Car is stopped is due to some opposite
force was there to stop it it is so even if the car is parked and
din't go anywhere. Some forces make us work and some stop both are
forces. A thing is steady due to forces are not against it and some
force stops it too so it is steady. To work some new forces are
required which were not there from before. Living things create
forces to do new jobs. Non-living things if we design only then could
create forces otherwise only living thing makes force. A computer
does too much other job than we think as it can create forces other
than typing too as the software works it results in forces to be
As we do event a force is created so we
keep creating forces like farishtey too could keep record such way.
Event only happens if opposite force
has not worked in opposite direction as petrol or some force applied
nullifies the force. Event could mulify force or any force could be
nullified by event. Here a thing is force and existence is force and
everything is working like electron functioning unless an opposite
force stops it.SO LAW 3 of My NOTHING FORCE Theory.
Anything square is Nothing Force if
distance square we talk. Only force is the difference as two
forces are opposite or distance too a force is (distance can also be
two opposite forces [it is as you consider or count it is a force
will be ). As you can count are the number of forces. It is the
theory you consider by identification (so this is the theory means
this paragraph I say) As you tag the thing so are the numbers.
A thing balances due to
force-travelling on friction as force keeps on travelling back and
forth and a thing could balance till force keeps on travelling (which
is Nothing Force) as either force can't travel it falls (like a pile
of books) or some solid material force travelling keeps it erect so
here force travels on the friction which is holding it on the
base and
due to force doesn't travel on the sides of building it could be
pushed out which friction stops it (from sides too) as force-travel
just balances it,
as down to up force travels after force first travels from up to
down, so this balances the building as first force travels from up
(so a pile of books doesn't slips from down but falls from up without
anybody pushing (no neutral point is there in case of two
force-travel opposite to each other [in any balancing structure])
first force-travel from up due to Nothing is more up. And a building
or a pile of books balances due to force keeps travelling (pushing
which is possible due to friction) from up to down first and the from
down to up is the same (or other force?) it keeps travelling two
opposite ways two opposite force are first from up to down and down
to up force is in past (due to it is Nothing Force free of time or
time achieved Nothing Force is) so vibration doesn't happen or happen
(but it balances) it is force travelling which results in balance due
to force is in past too (or time travel of the force).
Any aeroplane doesn't fly other than force-travel. The force of
aeroplane travels on air due to aeroplane is made force by its rotor
which takes power from Nothing. Or vacuum of Nothing works to make
itself as a force by moving of the rotor as rotor results in force
travelling but they (rotor) are differnt force.
Force are balanced one finishes one gets born. We move a block some
force we apply so make a force and sameway some opposite force dies
so we do an event could create new force but some opposite force
dies. Such way one force dies and one is made forces are balancing.
Even with BIG-BANG too forces are there same as when BIG-BANG started
that is Islaam Qur'aan Theory my Unique-Aqeedah blog in past I write
says it and LHC could be useful to created new forces like BIG-BANG.
To know creation of universe we need to create same forces means like
forces comparing to BIG-BANG again for that event is required. So
collision of space-force that is electron at half of light-like
velocity should be colliding with other electron which is at
light-like velocity this I say and/or keep adding space-force more in
number to electron at light-like velocity till we reach BIG-BANG so
for it is do the experiment (electron colliding with electron at
speed difference of space-force I mean keep adding it [space-force
length] to one which was at light-like velocity and we check) our
checking tool is spaceforce (with spaceforce we collide other
electron by adding more such to electrons with speed who are at
light-like velocity) (we have electron at lightlike velocity and the
result is adding more space-forces for collision to electron at
light-like velocity by keep increasing this space-force as many times
till reach the creation [[by colliding it {to}with same one
space-force {electron}]) that is Nothing as result is if water h20 we
have reached the creation again add one (more) space-force to it so
two kinds of electrons we require at a time for collision {one is
difference of space force by increasing it and other is space-force
it self} (space-force is half of light-like velocity [time-travel])to
see the reaction so we reach Nothing after colliding and adding 9 or
20 such big number space-forces (to electron at light-like
velocity)so definately reach the creation. As Qur'aan says we are
created from water so I say it.
if the force is at light-like velocity then it is Nothing no not
anything such will be, just it is taking power from Nothing. A point
of Nothing is at light-like velocity this I don't know here but I say
it it is not less than light-like velocity or I will think later so
couldn't inform you.
Some extra write I write:
Here and there is due to forces. As
forces are formed distance is there. Due to difference of forces it
is here and there different (not sure). Now here is nowhere as we see
forces at all place means we are there too (a force who see other
forces) so no where are we which is nowhere. So no-where and now-here
is same so Allaah could know us even when our surrounding Allaah
sees. Allaah commands by the command of Allaah forces changes so
thing happens I mean even if job done half forces changes complete by
command of Allaah so job happens by change of forces. Allaah means
keep creating forces for what is correct and Allaah keeps killing
forces if they are wrong means for wrong job which makes the world
run. Two opposite forces formed the distance so distance is there as
other than distance is single force which can't be other than Nothing
so can't exists. If you pray Allaah keeps changing forces for you.
