied (means that much distance is covered [distance deals with mass]) as opposite force is if there (due to which force comes in to existence by bracing is mass) this is mass what government calculates as distance like I say ahead, so force and time are one (same) with distance and force and time are not one (not same) with mass (so formula mass=force/time gives mass as time remove from force is force too removed so force and time aren't there with mass)as mass is something other than force or time (which is stagnant at a place)so what government thinks mass (due to force and time) is distance AS FORMULA FOR FORCE AND TIME IS MASS=FORCE/TIME MEANS DUE TO TIME REMOVE FORCE TOO IS REMOVED WHAT MASS IS INREAL WE GET, FORCE AND TIME ARE RELATED TO DISTANCE [SO FORCE AND TIME IS WITH DISTANCE WHAT WE COME TO KNOW]) so my formula mass=force/time is time remove from force means distance too removed (here distance is instead of mass and force is instead of speed) and the formula known by government which is speed=distance/time is time remove from distance is mass.
Speed=distance/time here from distance time is removed so
either distance can’t be calculated or distance din’t formed.
From the formula
Speed=distance/time,So if from distance time is removed we come to know speed
is wrong as Speed and time if seen together then we are inside us.
DISTANCE OR MASS so speed=distance/time is wrong.SO SPEED OR TIME IS WITH MASS
THIS IS WHAT WE COME TO KNOW]) means speed or time are first with mass not with
distance first (so after mass only, speed or time could be with distance…not
before) so speed=distance/time formula is wrong. SO FORCE AND TIME IS WITH
DISTANCE WHAT WE COME TO KNOW] means force and time are first with distance not
with mass first (so after distance only, speed and time could be with mass ….not
before) so force and time are with distance means mass=force/time is correct
and time aren't there with mass)as mass is something other than force or time
(which is stagnant at a place) but distance can be with speed or time if, then after
it it is mass (so formula speed=distance/time [which is
mass] is wrong and distance=speed/time
is correct.)
distance is something other than speed or time (which is from a place) but mass
can be with force or time if ,then after it it is distance. (so mass=force/time
is [more] correct and formula speed=distance/time is wrong).
Mass means distance is in quantum-way. Speed=distance/time
doesn’t says it. It this formula doesn’t includes distance as time removed if
then distance isn’t formed if we see quantum-way. (this formula Speed=distance/time
just informs mass). And We live just in mass here there is no distance as we
live in a bubble but if we see mass quantum way it is distance. So for formula
for distance, we require speed and time, so in speed there is time getting
minus to reach ahead is speed. Distance we have to check quantum way as if
normal distance was there then some time was also there so time can’t be removed
form distance but time could be removed from force then we get mass which is
distance in quantum-way so mass=force/time is correct formula###. so either
time or distance could be removed from
speed not that speed remove we make as speed can’t be removed???(time remove
from speed so after travelling object came at halt so we came to know distance
so distance=speed/time).
TIME REMOVE FROM DISTANCE IS MASS and time remove from force
is a kind of speed speed which is light-like-velocity or no speed means a thing
at halt it is. Time remove from speed is force existing without working which is
distance as no speed means at halt so speed isn’t there if time removed from speed
but already travelled distance is there.
(due to speed and time) is mass
(due to force and time) is distance
and distance are opposite things so can’t be seen together and so speed is if
there distance is past/crossed and speed also means no distance ahead so speed
and distance are opposite so speed=distance/time is either wrong or can’t be
seen together (or we are inside us? Or we get mass due to speed=distance/time?)
and mass are same things so my formula mass=force/time is correct. Mass works
due to force and mass is made up of force like due to force mass could be used
as we are outside us and we get distance due to force and mass
if time remove there is time in my formula mass=force/time as time remove from force we get mass so get the steady object which is in
ample amount of time. whereas in the other formula speed=distance/time there is
no time if time remove from speed or distance so existence of time is denied in
this formula.
is mass in my formula mass=force/time and in other formula speed=distance/time
there is no speed.
is force corresponding to distance and there is speed corresponding to mass is
a right thing.
is the speed inside mass due to we live in a water bubble.
it means from speed time is removed so on that much travelled distance we come
to know.
So we come to know time remove from force is mass
and time remove from speed is distance.
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