Some new discoveries people thinking it is the Title.

Some new discoveries people thinking it is the Title.

where force=Nothing Force, Nothing acting too=Force, f=like applied force = m=mass, t=time, w=weight, f=force, Energy=ENERGY, forcetavelling=Force Travelling

FORMULAS: mass=force/time, time=force/mass, Nothing=mass x time, ENERGY=(mass x force)/(weight x time), Force Travelling=mass x time x weight x force or (m x t x fsqaure)

Nothing f=m x t so f/t x f/m so fsquare/Nothing is Nothing Force.

Energy (m x f) / (w x t) so [(f/t) x m x t] / (w x t) so (f x m) / (w x t). or (f x m) / (w x t)  so (f x m)/ (w x f/m) so (f x msquare) / w so msquare / weight some energy function is there which due to weight can't work and will work on weight remove. And if force and time are one (due to it is energy as functions keeps happening exact with time) so in (f x m) / (w x t) so mass/weight is energy. All force removed so no-weight too there so time too removed [could be past] but the thing is there is will be Energy as thing other than weight force and time is Energy. Force will do what other than Energy existence isn’t there, as energy has no time and mass too don’t have (so no question of weight) so on Energy force is applied.

Friction only results in Energy as molecule has not formed so it is Energy. After Energy making electron due to friction force-travelling too could be there. Energy is between electron and Nothing. it is a thing other than force as force of friction bringing electron in time energy is before it makes electrons work means do the job or makes the creation.

And our existence is only on force-travelling such force-travelling could only work on Energy as other than Energy friction force brings force-travelling but Electronic configuration other than My Theory is Energy as MY THOERY only works on force. No, things can’t become on alone force but My THEORY ON FORCE IS CORRECT only ENERGY IS INCLUDED.

As weight is opposite force to mass and event so due to weight event doesn’t happen if after creation we see and due to weight is not formed before creation only force firstly then mass are there (if before ceation).

Force Travelling (m x t x w x f) f/t x f/m x w x f/t so (fcube x w/tsquare x m) so f raise to four / t cube we have so f raise to four is due to weight and force [force of gravity and force to move the object {or force working in the object-force travelling}are equal] are same (in the last bracket) and t cube is due to mass and time are same required to make an object in case of Force Travelling [given in second last bracket].
Force Travelling: (fcube x w/tsquare x m) so f raise to four (mass, force, weight, time so number four ) / t cube (mass, force, time so number three) so normally force travelling is just weight.


F=m x t if mass is electron (normal speed) its value reaches to the time it takes for one round seen [from] h2o (water molecule) incase of normal electron so h2o gets formed time is the normal time so we keep multiply it with spaceforce velocity which is half of light like velocity and keep multiplying (it) (to normal electron speed) again till we reach the result is beginning of the universe???. How will we know it?? We reach there where electron is not formed OR water (h2o) doesn’t remain water (h2o) OR  so we reach where friction has not happened OR so will find spaceforce and Nothing different OR  will find electron is forming OR/and we will find something dashing with Nothing. SO THESE WORDS SEPERATED BY OR I SAY we will find by colliding with h2o (water) with another water molecule I say (one with increased speeds and other normal) which is normally water which is if at half-of-light-like-velocity and it is spaceforce too.

I continue above paragraph so I say : So here that much time (time of revolving of water molecule in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) multiplied by mass (of water molecule) such speed with we make it revolve by taking it  (including) speed of light-like-velocity multiplied (for the second time next time [as is next water molecule] as once we see it takes how much time so multiply by that time with revolving speed of water molecule (pass through LHC) (By dashing it with another electron which is at light-like velocity [or spaceforce velocity {half of light-like-velocity}

I continue above paragraph so I say :We keep multiplying again till we get the results (of water molecule which is as space force speed multiplied with increasing such efforts in each new number a spaceforce velocity increased to multiply with normal water molecule (h2o) as it is as much times it means we use with water molecule for colliding till we reach the result as we come to know what is spaceforce as (I say in this paragraph adding more spaceforces (speed of second electron)(means such speeds increased with one of the molecule [and other is normal water molecule]) to multiply to dash with water molecule])

I continue above paragraph so either we come to know spaceforce or electrons collide at high velocity could result in past or formation of Universe. Like water molecule other things too could be seen.

Some particles formed due to colliding water molecule when at the speed of ten times light-like velocity like with air molecule we use (with water) I say could result in new creation from air (increased speed of air) as water is same as the normal electron state. Here one example is air we can use anything other than air to collide its electron with water as I explained in paragraphs above under LHC (Large Hadron Collider) title.

Things with more number of electrons in outer orbit reacts with water and things with more number of shells results in more energy shells for force travelling just the shells are used for forcetravelling same way number of electrons (in outer most shell) results in more friction so energy can work more which is between friction and Nothing as per ENERGY FORMULA I explained here (on this page). We can live on ENERGY too other than friction but to make us it (ENERGY) is in time normally Energy process isn’t in OR doesn’t require time. so you decide to live on Force Travelling or live on Energy. I say both are from Allaah in forcetravelling force come to us from Allaah and in ENERGY MATTER we gain Energy such Energy is seperate from Allaah created from water before Nothing. so what is GOD PARTICLE JUST ENERGY EFFICIENT THING WE CREATE THAT IS from water or Nothing develop continuous energy that is use of electron is there but reach Nothing is required or go to the part of beginning creation of water.

So continue from above: Where electrons collide we reach it is found with both Nothing and Water so I say if there is no-time for friction that is Energy, if friction carries time it is water, and if we are before time we are in Nothing as time is from outside dimensions it is there before the creation of the Universe so could let us reach Nothing. after creation of Universe Force Travelling came but Energy was before it so mass was there which were in time first then were Energy then were Force Travelling then with force gets created to balance time and friction. (like before creation force time and mass were there in this order so forcetravelling, energy and time were in this order before force created so time is with creation and mass is allowed to work).as we are mass other things like force, time, other mass, Nothing, Energy, time, forcetravelling, water are working.

After friction we are created so we are ENERGY too after friction is different thing so Energy before friction is our creation formed or can be informing. Before friction we are Nothing and with friction we are water. With friction we can create new things due to water is available, before friction is ENERGY which we can’t do anything and Nothing before friction we rely on.

Any opposite force if electron is if bigger it is more in past (due to opposite force of Nothing). so size of the molecule should be taken bigger for more force-travel result of past become more. So we can reach past easily due to past of the molecule due to its size or charge. People charge I din’t study so don’t know.

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