Some abstract information I try to hide

Extra Information:

mass=force/time is for spaceship we know its mass by its travelling (in time by force) (due to travelling of spaceship we can know mass as already know force used to move and time happen in its travelling). And time=force/mass is we know spaceship’s time or our time as (either force is equal to weight and or mass is its perimeter that way too we can check). Also in mass=force/time time remove from force so no force acted and spaceship is steady with its weight (so weight is [due to] mass here so now [mass value] is it same as perimeter? It means object is in Nothing whichonly a spaceship could be if goes into Nothing so weight and perimeter same as force and weight are based upon exact that is equal mass and time .As due to weight perimeter is ineffective to move the object [as more work required] (as bigger perimeter moves faster in space as can take more power from Nothing where as due to weight object is not more faster in space but moves for longer time) (and to move the object perimeter adds to weight) (if the spaceship isn’t moving it isn’t in Nothing so weight is there [which is opposite force but is not opposite in Nothing (frictionless place) to move the object but supports moving this I say here] and with its mass it should be moving (as weight is after mass it moves firstly due to mass as weight acts to stop on earth and move with less speed but for longer time it moves),and also in time=force/mass mass (we) are removed from force so no object is there but time is there. I need an example so I din’t wrote (the whole paragraph) but argument is correct.

As much force required is is the weight (if object is on earth with friction this is the exact thing told) whereas weight is force in space. Mass is perimeter normally mass and perimeter are same too but mass could be weight (if on earth) as much mass is as is the weight on earth and whereas in space too it is same As much mass is so equal force required no it is not so (mass isn’t a obstacle for force applied if in space or spaceship in space) (so force is equal to mass mass is not in gravity still to move (the object by us is) some force is used to move an object if in space which is due to if we are not in Nothing completely (perimeter and weight could be corresponding to each other and  mass is also same as perimeter normally but mass and weight aren’t alone corresponding to each other (like space) but could be same too if on earth with friction too like gravity is) so extra write on earth mass and weight same (they are different but could have same value) so with gravity is weight and I say without gravity is mass that is in space which is not in complete Nothing so experiences gravity that is power of Nothing with the surrounding so it has weight which is six times less than earth as people went on the moon so I know.

and in space mass is just perimeter so we come to know mass and perimeter could be same by example of spaceship as mass isn’t weight but size of the object (spaceship). Spaceship is force or we are force as t=f/m so force we are without mass no we can’t be we can’t be force without mass and m=f/t mass we are without time we can’t be and force we are without time.

Force din’t do anything if time wasn’t there, as the order is this, mass time and force (this way [order] we calculate everything) so firstly mass is there then time is there (the calculated one due to event otherwise [if we aren’t there we don’t count time and so only count our time if we are there] time was there in Nothing from before but we don’t count that time we only count our time we get our time (time=force/mass) and then force is only there if time too there with mass. People these three statement in bold I say of this paragraph.

Order is mass time and force here weight could be mass (if on earth that is with friction) and  could be weight as much as mass is in space (weight turns into force force too it is opposite[as stopping it doesn’t do but takes object to longer distance with but results in less speed] other than Nothing) (if there is weight we know due to spaceship in space),as we are not in complete Nothing. Any force apply we come to know due to time it is in as force other than Nothing is after time. Any time doesn’t form other than mass (we believe so). force can’t be there other than time (we live in) so is the mass other than mass force can’t act so isn’t there.

Only mass is formed due to time and time is formed due to force and there’s no connection between force and mass (any mass could be light in weight on earth so force is changed due to mass if on earth but [as it could be massless even on Earth] (as only due to weight of a substance force is applied as force travelling works from the farthest end) (as the force can’t get opposite force so it isn’t applied on that object ( so other than opposite force [from the] object it is mass less )and mass is ineffective if in space and in space any mass requires the same force (that is equal) to move the same object (not like weight and gravity on earth) (as in space) so mass isn’t effective on space but weight works as force to move the object if we are not in complete Nothing. weight isn’t a force if we are in complete Nothing which is far in space. As so we are travelling time if in complete Nothing we are as there is no past and future so our ships doesn’t go in Nothing.

So I wanted to inform that order is to be informed by me that is firstly mass then time then force this way this order these words are so it functions such way as mass, time and force are in sequence. Time isn’t other than mass, force isn’t other than time Another thing I say to inform is So we are force as t=f/m we can’t be force without mass (force remove) (or alone time is there in Nothing as mass is removed [as we are force too]) I mean this two brackets too we are other than the statement and also I inform So m=f/t force we are without time (time remove), (or alone mass is in Nothing) (due to time we do other jobs, as otherwise we are one force [which can’t work in Nothing] [due to no mass and no time]) I mean this three brackets too we are other than the statement and know that I also say we can’t be in time without force but Nothing was there with time is one more thing other than two formula (t=f/m and m=f/t) I mentioned and explained in this paragraph without this paragraph any equation and formula isn’t correct so is my whole Theory doesn’t deny it.

This circle is:

time means no-remove as force’s time remove so it is mass in previous time which is force too (mass=force/time) before mass and time that is in Nothing AND mass means force it is first without time it is we as we gave rise to time so we are force too if so not in Nothing as time we don’t remain if mass remove from us[force] (time=force/mass) after mass and time.


mass=force/time so mass is force remaining after time removed too and in Nothing too formula is same you remove all force and time object(mass) is steady in Nothing. and (but) due to time removed force can’t be there.
time=force/mass. so time din’t form but was in Nothing (as mass which was removed formed by Nothing). we can be force in time but not without mass.


