So force applied spaceship moves that
is in time so spaceship moves by my formula
that is mass=force/time so due to force and time we can know mass of
the spaceship and in space weight isn't there but forcetravelling is
there which lets the ship carry force (for travelling too like on
handling). So LAW ONE is as spaceship
travels some force applied on it is FORCE and due to spaceship is
travelling it is in time so Force requires Time to Travel is Law 1 I explained
in the tag: Force requires time to travel I have this link on
website NOTHING. ( this is before creation as friction or second
object doesn't come (if friction and second object there it is after creation)(as due to working of object is in time due to friction time is) so Force requires time to travel as force
needs time to form mass one thing is same (before creation) force
requires time to travel or mass needs time to be worked by force is
also same (after creation). So normally at all places on such
websites I explained are explanations after creation and I even have
Laws on it on this same (Force Travells I should get Money) website I
Object displaces when force of the force applier reaches the farthest
end so the formula I say SO FORCE=MASS X TIME and as in time mass is
made and if gets displaced means which gets displaced due to time the
force takes to travel till the end results in inbuilt force (of the
object) called Force Travelling (which is in past as we apply force
opposite force is already there [which came before us so we are
created we are created in time but opposite force isn't in time still
applied {no applying I say here but after force is applied force is
in time to move the object] and as it is Nothing Force it is in past
too and with do job it is in time [opposite force travelling isn't in
time its before time so like weight in space everything will be
TRAVELLING formula it
is so in space and before creation too like after creation (as
spaceforce travels on full electron (like it travels on the object
after creation) to make it function [to rotate and revolve]) in time
so as much force is less time is more is this formula FORCE X MASS
=1/TIME as before creation weight is not counted is negligible (so
force mass and time alone together can result in to electron (or
object or mass) OR YOU SEE CHECK (it [means Nothing] is not bound by
time it is in future too so for it in past (to move the object),
future was already there (for us), so is past for us means even past
it is as was future before force applied and after we recognise it
(by force applying) it is past (bottom line it is past which was
already there now past is the time after we know something where
there is no-gravity and space we are in so forcetravelling results in
Due to above paragraph we get our
number:And due to force mass and time we get our number
Number(1)=force ( could be weight) x mass ( could be perimeter) x
time so different time number we get as have some different number by
which doctors could examine.(as it is from Nothing).
Displacement only occurs or object is only made if force travels
which results in time so results in time I say here so the formula SO
TIME=FORCE/MASS so moving of mass is in time and
formation of mass by force was also in time any force travels to move
an object in space too like normally is also in time and till the
object is not moving even due to force applied is not in time as
NOTHING Force is force applied (it [means Nothing] is not bound by
time it is in future (to move the object), future was already there
(for us future there) (if we apply force) here both brackets I say,
so is past for us means even past it is as was future before force
applied and after we recognise it it is past (bottom line it is past
which was already there now past is the time after we know something
where there is no-gravity and space we are in so
forcetravelling too like Nothing results in past [by becoming Nothing
Force]). AND ALSO I say Here time is the center it is mass, time,
force after creation and force, time, mass before creation so in both
cases (before and after creation) time is center (After Nothing only
time could work against gravity as more time you reach less gravity
it is so time is against weight and in favour to achieve (Nothing)
which is lightlike velocity means spaceforce is half of it so after
lightlike velocity keep increases by adding spaceforce so keep going
ahead we meet our formation (in real I say) and timetravel too
possible at eight(8) ten(10) numbers or more as much number we reach
ahead. It means center of mass is time as object on spinning wheel
experience less gravity due to they gain time so time is the center,
center to mass too like any functioning thing too like earth or
computer or weight or volume or perimeter/mass or distance or speed
OR time is center to mass and electron alone so center
to too many things it could be due to this reason too.
In law two and law three formula is
different still formula difference is there
Laws I write to explain in short so (on this page) numbers of LAWS
are not same comparable to other places I write two kinds of three
LAWS one on website Force Travels I should get money I put Three Laws
and two on Nothing Force website before I had I put Three laws on it
are there too including or excluding LAWS I write here as it is just
Bottom Line. Just Bottom Line I explain here on this page.
