PEOPLE also ask SO I answer

Which is the opposite of a force Travell?

The opposite of Force Travell is applied force which is in no-time, so it is not so that it doesn't requires Time it is in exact TIME-TRAVELL but is with (full) event so/still is in no-time (means after event [of pushing] force-travelling is in no time and for force's travel quality force works with time).

The opposite of force travel is opposite-force (applied by someone or a machine) which is event no done by anyway so Time too can't-be/is-not formed other than for making the object so friction too is the opposite of force travel as its blocks object/event's way (in this paragraph I talk force travel means no force-travelling I talked).

Below paragraph it is correct that force-travelling's opposite is no-time. So to make the object from event of formation travel-quality of force is required. But after the object forms its Force-Travelling working, as one force, on the whole object, in no time required still if we see event happens is due to travel-quality of force so travel-quality of force is more quicker if object can do event (move) which is (travel-quality) for force till/reaches the end after force-is-applied and there is Force-Travelling too working after force is applied so object doesn't require time normally for FORCE-TRAVELLING too but time is not required for travel-quality of force too to make-event/move-the-object. And even force to travel to move the object is in less-time for an object comparing to object-not-formed. So quality of force to travel doesn't require time after first time the force has travelled on the object like after force-travelling BUT IF FORCE- IS-TRAVELLING OR FOR THE QUALITY-OF-FORCE-TRAVEL IF WE SEE AFTER THE FIRST TIME THEN EVENT IS HAPPENING (MEANS EVENT IS BOUND TO HAPPEN) SO WITHOUT EVENT QUALITY-OF-FORCE-TRAVELS TOO DOESN'T REQUIRE TIME LIKE/AS-IT-IS DUE TO FORCE-TRAVELLING BUT TO MAKE EV.ENT HAPPEN QUALITY-OF-FORCE-TRAVEL REQUIRES TIME WHEREAS FORCE-TRAVELLING DOESN'T REQUIRES TIME AS IS WITH THE OBJECT (the letters in Caps lock of this paragraph wasn't told in the answer as wasn't noted on my website).

People this is the answer given by msn-guys and yahoo-guys from my website which also I say correct that phrase 'but require time to make an event' they din't include last is so what they write from my website is FORCE TRAVELL IS OPPOSITE DUE TO NO-TIME IT IS IN THE OBJECT JUST EVENT OF FORMATION IT HAS SO FOR THE FIRST TIME IT IS IN TIME. AFTER FIRST TIME LIKE TO FORM OBJECT IT DOESN’T REQUIRE TIME.

How does force travel to end of object?

Force travells to the end of the object is in same time when you apply force as our Force we apply is in TIME-TRAVELL it pushes us back with some force and when opposite force is experienced it means applied force has reached to the end of the object in no time as our normal force is in TIME-TRAVELL created by Allaah/God. (People I mean Force-Travelling here).

So after force travels on the end of the object the object can only then be displaced.


After you apply force on an object it passes through the whole object in-between till the end and this process happens in no time incase of force-travelling but with quality of force-travel it happens in time as quality of force travel makes event , so we get/experience opposite-force by some power back on us is only in case of force-travelling as in case of force-travel we lose the object/mass or/which-was-as opposite force before us.


mass=force/time means time isn't there for force so no event or job happen still mass is there. So after there is no force due to no time firstly force-travelling alone is there so there is no force travel on-the/to-move-the object.

Now the formula the msn-guys and yahoo-guys write I deny it what they say so as I say mass=force/time is the formula here is not correct as it normally by me means after creation of universe, time for the force has not got to work still/so mass is there/their-at-its-place.

So what msn-guys and yahoo-guys are writing from my website is the bracket ahead (Mass = force/time so force travels to the end of the object then only object displaces (event happens then)). So formula mass=force/time force travels to the end of the object means time is removed incase of travel quality of force which was already there they say is wrong (as force wasn't already there) as they say mass force and time for the same object which can't be there has to be a force applier so force is by different/another thing, still if mass can exist travel quality of force isn't their other than event or if some one applies force, but Force-Travelling is their is correct, so if they mean force is force-travelling here which I don't say I say force and force-travelling are different like for force's travel quality is with event on the object till the object stops from sliding (force's travel quality is their) and there has to be a force applier and force-travelling means just apply force and in no time from the object force comes back so their explanation confuses between force and force-travelling so is wrong.

