Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Time I Understand


TIME factor I explain here which makes gravity ineffective just force is required for it. So people if you don’t understand you should tell me. People I just try to help the world by understanding what I say. I say Time is effective on Event and Force. I SAY TIME IS NOT an illusion but is required for each and everything means for doing jobs where even force and distance requires it and I say Time is with event means as important as Event/job for movement or Time can change the way we look at things we will come to know.

People Time is not a thing of Belief but our Belief can be due to it. Like Qur’aan and Bible can be on Time. We are 27 percent composed of Time so read my blog “Find Explorer” on url findexplorer123.blogspot.com Title ‘To Print A Book’ on the page see heading ‘Time in Electron’. What we think that even without job there is time-passing I say it as opposite-Time of which I don’t write anything. So without job there is no time so we are under the effect of gravity alone without job.

So I start to explain: Force and Time makes the gravity ineffective. Gravity is not a pulling force but is no-time due to which motion, speed, force like time and due to no-time can’t work so IS GRAVITY AND gravity is against event. GRAVITY MEANS EVERYTHING IS AT HALT.

If at higher speed, force is, there is less time passing I say to reach some destination  so I also say lower speed we take more time to reach some destination, means there is less time on clock comparatively  if we are at higher speed comparing to at lower speed okay that’s the normal thing I talk, so higher speed means less time we take we understand this time I talk (about where gravity is less effective or ineffective too if we are in-less-Time and at more speed) so now people understand ahead and at such speed due to gravity can’t get time I say as gravity can’t work on higher speed as can’t undo force due to which we are travelling as time which we are at/taking means travelling by using- time results such way due to action of Time (less-time taken) inreal at higher speed due to which gravity effects less so we can travel means move (ahead) to some distance so force and time both if more gravity’s effect could go away as gravity can work on more time and not/can’t work on less time, means as more force results in less time and in this less time gravity either works partly or can’t work is also true due to it I say, but  people come to know as both time and force are due to each other as, the more force the less time we see in life and I too inreal say for such time here, and the less force more time required I don’t mean to explain about this-time but I say gravity cannot work on force due to I say Time alone it is (so) which is due to more speed that is in less time. SO due to this less Time I mean gravity can’t work on time people like I mean if doesn’t gets enough time to act on a thing we can’t do the job same way like gravity doesn’t gets time so can’t work on a thing DUE TO LESS-TIME FIRSTLY WHICH IS RESULT OF HIGHER-FORCE WHICH REQUIRES TO BE INCLUDED WITH SPEED so these letters I wrote in capital before this sentence due to them GRAVITY CAN’T WORK so people come to know Time makes gravity ineffective so what I mean is less-force and low-speed means more-time due to which gravity works and also CAN SLOW anything moving and BUT at higher-force and higher-speed TOGETHER which means less-time and due to this less-time gravity can’t pull an object as can only pull the object if gets enough time FOR IT means enough time to work on it. Due to if gravity doesn’t have time it can’t pull the object means if we doesn’t get time we can’t do jobs same way if gravity too doesn’t gets time it can’t pull that thing so all higher-force and higher-speed (works due to TIME?) are due to in less time they are at so (people believe me) can work or so have effect to not get worked  on/from/by  gravity ,  so at higher-force like by using boosters can make us lose gravity DUE TO BOOSTERS ARE WORKING TO MAKE TIME-PASS LESS/SLOW or at higher-speed if we move like in a plane IT INCLUDES HIGHER-FORCE TOO SO gravity effects less all this is due to we reach less time people believe me, people believe me that  less time is the answer. At higher speed we can escape gravity this is what I explain here people as Time factor makes us lose the effect of gravity I say. Force means force applied, on something or mass, makes speed OR less-time and at such less time gravity is either less effective or in-effective too it could be I mean if we cross some speed barrier which due to it results in less-time so we can be out of (effect of) GRAVITY. I say force of gravity can’t work on less time taking things which is due to at higher speed WHICH IS IN HIGHER FORCE such things are so IF force gets included as a thing with speed which either results in less time as higher speed such force too is if with less time gravity can’t work SAME WAY WE CAN ESCAPE EARTH’S GRAVITY OR TRAVELL TO/IN SPACE.