(this paragraph is one part-distance was Nothing here no nowhere).
In (of artificial things I say here)
water force-travelling is opposite to the flow of water as water is
created by opposite force alone so water is inreal flowing opposite
even when forging ahead it becomes equally opposite. Nothing is not a
force but forces come from Nothing means after Allaah. Sky and Trees
are neither forces nor a thing they are non-living things who work as
living thing for us, like Trees and Sky who let us able to live only
conquer the force world we are half forces we are due to Sky and
Trees make us, for it we don't have explanation forces they aren't
but can even help half forces as we are made by two forces one are we
and the other is opposite from Nothing such two kinds of forces we
are. If scanner of force we create it could work as computer or not
as only keys recognise force, no css, no programs we have all don't
recognize force so just writing is force in computer and making
Artificial -Intelligence is more easy than building a computer.
Mirror is examining forces as force can't be outside mirror it
reflects back (which is one event in past) after we see then we are
in mirror as it is one event behind means a force here behind as past
and present are due to forces new force comes from future it (we come
to know) becomes past which is present (understood from mirror) and
all force died are not killed but go in to past. A car moves ahead by
killing a force and making new force after it leaves (so is able to
survive) so new force created as killing forces and forming forces by
both a car could move. A force denies event so car moves half and as
a force formed from event car completes one moving.
A force is created in one time and a
force is killed total energy in the Universe remains the same is due
to number of forces remain same.
Forces are in ample amount there then
the job is for Allaah you did, only Allaah can decide forces (right
and wrong). Allaah said is heard by forces first then the message
comes to us. So according to the Forces Allaah talks to us (points
required and no-required). Forces aren't formed other than laws of
Allaah work. Everything even heaven is made-up of forces so anylaw
can't come into effect other than the reliable forces by Allaah. If
Allaah is UP Forces keep changing so if can track forces we can know
Allaah is UP. Atleast Allaah isn't that force which is the highest
Other than time or friction nullifies
force keeps going ahead only time and friction could nullify force
and not any else thing could nullify force. Due to force-travelling
is the third force to Forces second are we opposite Force in making
of electron we are outside time whereas force-travelling is in time
even it is past and is the opposite force of Nothing which gives us
identity is the third thing.
Where there is force-travelling lamp
could reach otherwise light couldn't be recognized will not be there
or not seen unless some surface reflects it so it is the other force
where it reflects (that's how) other than force-travelling light
can't exsits. There is no distance for light so from anywhere light
could be reflected just reflection made possible by two forces there
in the same time that is distance of light like velocity if
something outside some force is outside then light have a distance
(other than outside time light doesn't have a distance). Distance is
due to force so light is only in force world uptill we know. Two
forces can only meet if Allaah makes them and Allaah or Nothing is in
between otherwise they can't meet can't apply force on each-other so
can't talk or still things has happened which is no-talk.
One More Theory I WRITE:
Somebody united three timetravel so
there are six dimesnions as half are opposite and if they are in same
timetravel for each-other they are zero (due to time-travel we can
know that there are six dimensions or three dimensions as just
opposite to one dimension is a side so other three dimensions are on
one side so may not be three dimensions [on the other side] as we
count only one dimensions as opposite so I don't know here what are
opposite dimensions) . So our time is with dimensnions who are at
time zero (equal time-travel dimesnions are in) as we don't know
outside dimensions even time is outside dimensions. As only three
time-travel is our UNIVERSE MORE time-travel is outside dimensions so
time exists outside dimensions. As before the big-bang
force-travelling was there so explosions were there and time we live
is after big-bang so it is opposite time we live in different with
all events as we are made by event of friction so force-travelling,
time and frcition are there where mass and weight become, mass become
due to time (normal time) and weight become due to opposite time (too
we have I mean one more time-travel) kept in an object like distance
are two time-travel opposite so two time (different time) opposite
both there is distance so distance so there with three dimensions is
another time-travel (two opposite direction time-travel joined
from there ends is distance). And there is no space-time curve but I
say time if goes in opposite direction is mixing of time I say as the
first point with normal time and while going opposite it becomes
curve due to difference of event and it doesn't goes opposite on the
same line but goes opposite on other line which begins from curve of
opposite time. So time is curve is due to opposite event done as once
happened job such time can't be changed (as oppostie time is curve so
another line [ forms in opposite direction]) so time can be curve but
we deny job of that time [but time's place is different {in case of
opposite direction time}). And space is curve or even based on curve
as electron we are based on which move in curve orbit like Nothing or
three dimensions meet due to curve. So there is no space-time curve
but space is curve due to electron is curve so can take power from
curve force so space is curve as is in more than one time same way
time is curve also if opposite direction we go in so space and time
are seperately curve means no space-time curve. And zero of time are
dimensions, one dimension is one time zero.
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