When does mass come due to force travel?

When/Firstly Time was created so force-travell was formed which was in Time-TRAVELLING so this force-travell was from NOTHING BUT TIME-TRAVELS joins the parts of Electron which were combined/their so such way mass comes from Force travell (when parts of Electron are in same Time-TRAVELL gets attached) (I talked Force-Travelling in this paragraph).

So as I write above it is force-travelling which could create mass whereas about force-travel as quality of force travel just moves the mass by using time is the answer. Force travels when reaches the end of the object or we can say till force-travel is in process of reaching border of the object/mass I say mass/object is moving (comes in motion) which requires time too as surely without TIME it doesn't work. (so don't confuse between force-travel and force-travelling as force-travel is [quality-of-force which is-only-with/requires time due to job done {or jobs done} requires/takes time] and force-travelling is [which is in no time after we push something we get opposite force back which is in no time we see it in all solid things directly] {force travelling varies/is-different-way in liquids and gases}).


It takes time for mass to result into force travel. And object is one as mass till force-travelling on it is in same time.


when force travels on mass mass is in time as/and-also making event happen so till the force travels mass keeps moving/sliding. When it is Force-Travelling on mass it is in no-time but/and/due-to is under the action of force-travelling.

So mass comes due to force travels it is true (other wise there is no mass) and it takes time for force to travel on a body till it displaces force has travel to the end of the object (if force does not reach the end of the object it cannot be displaced). This paragraph before is what msn-guys and yahoo-guys write from my website. So till term 'displaces' they are correct as I say mass is due to force-travelling or force can travell/travel on mass so mass is, and in changing the position of a body force-travels requires Time. So this is the connection between 'mass' and 'force-travel' (here this sentence 'force has to travel on the end of the object' is the matter of time [where displacement could happen {obviously}] I say so as for them inreal it depends what people want to read ahead).


If mass is under travel quality of force then mass is making event as the force made after by force-applier reaches to the end of the object one thing or as the force made after by force-applier keeps vibrating back and forth on two opposite-ends second thing so by such any one of two processes means the two things mass/the-thing is moving which is in time what we call as making event.

People 1st, september, year 2021 I came to know so I print this page. I GOT TIME TODAY ON 3RD- SEP, TO ANSWER.

I write same below to see check if this was required in-short I say on 4-sep,2021. If I am asked more by people I will inform more as I understand.

Which is the opposite of a force Travell?

Opposite if force Travell is no-time. As no-time too is present which is light-like velcoity force can Travell here what I mean is Force-Travelling. Now for force-travel-quality opposite is the object before force-applied as object is opposite so it- moves/it-is-displaced (by force-travel) and after force-applied that force travel to end in the same direction of itself working on the object so all or any of the directions are/can-be opposite to force-travel when ever appied/created, till the object is displaced means only before it is (here point to note is ) as after force-travel is over their is Force-Travelling in the object. Here force-travelling too is always opposite when force applied we see but in the object it is in the direction of motion too when we are moving an object.

How does force travel to end of object?

Here displacement of object isn't their till the applied-force reaches the end/border/boundary of the object. Some force-applier is required. Force travels through the whole object from inbetween to the end and the area in which applied-force reaches that is displaced.

When does mass come due to force travel?

Force is travelling inside the object so (it is called mass) mass is (means force-travelling is in the whole object which is working in no-time), normally if we see force-travel-quality force travel-quality works it is with time. So if the force-applier makes force travels object displaces and if force of force-applier reaches to the end means object has finished to work or getting/being displaced. This can also be seen in the way like after force-applier applies force this force keeps vibrating in/on the object till that time the object is displacing/moving so when such vibrating stops object stops being displaced. This vibrating of quality-of-force-travel is/can-be due to force-travelling was already there in the object.

