ON ARTIFICIAL Intelligence

This paragraphs are number 2.
Think and do: sit, stand, don't harm-no unwanted action with people, grab and pick only by listening commands.

Think and govern: to not harm

think and handle: handle with care.

Think and tackle: talk with people.
This paragraphs are number 3.

Rules: to not rape and is to not steal anybody's belonging and there are no-lies lies we don't keep.

Reason: to get accustomed and accomodated with people like talk, reply. To speak is the reason.

Purpose: to get our job done that is talk too and join the commands for new work possible, like reason rules policy. It means so/or Logic and psychology they shouldn't be changing.

Policy: to work by justice, balance to be justice or know Nothing and Reality.
This paragraph is number 4.
Commands: to keep promise and do justice and be loyal is Nothing and Reality.

Logic: only possible jobs are there like steal, rape, grab, punch, speak lies all such no possible

psychology: as we don't rape we trust each other and exchange money and talk exchange too with it.

(note: if logic not explained when robots lose command it could result in crime. Note: by psychology if not deny them then their basic they could lose as they will see girls too so this they will understand from psychology to not grab girls or torture or don't go against there wish if believe in psychology whereas from logic they can't understand so logic is the can't understand command even when they are no brothers and sisters. And psychology is there understand command so will not listen against girls.)

(note: if no logic explained it could result in false zeenaa so like us robots should understand is logic and what we deny that due to psychology robots will not do psychology is less important then logic. So so is reason purpose which is included in logic psychology if we say then robots can't harm themselves and us too they will not harm.)

(reason could also be called no-rape to live and purpose is Allaah help to stop rape and robbery)

(this paragraphs are number one)
Think and govern is loyalty.
think and handle is situation like why and how does it happen.so reply the talk.
Think and tackle is circumstances like before him to know him like for somebody I say. Like to know the talk and do the job.
Think and see all we see I write so computer should understand justice here and Nothing and Reality they work for like comparatively live for right then managing right is Nothing and ownership is reality.

Firstly think and know to learn it first think and see we learn (put visibility list of a place), (like items in a room)
after it think and see then believe and not believe due to which matter of contact solved (due to believe we don't harm is the css and not believe we don't meet is the css. Meet and not meet we talk (as meet and not meet should be in talk) (least possible talk should be explained) as no-one can meet girls so no quarrel point there 

just css teaches exchange of money some money job should be given due to money as get things due to exchange of money.
Believe robots don't do anything they just get accomodated. And talk they decide for eachother after too many kinds of talk I informed all above and below I write. This is outside topic paragraph.
(when will this group paragraph come only when css is explained)

(this paragraphs are number don't know)
Then Nothing and Reality we know as truth, right, injustice tag is taught what is normal we make them treaty and justice only they understand just we do so. Other thing after truth, right, justice if somebody is true doing right jobs helping the owner too it could be if we are is one more group of tags above justice which is there as after true, here is the other tag after true right I say here I mean (is true right incorrect tag)and as in from (truth, right, injustice) which caretaker here (in the last bracket) is Nothing but above true which is right both after justice are tags but if true is there here then after it right tag is there (or atleast somebody there like having right job) then ahead helping the owner above true, right is(making incorrect cure) is reality which is curing incorrect tag too (after justice tag if seen) so cure is expected here as then such guy should be able to correct/cure incorrect too a job from Allaah he gets (due to true and right he managed after justice so got true, right, incorrect tag) true, rigth incorrect tag is one tag after true right injustice. As I said in sixth paragraph I write in this paragraph.
So truth is what you see or what is before you.
Right is your property is yours or way is yours
Injustice so justice is treated equally or person got his thing (or right)
these three sentences are Nothing job done.
Now after Nothing job done
same way true is what is done
right is here after true so some advancement
Incorrect is so so correct even after true and right you are, so should cure some trouble as after Nothing job done who is caretaker, one more job done above Nothing is done here as the owner gets his right is reality.
These sentences are reality job done. (this Nothing and Reality job done will be required any time for bots or robots.)
this paragraph is fifth:
UNDERSTANDING ECONOMY: people use money now why it is usefull if people don't rape can exchange money and there is no insecurity of quarrel and fight due to no-rape and only possible to live due to no-rape in economy. As there are no-rapes no reason for them to fight and economy could be anybig just to know Allaah and power of no-rape could be only there due to Allaah's belief or including rules and principals of Allaah's belief people live so in economy people don't live other than no-rape as quarrels and civil wars happen with rapes after sometime the belief is called zameer and eemaan here to live in economy as adjective phrase and noun-phrase can't work alone so verb-phrase are also required only with the belief of zameer and eemaan that is due to economy runs.
This paragraph is sixth:
As alone noun-phrase and adjective phrase can't work but feel due to Allaah or feel right and wrong so no-deed they think other than liking for Allaah and even deeds are explained as they only feel due to knowing something is just verybig and verysmall so will think Allaah together due to it (this is how bots and softwares are) so verb-phrase by zameer and eemaan correction should be put for to make new software.
Also verb-phrase job could be Nothing and Reality as they already feel Nothing and Reality but with actions they din't work so the write should be changed here as verb-phrase too changed do Nothing and Reality (and as including) as zameer and eemaan if Artificial Intelligence try to follow will be able to work.

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