Take a block. See a block now.

Apply force on it so my formula force=mass x time. It is sliding now. Like each and every job is possible due to requirement of block placed at other place so sliding is the process if event back we see we require.

A block is taking time to move (for sliding) so t=time and force applied is f=force so from TIME AND FORCE WE CAN KNOW MASS of the block as my formula mass=FORCE/TIME (mass is equal to force divided by time).

And MASS MEANS size including density is mass so mass is matter / energy contained in a body is mass.
So wooden block which has mass=m and is sliding by force=f and time it takes to slide is time=t so due to mass, force, time my formula can be derived that is mass = force / time like force = mass x time like time people already know such time is time=force/mass and time remove 1/time (one divided by time)= mass/force so other than time we are destroyed as formation of mass (WE) isn't there in this formula 1/time=mass/force I say . Out of mass force and time if we come to know any two of them means from mass, force, time then the third one could be derived as/like mass and time we know so we KNOW FORCE (force = mass x time) or time and force we know so can KNOW MASS (mass =force/time) like force and mass we know so can KNOW TIME (time =force/mass) so MASS AND FORCE I differently informed as time is same what people know from Me. And if we see 1/time everything isn't there like 1/time = mass/force so as we are made up of force if force remove we aren't formed.

By my formula we can know mass of a body by mass=force/time (m=f/t)and can know force too force=mass x time (f=m x t) like time the block takes till/for it is moving / for in-motion is the normal time we sense in our life we know by block sliding in time which is normal time time=force/mass (t=f/m). and everything can't be there you can know if time isn't there or force is removed 1/time=mass/force (1/t=m/f)

few more things I say m,f,t ( t/f) (m/t, t/m) one formula here I say time/force=1/mass so here there is some kind of Nothing as if time was there second formula I say mass/time from mass time is removed wooden block is steady but here electron hasn't formed is some kind of Nothing third formula I say time/mass from time mass is removed means no-one was there means only Nothing there.

Force requires time to travel. (Time is required for force [to work])

Any force we apply after time has passed force can work so force applied object as is a wooden block is in time first then is formed?? its not so but it is formed first (due to force travelling) then it is in time BUT TIME WAS THERE (ALREADY FROM BEFORE) SO (OUT SIDE) FORCE COULD BE APPLIED. This is about wooden block I say. (time was there from before means surroundings and we were there from before due to our time in Nothing is there as Nothing means force working and time is only their if two people are there or two spots are there we should be their first for time only then time could exist)

in case of electron first time is there then electron was formed in time by force-travelling???in case of electron firstly force-travelling was there then electron was stopped to lose its state due to time working for electron. (now force-travelling on spaceforce making electron from Nothing is friction caused between-parts-of-spaceforce and Nothing and so here time doesn't allow friction to end electrons existence??)

so first way of seeing I write ahead. So I talk wooden block sliding too and electron I talk ahead. As normally force is applied on a block to move is due to the block requires time to slide no doubt force only we experience but time was already there so block is mass=m it moves by force=f but force requires to be in time for the object to move ahead no doubt force moves the object but time is after it and it this time if isn't there the block can't move so the title I put (Force requires time to travel)(Time is required for force [to work]). If force isn't there block can't move like same way if time isn't there force can't work on an object.---Now about electron I say In case if electron I say Nothing can't work on electron OTHER THAN TIME but force-travelling works which is Nothing outside normal life called outside event. Here force-travelling is in spaceforce in parts those parts are joined by Nothing but are outside normal condition time makes parts of space force to result as entity. So time is first for our formation after force-travelling and after time is force from Nothing working to make electron and THEN IT IS MASS (size, parameters, energy of a body) formed due to time.