This ahead I write on 8th, sep, 2021. Lets see this explanation could work.

How does force travel to end of object?

(Mass = force/time so force travels to the end of the object then only object displaces [event happens then]). This is what msn-guys and yahoo-guys say what is one-event ahead. Here I just explain their answer on what they said (in answer of this question on search-engine).

what they say is opposite, here due to the formula Mass=Force/Time they say 'force travels to the end of the object' where force haven't travelled according to the formula due to time wasn't there but force from Nothing is there to make the object I say. Like they say ahead 'then only object displaces (event happens then)' so I say object haven't displaced but is existing due to force and time are making it like force is working on electron and time is keeping the parts of electron at its place I say. So ANSWER IS mass is formed due to time doesn't-forms is the wrong thing as time forms the object but time is not created-ahead means no motion or distance the object is going ahead so time can't be created-ahead as displacement has not happened, so force has till now has not worked force din't traveled but time and force were making the object which is not making any event when mass is steady at a place and not moving (I say). So from this answer we know how is mass exactly after formation of itself what MY FORMULA IS NORMALLY for.

So one-event ahead I say/if-we-see force travels to the end/border of the object as mass is not steady at a place one-event-ahead is about mass I say, now force is applied so force-travels and the object moves is about force I say one-event-ahead, and time has formed so that much time-formed that much the object displaces means object displaces exactly till the number-of-TIME allows it I say one-event-ahead. So normally how MY EXPLANATION OF My formula works can be sensed opposite (in above paragraph) comparing to one event ahead the formula if we see.

So the difference between My two understanding of formulas is, one way like if we see formula (mass=force/time) normally like I say then object is at its place or object is formed newly where more time has not passed so no force has worked on the object but the object is recognised. Now the other way if we see the formula (mass=force/time) what msn-guys and yahoo-guys say is force can travel on the object by reaching its/to-the end/border and here time has formed too, if the object is displaced I don't say but AS the object is displaced I say time has formed too but what msn-guys and yahoo-guys if mean/talk-about as what they say isn't/can't-be-seen other than time means with Time they should talk about if they say 'then only object is displaced' what they din't say where as formula means external-time isn't created as object din't moved. Or force travels to the end of the object if they talk that means object is displaced too so time too has happened which they should say but they din't say.

Or msn-guys and yahoo-guys are half correct they mean that event has not happened and time din't form but force traveled to the end of the object is talked, means object is displaced and event-happened both the things are just talked not meant so event has not happened inreal they say, or THEY SAY, displacement has happened due to force travels to the end of the object which is one-event-ahead matter for formula mass=force/time is correct but object was in time then, which they don't say but should mean, as one-event-ahead time in formula means object is displaced other all same they should say like due to force-travels to the end of the object it reaches so event happens they should mean, like they also mean then mass is also there which is due to their is some one there to do event which they din't say what they should mean. So what they say (Mass = force/time so force travels to the end of the object then only object displaces [event happens then]) is half-correct or one-event-ahead correct still role of time is there what they din't say.

Time needs to be removed as otherwise object is moving so time needs to be removed from the object to sense the object as it (object) can be sensed only outside event. And force-travels to the end of the object means time was there and displacement too is their if object displaces or force-travels to the end of the object in both cases time is their and only by removing time-of-event/time-of-job object is separated from event/job so can be recognised as a separate object. So motion and event is included in my formula means time was there and by removing it we can sense the object according to My formula.

So one-event-ahead means force has traveled on the object, so the object is in time, then can be displaced, (means event has happened) means some job has happened is one-event-ahead thing and from My normal formula is, new time is not created for the object by moving/event, as external force too isn't there, so displacement has not happened, means we can know the mass separately means other than quantum-way (to make/create the object/mass by force and time) no job at our place has happened is my formula. So any one full way we can see the formula like normally or one-event-ahead.

Three questions by very short way I inform:

Which is the opposite of a force Travell?

Opposite of force-travelling is event happens in no-time means we are at light-like-velocity.

How does force travel to end of object?

If force travels to the end of the object object is displaced. Object can be displaced if there is no opposite force is working on it like not blocking it (is the same thing).