Force we are is due to mass and mass we are due to time (but from Nothing) and time we are is due to force (as all jobs we do in time not that we are time) so force, mass, time is if the sequence then force can’t come other than mass and time can’t be other than force works which is in time now but time if no-there can’t let force work too so time is before force. If force exists it exists in time so mass is formed (by force having some mass) as in-time only mass could be (as single force doesnot exist as can’t work in/on Nothing so no force there but for it the mass should be there) in time. and any job happened after mass (we) were there so in-time jobs done are only possible by mass as we are mass (mass=force/time) and our time is (time=force/mass) in which jobs happen. Force, mass, time with this sequence anything has not happened just we are steady without work. Time, mass, force with this sequence time was from Nothing not other than friends which is mass (as people are in time) and so force we can’t be due to eachother so time and mass keep repeating to let us form where we can’t work as time happens first which doesn’t let mass’s time come and such force too isn’t there as we aren’t mass (OR WE ARE FORMED DUE TO TIME SUCH MASS WE ARE BUT HOW AS WE ARE FORCE WHICH REQUIRES NOT JUST TIME TO WORK BUT MASS IS MAINLY NECESSARY SO TIME DOESN’T HELP TO US BE CREATED IF NO MASS WE ARE AND FORCE ONLY EXISTS AFTER MASS IS THERE IN TIME EVEN MASS OUTSIDE TIME IS NO FORCE OR FORCE DOESNOT EXISTS, people who say man and time are one should understand this so QUR’AAN SHOULD be thought from the sentence ahead I write after fullstop means bracket is over). Mass, time, force as we live after it time is so we are mass, mass in time due to in-time we work as force so our force is no other than time working. So this sequence last underline I say.

*Another common bottomline: M=f/t time is there so it is steady after time remove???....with time it is no mass but event (or no [time inreal, or mass and time] was there but is there (as force was applied or you remove in both cases time was there) [mass time and force are in this order]) but ([time is there for steady thing too time is there no nothere so if time wasn’t there it is mass (mass alone without work or force) {so in this formula time is removed inreal}] And t=f/m mass is there then removed (from that place or finished by force) (as time means mass formed here [*is granted] already is bottomline for t=f/m) other thing it is true everything exists mass time and force so formula is there (so time forms? It is true [due to force is creation {then mass comes} and due to event is after mass {then time and force come}) (till mass is removed time is) here if mass is removed completely is other thing it is alone force is Nothing…forcesquare/mass.? (in this case order is force, time and then mass means reverse order of event work)…???????????????????  it is force/mass normally mass removed is time till mass keeps remove we only count event time Force is in time only due to mass so order can’t be reversed (other than we see our formation) and time is with force only due to mass ( as we push rectangular block  we come to know its time and force applied so get mass as mass=force/time and same way get time due to force applied and mass we know time=force/mass).

*Another common bottomline continued  from before: mass is due to time (how and why?) as in time mass is formed by force (before creation) and mass is due to force (how and why) as force could only be if mass is there (after creation)  so means the paragraph is connecting link to before and after creation

*Another old bottom line for me: Force requires time to travel some centripetal force is in time (so can balance due to) so mass is m=f/t. till it is rotating force can’t act (on objects on it) in time as force requires time. to travel force requires time. time/force is 1/mass is Nothing attaining before creation so f=m/t so t=m/f (before creation here mass is Nothing attaining) due to centripetal force we come to know our creation. Our creation formula is force=mass/time. and what I explain at all places is event formula okay we in event formula (mass=force/time)

Above two paragraphs I say specially but with this paragraph. First a thing has formed so time is there to form it after mass and it was formed by mass too but from force ?????????so first force is there (which forms mass) then mass formed but in time it was so we are force???????? So force was there from before but force to make a thing and applied force both are different as normal force only does event and we are formed by force from Nothing and the formula is f= m x t (it is after we are formed). Applied force and Nothing Force is same here no it is force to form us applied force is forcetravelling formula is forcetravelling= m x t x f x w. so first mass time force in this order everything is (I mean after formation of us and if we see a thing) formed mass=force/time is my formula but force was there from before which not formed us but forms us (after creation regularly) is different force force=mass x time still we work in time (so formula is I write ahead) time=force/mass here mass and force are (opposite) (*against each other so formed so force is outside mass as asmuch mass is, force is required more as force can’t work) mass is other than force so it is force of event so force is not before time and mass, but after time and mass (with event force is last and after mass and time it [the force] is) as without event it (including our formation) is opposite means force is before time and mass . IF FIRST WE ARE mass then my formula is correct so after mass time comes so force can act.normally force is the first thing (for our formation) formed us other than event (not event no work here I say) if we see this (this one) force (other than event) so at this place due to time it is resultant in to mass [by friction] (by friction force results into mass as in time it is so time forms us before  mass and after force (force time mass) as so force makes us in time we are mass after time. (but this thinking [is other than I say  at all places was event which I discuss all the time] is before our formation).

Mass is in time if our formation we see as made from force order is force time mass. In event if we see normally mass is before time and force the order is mass time force. So all paragraphs clarified due to this paragraph.

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