Time is we all know.

Force means to put pressure which is applied by somebody or which is applied by some machine. So force is only when applied it begins. So for my theory applied force we talk here.

Mass means size and density which is due to energy that mass of an objects is its energy. So energy is due to size of the object too so mass firstly means size. After size, mass means density too with the size and after it energy we talk energy is included in forming size and density so energy including size and density is mass. Mass means size and density which is due to energy that mass of an objects is due to energy. Density and Size aren't out side Mass and normally Mass means Energy.

I continue like mass force too can't work other than time like example a satellite is floating is just due to gravity can't get time to work on the satellite which is due to the speed of satellite (is more). As time is required for a satellite to move so more time means less speed of a satellite. So if satellite is at higher speed means in less time if we (or satellite) takes to move ahead it takes means (it is time-achieving) then gravity can't work as any force can't work other than time on the satellite (at higher speed and less time) (as gravity requires ample amount of time to work on satellite which is due to less speed it requires) like if the satellite is is at higher speed gravity doesn't gets time to effect. (at higher speed means time achieved means less time in this short time means due to reason of time gravity can't work on the satellite [so the satellite floats]).(Like you can go in warm-holes or teleport to another time if reach at more than light-like velocity as at higher speed only time can act on you such speed removes an gap as any force or object requires time to effect you or halt you whereas at more than or sometimes double the light-like velocity, any force or object will not remain other than time, as force requires time less-than-light-like velocity to travel as each and every existence requires time to travel so all force other than time are gone away if at higher speed we are [some times double the light-like velocity] so you will teleport or travel time [as no force is there other than time could be there as all forces exists AFTER TIME so in teleporting there are no meteors at light-like velocity as no force exists other than time as gravity and objects requires time to act on you. It also means time-travel is without obstacle.[ may be a fan could result in time travell at much higher speed than light-like velocity if it is at many times double the light-like velocity) last bracket I write extra.

Now time means unconsidering the speed of event is time. With higher speed less time so speed is time achieving.

Now force means I say again applied force it is applied by somebody or a machine and to move each and everything it requires force.

Now mass I say again energy in a body due to its size and density so from size of a body we can predict its mass.

Now the formula mass=force/time here from force time is removed is the formula.

Answer 1: time removed so force too is removed so alone mass remains is the formula.

Answer 2: time remove so force can't work as force requires time to move an object so time is bigger than force according to my formula as force can't work other than time. So force requires time to travel (move) on an object. If time isn't there force can't work is my formula.

Answer 3: an object moves if applied force is able to reach its (the object's) farthest end so it is called force-travelling. So after we push the object the object works as Force-travelling works form farthest end means opposite to our force applied direction such force reaches us the force applier (too like to the beginning place of force applied to an object I mean) so the object is formed due to force-travelling or can be considered one due to force-travelling so force is dependent on this principal called force travelling.

Answer 4: all I explained on time I say same as time is there it comes from the destination of event And it is force outside which the satellites free to move/roam as due force requires time, gravity too (is a force) requires time, so can't work on satellite as can't get time (as if satellite is at higher speed or if the satellite is at greater height both ways gravity doesn't gets time to work on the satellite so gravity can't work). And an object moves only if time of it has reached to the object from the last point of destination of that job means from the farthest end only that job could be done in one shot.


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