When does mass come due to force travel?

Object is either displaced or recognized due to force-travel-quality can work is the way mass comes due to force-travel.

This I write:


1.      Force Travelling. Its usage, Electricity can be made cordless.

2.      Force Requires Time To Travell. Its usage, Time is making Dimensions and Gravity can be made ineffective.

3.      Electron checked in LHC. Its usage, Past time and Future time and Big-bang can be known.

4.      Formula. Its usage, Mass Force and Time can be known separately.

1. Force Travelling: Force Travelling is in time-travelling as takes no-time in creating opposite force can create Electricity like we get from Kinetic-Energy of wind or flowing water after we push the object we get force (opposite or against us) means Kinetic-Energy equivalent Energy we can get so everything has its own Electricity. So HERE Time too creates Electricity as Force-Travelling is in No-TIME which makes opposite force to work or exists. All things stands on Force Travelling.

2. Force Requires Time To Travell: Every Force or job requires time for it to make work happen. So to move something TIME is also making event happen and force work (too TIME DOES) so due to TIME our existence is possible. As all things are together means normal due to same time-travell they are in. so if force or speed increases and Time cannot pass more HERE DUE TO less-time we can escape gravity like any obstacle too we escape. As all things are made up of FORCE from NOTHING which is due to TIME means time-travell they do and any event or object uses TIME due to speed if more means as much more jobs done or as much more distance covered in as much less possible TIME due to speed or force (this is what I say) this time we can use for ourselves then anything like obstacle (in SPACE OR on Earth) or gravity too forever can’t work. So all things or forces TO DO A JOB are in TIME means use Time to do any job which is in as less time as possible we do more work cover more distance do more number of jobs be at more speed so due to all these things (such more in) less TIME for all such things/work is if as much as less use number-of-Time that TIME HELPS FORCE OR A THING/PERSON to do a job as due to SUCH TIME we have power in us as such TIME COULD WORK AS force, like make event more easily or even grip in Space such less Time could bring means which is by at quicker/higher work/distance/number-of-jobs/speed such Time can be used.

About Force Travelling: Everything stands on Force Travelling like a wall of brick or car moves due to force is travelling in its tires from the ground.

About Force Requires Time to Travell: Space-ship can escape gravity as speed if more which is due to less time so due to Time we use and else thing we if don’t get time any gravity can’t work and there are no obstacles in space so is if we are at more than light like velocity so for SPACE-SHIP THIS idea of using time can work.

3. Electron checked in Large Hadron Collider: Revolving Electron opposite at light-like-velocity we go in THE BEGINNING OF TIME. Revolving Electron is same direction at light-like-velocity Electron can be in future so we too will go in future means same time area around we will go in future. Electron collision if we check we know BIG-BANG happened so/like so one Electron at natural speed at light-like-velocity and other Electron at half-of-light-like-velocity if we collide we know Big-Bang happened and we can use water-drop/molecule-of-water.

4. Formulas:


There is no time so force even if there can't effect but/means mass is found if force could exist outside time.


Time isn’t there so force can’t effect so Mass we get which is outside the action of Event so object is stagnant due to time wasn’t there (here time is only forming the object and time is not their for working of object so object is stagnant). Time is no there means force can’t work on what is weight and mass.


Time and Force Travelling are opposite to each other due to (what) weight can’t effect if time is used at higher speed so Force Travelling can stop result in to weight (SO WE GET MASS ALONE IF AT HIGHER SPEED FORCE WORK means if time is removed-opposite [time not found due to higher speed {which is more than light-like-velocity}]).


So Mass is if in free falling state Force Travelling of it which is not allowed to act/results in time so (Mass and Time together [including Force-Travelling too]) makes Force which-is/and-the force (before event is the same force?) makes Mass and Time (so that much amount of Mass and Time are equal to same amount of Force). This can be called an example of NOTHING. (here what we see is other than force-travelling.)


Mass if comes in touch with Time then Force is made as Force requires some object like/AS opposite-Force already there to act which is as Mass here (due to which Force can work).