The block moves after force travels to the farthest end of the object which is called force-travelling. So force-travelling doesn't requires time but after force is applied the force reaches the farthest end and from the end force comes back to the force applier so this process is in no time means no require time for force-travelling. So force requires time but force-travelling in an object doesn't require time. (so the extra formula I say as you can't understand other than knowing the normal formula is the formula of force-travelling could be force x time x mass x weight and the formula for energy could be force x time x mass square x weight is the formula for energy and this formula I means last formula if we multiply by perimeter it is new kind of energy so these formulas are my discovery)

So all force work we do is either first way (wooden block way) or second way (electron way) in time as for electron time is before (force) and for wooden block time is after (force) also for wooden block mass is before force and for electron mass after force, still time is required still in any such case or any case force is not able to work other than time. Other than time any job can't be done like as for wooden block and electron both I say. So for wooden block the sequence is mass, force, time and forcetravelling till is same the object is one and also force-travelling works when force is applied as so the block moves and for electron the sequence is time force mass but force-travelling is before all three time force and mass.
Time doesn't pass
Time doesn't pass so the object isn't there. As MASS / FORCE MEANS NO FORCE THERE so time doesn't pass so too mass can't be formed as force remove from mass is time remove too mass/force=1/time. So other than force isn't there object can be formed we came to know by formula 1/time = mass/force and force means either we or Nothing so if WE OR NOTHING isn't there object can't be formed (as electron we are we are in time=t first FORCE FROM NOTHING IS DUE TO WE SO TIME TOO IS DUE TO WE so from Nothing we or electron take force from Nothing force=f which / we are working in time by applied force from Nothing and we are force after time [we are in]as WE AND ELECTRON WHO ARE MASS do all job in time we are in time so after time and force ELECTRON OR MASS OR WE ARE FORMED AS MASS same way we too require force force too requires time to work so we are first formed of time after time formed from force (ELECTRON REVOLVING DUE TO TIME FIRSTLY and then electron revolving FROM FORCE SECONDLY so AND THEN WE ARE FORMED FROM MASS THIRDLY as 1/time = mass/force time remove is force removed from mass too so anybody wasn't there like time if isn't there object can't be formed so anything or anybody can't be formed other than time remove or force remove. Force remove too anything can't be formed but force effects after time. So mass / force means nobody was there as time doesn't pass. Same way for a wooden block if is steady time isn't there without event and there is no force applied still mass was there even when time and force weren't there for the wooden block Only Mass Was There like if it was a spaceship as mass m (wooden block) So Here We Need To See Check how electron works when wooden block is steady it works by mass, force, time this sequence and if second way we see as by time, force, mass in this order electron works like time is there for electron so force electron gains from Nothing, so electron is formed as mass (due to force-travelling makes parts of electron which is due to spaceforce [electron at half-of-light-like velocity] colliding with Nothing forms the electron as time is required for this event as time makes the electron steady to not be destroyed BY THE ACTION OF FORCETRAVELLING).

In case of wooden block As we are force too first we apply force in time after that mass is formed it is no so it is before time mass is formed either Nothing making move electron or for a wooden block to move we are there as force applier which is always in time in case of electron after time force is and after force mass is whereas in case of wooden block after mass force is, and after time force is, not that, after force time is, in case of wooden block I mean and after we and Nothing are as force wooden block has mass = m? Even if we are there if there there is Nothing working as force ??but we are after time. So sequence for electron is time, force, mass So it is opposite sequence if normal event we see the sequence is mass, force and time I MEAN THIS IS THE SEQUENCE as mass wooden block was there mass=m so force could be applied on it/that wooden block as the force applier we are force=f so mass=m there so mass could be formed as electron is in time and Nothing is there for force so mass could be formed which was due to Nothing making electron in time (as electron was already in time) same way WOODEN BLOCK IS IN TIME AFTER FORCE APPLIED (here time is after mass and force [not like electron) so time was there but mass formed after electron was there/functioning (by force which is in time) so first we apply force of Nothing on electron which is already in time mass could be formed as we are mass we are there as electron there which is in time and works due to force but is already in time so either electron works due to force in time as I mean mass is after force or WOODEN BLOCK IS SLIDING SO MASS IS BEFORE FORCE AND AFTER FORCE IS TIME. (so one sequence is of wooden block mass force and time and for electron the sequence is time force and mass so after formation or our event we see mass is first and with formation we see mass is last

Begin Creation And Created Creation

For beginning of creation if we see AFTER TIME WORKS FORCE SHOULD BE THERE FOR MASS to be created (like electron gets created only in time where force of Nothing could work so this way electron is created) and for after creation if we see wooden block works due to has mass then force is applied and then it is immediately in time ( wooden block moves as first mass=m is there then force applied is force =f is second thing after the block has formed so block after forming moves by force and due to moving block takes time=t or is in time the block is in time=t)so this is how normal event we see as example.


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