Formula for existence created before
creation and formula of after creation both are same in case of
creating from Nothing the three (four with forcetravelling) formula I
explained here are same. That is electron keeps working untill time
and friction nullifies it so LAW is everyforce tries to balance and
work and keeps work untill time or friction (dashing of other object
is also friction [resulting into]) nullifies it. I explained it in
Nothing Theory named as NOTHING FORCE so LAW 3 IN IT I explain from
Mass is before time, force is after
time so time is center. Time is center to mass and is opposite to
force that is center is opposite to mass is time. mass forms
before time and time works from the center of formation that is mass.
SO I SAY:1/mass=time (mass
is before time) (center is opposite to mass is time)
(mass removed is time for us [ as we are there to see so the formula
came]) AND I SAY TOO time x mass=1/force (Time
is center to mass and is opposite to force) (if mass
and time are together then there is no-weight or we get force removed
due to time travelling (and like we are in space) of a mass and
electron so is the formula this ahead we are more than force could be
(so or force can be so)
Bottom Line:After
creation we talk normal
life and normal formulas so the
order is mass then time then force so
here a thing exists is mass takes time in moving is real time and due
to force applied is force. and I also talk
before creation where
order is force then time then mass so
here a thing has not existed to make it force should be there (is
required) which is in time so mass (so other force including ) is
made in time (two
forces come together to make mass in time as single force can't
exists other than Nothing). Due to last bracket too I say One
force is NOTHING the other force is SPACEFROCE
comes in time to form mass (ELECTRON).
Spaceship moves by my formula so I want Money. It is reality ahead
than Nothing we know more than Nothing or with Nothing we know. My
formula isn't wrong. Even a single formul a isn't wrong here this I
say. Even for this page formula I say same all changes o f Law
numbers in this page too I say (compared to previous writing on Laws on this website)
Time is the REAL Factor: I say
LAW 1:Due to force requires time to
travel time is existing entity time is there if any job you want to
do (means for doing any job). LAW 2:Any thing displaces due to in
time they are. So like time governs here everything governs as
in-time they are. Thing recognose or displaced all are in time so we
can't there without time (and other than time too we no there) LAW 3:
An object displaces if forcetravels results with time it is Both
Forcetravels and event happens is due to with time (incase of event
their or formation of a body) so other than time anything/object
could not have been made (can't be made) and any motion can't work
(can't be there). So else I write Force applier force reaches
the farthest end is also in time like object moves too and is made
too in time (LAW 2 AND LAW 3). SO just displacing and moving is the
difference as NO.2 LAW say displacement and as NO.3 Law say moving of
an object (with law 2 you are only one job doing not carrying it
ahead (like not moving) like not changing electron energy level and
with law 3 you are more ahead than displacing as you are more in time
you are changing time so due to travelling time changing energy level
too you could (can be) you are moving (at any speed the Law is
applicable like its same formula to calculate time travel too that is
normally due to Law Three So with these LAWS time is the REAL Factor.
Three laws on this page I WRITE SEPARATE FROM MY writing else on this
website (other than this page) Even I write but This Three laws are
Another Bottom Line: 1/m x t is we living creature as single force
(we are living so are such single force normally single force can’t
exist and Nothing has to become curve for making living creatures (
Nothing is curve so can use various energy levels or various
spaceforce like for colliding and for friction too [with
spaceforce]and for revolvation of electron[so Nothing is curve here
as in non-living creatures are made by one types forces so living
creatures do various jobs {see, think, learn, implement, talk and so
Nothing needs more forces so collision could differ by different
(ways of) spaceforce} together made by more forces so Nothing is
curve for living creatures[there is no space and time curve {time is
straight lines in that much occupying space that everyspot of space
is included and space is colliding by highest way of collision that
is by straight line}]).
