Mass = force/time so force travels to the end of the object
then only object displaces (event happens then). So mass comes due to force
travels it is true (other wise there is no mass) and it takes time for force to
travel on a body till it displaces force has travel to the end of the object
(if force does not reach the end of the object it cannot be displaced). So
aside mass is event that is after mass (some event we calculate here as force
was (in time before we remove so know mass? As mass is due to force
travelling).due to we remove event we know mass. Mass and event you know which
is different from time and force (due to forcetravelling there). So inshort I explained the formula m=f/t where time removed from force so force can’t work (and only force travelling within the object there)and it is mass is we get mass, so here force travelling is different matter which is there in the object (it gives rise to time due to object is made) it means object is in time even when (at that time) the object is (called) one due to forcetravelling. Once the object is made due to same force traveling is the same object as one which makes the object (live) in time. force travelling is different matter than force. If time remove from force is mass itself. And mass is if removed from force is stagnant time which is time one. Any mass isn’t there other than force and time there so some force application is there if mass is there but is in time so force removed of time so object is stagnant is mass as mass is steady here. Other than time force can’t work or act so mass could exist without the support of force.
Force=mass x time. force requires time to travel: by making
an event we come to know. A block sliding we come to know its force by checking
its mass x time. so force is same as time (working on mass) as is in time too
with mass. Force = mass x time. force just requires time as is just able as
time but need mass to act. So force we come to know by mass which is sliding in
time so it adds to mass (if time is one as it is then one object) time adds to
mass incase of force applied so it is f=mass x time. so time is one of the
factor adding to force or mass can’t say both are but.
force is dependent on time it requires time to put force and
to travel you (mass) requires force which is in time so here we know force due
to working on mass in time only we can know force which could be weight too or (force)
directly proportional to time is force = mass x time.
force and mass are there so time is there as force requires
time and mass can’t work other than time and force travelling. Mass can’t work
other than time? (which [time] gets removed with job as we use it) block is
equal to force / time as force requires time so if time is removed is mass (we
get mass due to use time as its removal is also use ) (same as force as we are
a force too) we get this I say. So mass=force / time we get mass or force =
mass x time, time = force / mass so from force you (if mass remove time and
force are one is Nothing)? and mass=force/ time if time is one then force is
mass? I say yes Why one time is time remove as it is the clock and on (one)
seconds isn’t there (if we don’t count time) that second from seconds is also
counted here as we say no-time.
Time could be equal to force if mass is one (time = force /
mass)or mass could be equal to force if time is one (mass = force / time). one
time is halt time? (I don’t think mass is one but just could be steady). Halt
time is forcetravelling (which is outside time). (here m=f/t 3=6/2 so mass is
half of force or 4=12/3 so mass is timeless then it is divide by time same or
divided by three so two numbers could be same as difference between mass and
force is time so mass and force is same if time is one. As in one shot event
can’t happen to make and event you need force and time both becomes two so
single force can’t make and event so time one can’t be there both mass and
force are in time so time = force / mass, mass=force/time 4=12/3 12 x 3 =36 so
mass is nine times or time is nine times if we see time=force/mass. So if we
multiply mass x force it is other values we take 3=6/2 so 6 x2=12 means mass or
time is four times required to reach so the gap widens between time and mass so
event happen more with time and mass as force works more if we multiply time
and mass. just force has to do the job I cancel write only if force want to do
the job time and mass could be one it means one or together both time and mass
are. Mass and time are there and could be if multiplied is force as but only if
force works. As I say if mass or time is one then they are just equal to force
so can’t overpower.
So force=mass x time as block is sliding it is experiencing
force which is in time and mass means size of the object. And force is in time
requiring time to act on mass. time=force/mass so from force if mass is
seperated then it is time alone with force that force is NOTHING.
If mass divided by time m/t then there is no mass as force
travelling is in time to make the object so mass is there object due to force
travelling is in time so object can’t work other than time.
In space if we hold something heavy and push we go more
farther if the object is heavy as force is travelling we go ahead force keeps
on travelling in the object even due to weight (weigth directly proportional)
as weight opposite in Nothing. As force keeps travelling in the object back and
forth it slides more until time and friction nullifies it. So forcetravelling
is mass x time x weight x force exerted or force and weight could be same too
then it is force square taken as with mass x time x force square.
Due to inclined plane supported by fulcrum its one side is
down and other is up. As force travelling is keeping the inclined plane the
force is more where it is pressed but the other side due to forcetravelling
turns opposite that is rises. So due to inclined plane supported by fulcrum is
event its half is time half inclined plane is time and half is event so time
and event are opposite it eachother. As it takes time to work by pressing its
half is time and due to event time works so event is still there as force
travels to the farthest end object is displaced or moved which could be only if
time there as here half inclined plane is opposite we get stuck with time as it
is not full time but half time.
