Time Travell I talk

Time and force are opposite due to event of fire is told in Quraan. I say mass and time are same too as mass requires equal time to form as object. (or speed is mass, distance is force and time they take like force takes time to gain mass so mass and time work together this I know) and the force and time are opposite the more the force and the less is time (in percentage atleast). Due to mass takes time in formation and requires force applied in formation all exact same in percentage I mean mass, time and force(this I write extra).time they take like force takes time to gain mass so mass and time work together this I know) (so I write extra force/time is mass requires time so mass/time too (if the object is steady)? So question is correct. So here in question mass doesn't takes time but force takes time as mass is after formation not before (so here is the answer) (its time too isn't there other than formation) As much time there as much is mass so mass x time is force and equals force is correct. Mass requires time doesn't require force? I say mass requires force before formation. And time too mass requires with formation we know.? This question mark is correct.

I continue:Only force can act in time to form mass this I learned as in timetravell their is mass and no-force applicable so mass is in time and mass is formed in timetravell (time takes over as force in timetravell) too as force is just in time? we live in mass and time world. force is an extra job we do. Like you did some job if it was in timetravell your force can't work on that job. Force just works in opposite time as blowing on the trumpet in timetravell force isn't there as their is no-opposite time (like trumpet blown). So is it true there is no-force in timetravell or one force could do all jobs? Once you apply force and you are in time-travell that job is done as force is in that direction, which normal time could understand. Force is in timetravell and mass (it) is in opposite time so we need force. Time working ahead due to time-travell is forcetravelling is the other write but it is one force as is one time-travel with us, so you can have opposite and negative force (due to we stay in opposite time too inreal). To undone such force you travell-time is the answer?So force is one is timetravell. If force is more then losing time-travell and another time-travell we go in.? So another object formed as two objects are in time-travell to eachother. So ,mass=force/time force is stopped to go to another time-travell so is one mass or mass one here more time-travell more massess. Time-travell creates you too like difference is in time we meet other objects and in (different time-travell they are) time-travell your time is changed within (same) place is no-force acting but time acting on you (if place is changed you have travelled time as no-mass changed comparable to the time you are in, so if with time same mass and new force and you know is the conclusion (it is true) for time travell.

I continue:Our travelling to other object isn't same force but if same force takes you to other object is time-travell as our travelling to other object object is another force it should be same force, means no force new recognised or no recognised new ( place and time [other than past or future] )if in time-travell you are (so this I say) in. Only force can act in time to form mass so in time=travell much new space is formed (as space is first formed due to force it first comes in touch with, force is space as only one force-travell it is)( either or we reach another time with same force it is but )or it is required to reach another place (only force work I say). If it is same force it is time-travell as time becomes force. And new force and new mass we gain (acccording to time?) so due to time-travell then reach at another place as force is new (as place) it is time works as force and space is new time works as space. So this I conclude. At least space is different due to time is time=travell space first changes so the force is different and time-travell includes only same force as other than space is same force so objects are different? As mass is same and force is also same just time is different could be object different or place different (at different place?) normally space different and object are different due to time made them.

So I say:(mass and time are one like force and time couldn't be one even if same value) (and force is required to form mass)
so I continue from above time-travell formula is mass x newforce x newmass x c square x time either force we know or the mass we know and time we decided. Just newmass we need to learn and the force-travell formula is wrong. But mass time and force you require if want to time-travell.

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