Mass=force/time so no force is mass (as there was no time so no force could exist) (only Nothing is)
sure: Force we are without time and no so (no force we are) without mass so
From this sentence I say: f=1/t and f/m=0 so f/m=(1/t)/m so mass/time or m=f/t
so (f/t)/t so m=f so mass is forceand
time=force/mass (1/t)/m so (1/t)/(f/t) (as mass=force/time so force/time
x time / force so frocesquare/timesquare
is mass squaring and not squaring are same?. It comes due to time is no-meaning
here so mass is force in mass=force/time or time=force/mass time is
o(zero) in force/mass, and alone mass there force=1/time so time=1/t/m (as
t=f/m as normal formula is) so t x t =
mass (as mass is force). (till here I studied not ahead) so from f/m=0 f=m
and f=tsquare (as force and mass are same) and from force=1/time (normal spaceship
if we see) I say 1/t=tsqaure (both sides on equalto are same) so we get alone
time here. So either time is zero or alone time there. So time there our
equations are not dependent on time and it says time is there. So time is under
root mass or force is same as mass so time=underroot force so we catch time in
Nothing (or Nothing of the object) which is two events ahead force. And
force/mass =Nothing so force and mass are one means equal in value so in squaring
force and mass both square time is same as is percentage wise
This is bottom line: Mass could be
equal to weight as same force require to move the object if it is on
earth means friction working on it. Force couldn’t be time
but could be equal to time as it takes same (time and force) for how
much force is applied if in space to move the object.
Mass=force/time so no force is mass (as there was no time so no force could exist) (only Nothing is)
Another Bottom Line:Mass is size of the
object including inside of it and force means effort required to move
an object. So Fishes swim in water means force travelling they use
(they push from front to back so back to front force which they
experience new which is in past and is Nothing Force as is so fish
moves ahead) or an aeroplane moves due force travelling on engines by
Nothing through vacuum created as rotors attain Nothing including air
could pass to that much amount more that aeroplane (mass) flies is
lifted (due to force) up due to the gravity[force] requires time to
travel so the gravity force doesn't travel more anyway, more air
can’t pass it as air doesn’t gets time (to pass) (so over powers
time) so lifts aeroplane up due to travelling of air and vacuum
created by rotors which brings force travel.
Some Extra Bottom Line:
Rotating wheel on it objects placed doesn’t experience
weight so force= (mass x time/gravity) x (weight) so force is the answer? (so
force is there) Same as LAW of Entropy every force tries to work through
phenomenon until time and friction nullify it. So this spinning wheel keep
rotate until time and friction nullify it. So spinning wheel formula answers
LAW of entropy as so you don’t need to look earth from outside, you come to
know flat spinning wheel is example of force? too like entropy as force is
managing before mass, time and after event as force if we make so could keep on
working if we learn entropy from spinning wheel we may get idea of permanent
applicable force this I don’t know but know LAW of entropy is same by different
Now on energy we think e=m x csquare /time so the object
wheel is rotating, weight and force are same (are one) after rotating here so
multiplied by weight so mass x csquare/time x weight. So
energy tries to balance another LAW of entropy energy balances rotation of the
wheel so balance energy too works like Nothing. So it doesn’t gets shattered
and is in uniform motion till the energy is same. As speed of the rotation
decreases energy too goes off so there is different energy (other than balanced
energy) (which after decreasing speed goes off so by striking with something it
stops function of event). There is energy balance in the spinning wheel so it
doesn’t change on rotating, or doesn’t result in event too just tries
phenomenon (and no other answer or event) as the LAW of entropy states.(you
know by uniform motion or balance of the spinning wheel indicates same energy
with the speed it rotates (same energy it requires always requires) for the
same function. so you don’t require to look into Nothing energy is the answer.
If NOTHING formula doesn’t work then this energy is usefull (mass x
csquare/time x weight) (Due to energy is not nullified too much by time and
friction it can still work with time and friction, whereas for us time and
friction stops us to do jobs as ENERGY IS opposite to us means positively
opposite, and results work.
Either Nothing or Energy makes Entropy work.
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