And event doesn’t work other than time and time is more
powerfull than event the full inclined plane is event still half could be time
as force travelling or event both can’t happen newly other than time. as two
sides of inclined plane are opposite one is in time due to fulcrum and one is
not in time as in time event isn’t (in half of the inclined plane supported by
fulcrum) event means job happened here half job doesn’t happen. So inclined
plane supported by fulcrum is half time and half event as job only happens
As I write in force requires time to travel blog some
circular rotating dish has object on it and it (the object) results less weight
on the circular rotating dish is due to force required time to travel so can’t
travel on the object on circular rotating dish means it results less weight. So
this I said on the blog but more thing I understand is that time is center in
the circular rotating dish so time is center centripetal force removes time and
it is only at the center where it supports the rotation of the object so other
sides experience less weight due to time is center is notime. At the center of
the dish has time not happened so it remains in same rotating state so this is
one more discovery like it can’t be said more in number discoveries are here.
Even when we don’t do anything time is there and time is horizontal and perpendicular
lines works this minutely so no curve is
there as curve has dependency which time doesn’t have and time is only one two
times could be there at one place but don’t interfere I don’t say here but
minutely work together or same both times does their job as one is time and one
mumber came from time so two times are not dependent on each other.
LAW 1: Displacement
only occurs if force travels that is Mass = Force / Time. As displacement and
force are same. Mass is there and force applied in time. Due to force reaching
the farthest end object is displaced which is apart from force travelling (in
or with) the object.
LAW 2: Object is
mass it is Force = Mass x Time. Object if works in time then the force has been
applied this I say here. Here force travel and force are same. Some time outer
force may not result for change in inbuilt forcetravell.
LAW 3: Force keeps
on travelling like (f=m/t and like m=f/t) just there is no-time in force
travelling which we get alone by alone time remove as achieved time. But
complete forcetravelling is So Mass x Time x Force x Weight = Force Travelling.
Law1: firstly force
requires time and can only travel on mass so there is no single force other
Law2: object
displaces when force of the force applier reaches the farthest end.
Law3: due to force
travelling object displaces which is due to its weight too and it displaces
more with more weight. So in space we know it could happen but the object is on
earth dependent on how much friction acts on it so that much it displaces less.
In space weight could be replaced by force so mass x time x force square could
also be seen.
I end here I write
in short from above.
Also know:
weight works or
displaces object more in space without friction.
We can use force
square as weight is directly proportional to the force applied.
Our universe is
force universe weight is opposite to us. Weight is opposite in space.
Bigger in size we
don’t take power due to we are force opposite to Nothing. Our Nothing reach is
medium in size. like spaceship you built due to this.
Mass is event too
so 1/mass=mass so all equations come correct. IF tested I write.
EVENT RECOGNISES FORCE. (m=f/t both sides divided by m so f doesn’t remain or
t=f/m okay time is force too as directly proportional if m is removed or
t=f/m/1 so m/1 is 1/m).
WEIGHT NOTHING HAS TO BECOME A FORCE ( so My Nothing Theory is correct ). My
previous theory is on Nothing and not on Quraanic Verses as I write throws
light….literature………….Quraanic verses.
underline in first paragraph was software mistake so I cleared formating by editing here as my office program was taking underline by itself so I made it normal and removed it.
underline in first paragraph was software mistake so I cleared formating by editing here as my office program was taking underline by itself so I made it normal and removed it.
SOME MATH I UNDERSTAND: M=f/t so 1/m=t/f so t/f is force removed
from time so is either mass or alone time. I say it is mass other than us as we
stand on support then so other mass could come. due to it as 1/m, mass is not
mass removed, but is also mass as time is there so are we so other mass could
be there.? Just due to us there as we see time after us or due to us mass could
come. So we are mass here normally and other thing is mass due to time is there
due to us so we are with somebody. Due to mass is in time time there 1/m doesn’t removed mass as we are
there or other thing could come this I say here as somebody is with time who comes. AND it is mass which comes or
comes next I say same which is other than us due to we are there and time forms
due to us so new mass we get.so I have no-info here googleguy please note it here wrong maths will be workable so here I don't now I write. just 1/m is also mass as mass removed is mass and force removed from time is the same object (as mass) just it is not working or doing any job no say still there is mass. I couldn't write more ahead. wrong mass we have is due to Nothing wrong and Nothing wrong is against Islaam. so I believe mass. due to Malaaik masalaa it is possible to reach Malaaiks or no other info.