Time is the first thing made if Mass is not there from Force so Force too isn’t there but still TIME IS THERE.


MASS/FORCE and FORCE/MASS both ways it results in time so both are time formulas, like for MASS/FORCE the thing or object is there SO IT ALSO RESULTS IN TIME due to no job done with that object at that time so time is passing means MASS/FORCE=1/TIME is opposite-time formula, like for normal formula FORCE/MASS=TIME a thing or object isn’t there still there is TIME SO like Force can’t effect Force doesn’t have a object or opposite-thing to work so Force isn’t there but TIME EXISTS without reason SO TIME=FORCE/MASS is a preferable formula.

THIS FOUR QUESTION I SEE someway but I don't understand the difference now after explaining them some ways before.

Till force travels to the end of the object Mass isn't displaced. Or if we apply force means force travels to the end of the object still mass is steady is what formula says as we live in friction-world means opposite-force/opposite-event world so formula informs mass is steady as inreal with less friction if force applied reaches the end of the object then the object is displaced.

Above paragraph is from formula mass=force/time or above paragraph is from the question when does mass come due to force travel.

Only then the object can be displaced if force applied travels to whole object due to force-travelling was already there.

Above paragraph is for the/this way object could be displaced which is answer to how does force-travels to the end of the object. (Is force=mass x time is the formula?) (Is mass=force-travelling x time is the formula? I mean Before creation?)

Opposite of force-travel is force not made so any job or event has not happened.

Above paragraph is for what is the opposite of force-travel. (still time was their so time=force/mass is the formula)

Opposite of force-travelling is no-time and no-balance so anything can't fly or there are no pillars without force-travelling. Now from when does no-time come from so it is due to light-like-velocity Allaah made effective as time-travel so Allaah made solid-state things. So any ENERGY OR FORCE is above time means in-time their or COULD BE more faster than time. So all jobs can be done TOGETHER IN ONE TIME if opposite of force-travelling is more powerfull than force-travelling SO WE ARE ABOVE NOTHING if learn-to-work-on/reach-to opposite of force-travelling. So means it is not possible to know.

Above paragraph is on what is the opposite for force-travelling. (the formula of force-travelling is mass x force x time x weight so opposite of force-travelling is no-mass and no-force so no-time means weight isn't their so opposite of force-travelling is anything doesn't exists in NOTHING).

BELOW TWO QUESTIONS and answers msn-guys and yahoo-guys say correct:

How is space created by time travells?

Msn-guy and Yahoo-guys say from my website: SO EXPLOSION WHICH WAS AT LIGHT-LIKE-VELOCITY which is time-travelling COMES IN TIME AS EXPLOSION MEANS JOB OF Nothing but no speed of electron is there in explosion so even half speed is reduced and SPACE is CREATED IN TIME. TILL WE ARE in space we are in TIME SO HIGH-UP IF WE ARE IN NOTHING then we have travelled time which nobody has travelled.

I say:

EXPLOSIONS are controlled by time like the electron is exploding before time controls it. Electron reaches at half-of-light-like-velocity as when one electron is at light-like-velocity results in collisions with itself as other electron is-due-to/results by time-travelling of the same electron so due to collisions of them, Time is created that TIME RESULTS IN SPACE, so space is in time created, as before their was Nothing means electron at light-like-velocity which was existing due to time after Nothing. As time too is at light-like-velocity but does the job of calculation/formation of electron when parts of electron collide what results in space due to time works from outside dimensions so at half-of-light-like-velocity one electron after colliding becomes so space is created-ahead.


So two time-travells are there like one electron is at light-like-velocity so is time-travelling and time formed is also time-travelling. Where due to colliding of parts of electron, one electron loses light-like-velocity and results in half-of-light-like-velocity so space is created (after means in time it [space] is) from two electrons.

How does force travel from time to time?

Msn-guy and Yahoo-guys say from my website: Force=mass x time. force requires time to travel: by making an event we come to know. A block sliding we come to know its force by checking its mass x time. so force is same as time (working on mass) as is in time too with mass. Force = mass x time. force just requires time as is just able as time but need mass to act.

I say:

Anytime if force is there means time is there. So force requires time time doesn't requires force as time is working from outside dimension. So by working on event force works from time to time means due to two events too made by mass force works from time to time like force travel is made due to event is going to form means fraction of seconds before event force travel is there so such is the time (fraction of time) before event and with event there is normal time force travel is in. So if force travel has reached normal time means event has occured. After event has occured force travel is in different time. And after event has occured traveled force keeps working to move the object by reaching other end of the object so becomes same as Force Travelling (so time x force x mass x weight = is Force Travelling). So force =mass x time means Mass if results in time there is force in-between. Force needs mass to work in time.

I also say: you can e-mail me and ask if required to know something about Science or Qur'aan.

How is force related to time and time alone?

From My website msn-guys and yahoo-guys write: So force=mass x time as block is sliding it is experiencing force which is in time and mass means size of the object. And force is in time requiring time to act on mass. time=force/mass so from force if mass is seperated then it is time alone with force that force is NOTHING.

I also say:

Without time force can't act. It requires time for the force to act and get nullified. A block is sliding in time which due to force applied on mass. Force is without mass if, then too time was alone there and/but that force is Nothing.

Force travells I should get Money

How is force travelling related to the function of time?

From My website msn-guys and yahoo-guys write: Force-travelling decides/is-counted-by-time in the function of a clock either by gaps of force-travelling or by numbers of force-travelling. Same way in a Wall-Clock there is force-travelling in the gears of wall-clock so due to force-travelling is in a second once so time is created to understand/count force-travelling. Time is the centre.

I also say:

Force travelling is in no time it is one time-travel ahead than us. As something is if pushed opposite force is felt/exerted which is in no-time. So numbers of force-travellings makes the universe so time is formed as time calculates numbers of force-travellings. And force-travelling is more in speed than time-travel when/if works from the center what is already making things from the center as is time-traveling all the time (means) even when force is not applied/exerted.

Force travells I should get Money: TIME

How are force travells formed in a body?

From My website msn-guys and yahoo-guys write: Energy contained in a body if is in some form is mass. Force-travelling of energy if can't result on surrounding is mass. Mass is formed due to friction joins electron which gives thrust and time brings energy by not letting electron explode. So parts of electron are joined due to time and friction.

I also say:

Energy means electrons at more than light-like-velocity inside a mass/object and force-travelling works due to energy inreal. Form of energy in a body is mass and force-travelling is due to and after mass. So due to force-travelling force keeps on vibrating in a body like we take a plie of a book or take a skid wrapped incompletely it will fall when loses time, is due to force-travelling was there at light-like-velocity (which could be activated by centrifugal force earth is in due to revolving). Time and friction works in a body which has force travelling so time works for event of that body and friction is due to force-travelling is effective by working as weight, from up to down direction means when force is applied first opposite to that force-travelling works so for a thing force is applied from down due to touch of floor. so from opposite side that is from up to down force-travelling effects.

Force travells I should get Money: UNDERSTANDING MY Theory ...…

How does mass travel in relation to time?

From My website msn-guys and yahoo-guys write: Mass is from Energy. Above three paragraphs are on mass. TIME: we do a job so force works or mass travels are in TIME. So TIME starts from end of the event and is to beginning of the Event. Means event and force requires time to exist. Gravity to act /pull an object requires TIME.

I also say: 

if mass is at higher speed means takes less time so gravity too effects less due to higher speed or a certain speed some time-above that is 60 is the value to one time such some more times ahead than 416km/hour/minute/second gravity can't effect on mass. So travel of mass is based on time. When we do something or force is applied on mass it can work due to mass uses time. Mass is if using as less time that much the event is more stable and proper. With the object before working and after working too mass is required for time to be calculated what we call time of the event. Time controls all function and Interval with event causes time (in our daily life [means] in normal event but if we go quantum-way time causes event).

Force travells I should get Money: UNDERSTANDING MY Theory ...…

If you want to ask any questions you can ask by e-mail. If I know from before what were you thinking on My Theory I can co-operate to work.

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