Podolsky rosen effect:
We come in its time like center is opposite and same force
travel we are ( so we are opposite). they are in same time so they are
opposite.? due to same time they are in so become opposite. if time same we
come across then charge is different. Or we come in its time is the answer so
know podolsky rosen effect. Again like entanglement this paragraph is bottom
line I write late after entanglement I wrote down so it was.
(as we come in podolsky rosen effect) You lose dimemsion (due
to you are in their time) new force travel can’t be in one dimension as
opposite can’t be in one dimension.
Podolsky rosen effect is away from the center. (here
opposite is opposite to center inreal center is called opposite)
Other electron is in other time or different relation (is in
other dimension) of their other-time. dim of time is negative so one is in time
other isn’t in same time. Charge for us gets changed that is electron charge
gets changed if we come in its time so podolsky rosen effect I explain.
We are in opposite time as time is negative dimension and one electron
is negative
charge to us. we are included in
charge. Only one thing could come in negative dim time (so other is opposite
If charge
gets change we are in different time. two times are always different so no two
same charge. Once we see them they can’t be same oppositely charge too they
aren’t same.
We come in
same time is opposite charge and forcetravelling is different so we can know different
people. Just due to forcetravelling we are different which same charge we lose. Either we are in
same time and charge gets changed or we are in opposite time ( if charge is
same? No it isn’t same) so other (electron)is in different relation or other dimension-of-(their)time not
that two dimensions aren’t opposite to each other due to length-opposite too
dimensions are due to perpendicular is opposite to them (okay formed too opposite
they are) so their charge isn’t same but opposite even due to dimensions like
electron opposite we come to know due to charge that is charge opposite. We are in opposite
time to one electron (so podolsky rosen effect is) one opposite electron we are
as we see other we are in their time (so charge gets changes [from positive to
negative]) so two electrons are different and not opposite as we are opposite
to each other. This paragraph is bottom line too I write.
As I wrote
previously on hamzahgod.blogpsot.com so I don’t explain here.
Force travel is not same they are not in same time
entanglement is outside time.
(it happened due to) You gain dimension like forcetravel or
change dimension.
Entanglement is with the center. (like rotating wheels with patches
of colours two such can’t be same happen due to rotating has center it is
easier to entanglement as center is different as two center can’t be same even
if wheels are called same so entanglement is with the center).
Due to entanglement dimensions are there.
We are in touch with dim in different ways is positive and
negative too so we meet Allaah due to time and forcetravelling both from
outside dimensions could work in dimensions. As (we are in time nodoubt all the
time forcetravelling different due to event [we make]) time and forcetravelling
we live due to me explained we live. Entanglement
was required (due to dim and two
same entanglement is required as dimensions are in entanglement to each other means
thing before creation like forcetravel but opposite due to time, (different it
is in as entanglement seen separately) we are in entanglement is with creation.
A thing like forcetravel and time and also is entanglement which
is can’t be explained. You can’t say one object as two as time is negative and
only time was different entanglement is atleast time different (like two
spinning wheels are different).
At lightlike velocity time doesn’t remain negative so
differentiation is one after the other (that is entanglement) (as two
timetravells can’t be same but you can meet due to entanglement) it (timetravel)
doesn’t work from before so entanglement is the answer as it was the
conclusion answer.
Due to time same entanglement isn’t (it is time more time
ahead thing) and forcetravell is new forcetravell. so entanglement comes in
different time (time is different and due to due to new forcetravell is one
more thing and it is removing negative time due to dimensions too so entanglement
is there favouring time due to dimensions. and time is not made
with entanglement which is before time so you are the answer if with
entanglement) and here like normally force travel is different too so entanglement
is not new thing so there is entanglement this you write as bottom line this
paragraph I say.
As I wrote
previously on hamzahgod.blogpsot.com so I don’t explain here.
only clues I write here on Podolsky rosen effect and Entanglement. so come to know people this much is required to learn I dont know and Allaah knows me too. people who let me write I am grateful. And Allaah knows me due to them. Allaah know I write.
people you read my hamzahgod website it is too required I don't say but beneficial incase to learn Allaah or learn Allaahtoo was of it.
only clues I write here on Podolsky rosen effect and Entanglement. so come to know people this much is required to learn I dont know and Allaah knows me too. people who let me write I am grateful. And Allaah knows me due to them. Allaah know I write.
people you read my hamzahgod website it is too required I don't say but beneficial incase to learn Allaah or learn Allaahtoo was of it.
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