Without force if there  is less time in job still force of gravity can’t be undone one-write-a I say same ahead that as higher-speed could just be replaced by force and if force isn’t there or is replaced by speed means if more-speed alone there with less-time it can’t result to escape gravity so to escape gravity like less-time force too is required but inreal the real reason is less-time or using-time and what is using-time is so as at higher-speed it results in less-time which is if including higher-force then there is using-time without higher force gravity could be the weakest but gravity can’t be lost fully so to lose/loose gravity after less-time higher-force too is required is the one-write-b like EVEN if alone higher force is there without MORE-speed-and-less-time together still escape gravity is not possible ANYWAY even when gravity could be made to work very-less by higher speed still less-time is required and even more than more-force to escape gravity is required with less time so less-time I here too  say is the one-write-c. Our speed should be 500km/sec/min/hr to reduce the effect of gravity so/and at some times speed ahead we will be outside the effect of gravity due to less time we take for a job/event so I say less-time taken could work two-write. Gravity could be no-time so stops all event, speed, motion and time too it stops so can be no-time as without doing jobs there is no-time-using as we live under the effect of gravity on earth three-write. Any spring or elastic works due to there is more-time in it four-write. For things with more weight much lesser time is required to escape gravity than for things with light/less weight five-write. Things with more in mass are in lesser time comparing to things with less in mass I say here so are able to float more easily (more mass means more energy [so bigger size too it could be] here I say) or things with more mass are at higher speed not due to with less force but with more force we understand but with less time things with more mass are at, like a gaint robot can move more faster than a small robot by the same-action means is able to lessen the effect of gravity after it starts moving in case of speed of itself here we see  so no doubt it is more in weight so gravity works more on it but due to its speed gravity is nullified which is after enough force applied we see as after enough force applied bigger mass due to  is in less-time and its electrons are at higher speed but can’t escape gravity fully, but to escape gravity fully/more more force which the thing with higher mass reaches is required but results a higher speed after using-time comparing to small robot due to more speed too a giant robot gains which could be due to result in less-time and results due to less-time so gravity is less effective in case of travelling of gaint robot so the giant robot is more faster and if giant robot is with more energy weight too giant robot can have less comparing to small robot so can move more faster in time is the six-write and this six-write is an example of Time-dilation too. A car tire is in less time than the car so the car tire is skidding when we apply brakes to stop the car suddenly which locks the car- wheel so after car wheel is locked car is skidding by changing direction due to wheel of car is still not in more time so is in some lesser time than the force-of-car when we turn the steering after braking or when we press full accelerator and spin the car or steering car-wheels car is skidding by moving faster at a place as at this force and speed car wheel is in much less time so wheels of car don’t get time to effect on ground where friction too car-wheels require to move which can’t be there due to less time car wheels reach by full accelerator as its tire is in less time than the car so car is skidding by spinning of wheels in lesser time is seven-write. Our eye sees more distance things more smaller due to such things are in different time eight-write.

So we understand: Okay people commonly if we say less time gravity can’t act on but if without force, less time, means without speed too it is so I say less time is the right thing but it should be due to more force then gravity can’t overcome the force we understand people if see commonly, but TIME IS THE HIDDEN FACTOR due to if time means less consuming of time no there then gravity can easily act. Now this less-time should be if more force then more speed too that-thing-is/we-are at so force and speed anyone if make less time then gravity could be in-effective If we see in daily life where speed includes force so by higher speed and less-time gravity could be in-effective.  So due to anyone from force or speed are,  means if force is more speed we can reach and if speed is more then more bigger force or thrust was applied then by such anyone way using less time by force or speed we can make gravity lose/loose to work we should see it by experimentation.

What should be our speed: So as our speed like I can say speed of force is short way to understand so if our/force’s speed is increased we go in less time this is the real reason why gravity can’t be effective. So as we go in less time consuming state gravity keeps loosing  to act and at 500km/hr/min/sec means 500km per either hour or per minute or per second I say gravity can’t effect on us. So as we increase speed gravity keeps loosing its attraction as at such speed gravity can’t get TIME as we reach time-winning-state I say where gravity is in-effective.

One thing more people I say gravity could be no-time:  As gravity is no-time it stops all like speed, motion/event, time, or is against speed and time so more force is required to overcome gravity which can only happen if time is less consumed as alone more force without less time by big engine too can’t escape gravity like can reduce effect of gravity to some extent to lift something but for lessening effect of  gravity more speed or more force (either one is required out of speed and force in our daily life) could work but in case of electron matter alone speed can loosen the effect of gravity due to time working some way but inreal for electron to escape gravity after TIME passed due to more speed higher-force too should be there which if together results in less time, so I mean ONLY THEN gravity could be made ineffective if speed or force results in less time what we see this speed and force due to less-time when we move in car or travel by airplane so speed and force we understand, as the more the weight the more the speed and more the force required means but with much less time comparatively required than for less-force and less-speed and less-mass (less-size) we require where we escape gravity like by speed 500km/sec/min/hr I say. People read my blog on Escape Velocity of Gravity on findexplorer123.blogspot.com.

And people don’t get confused between Time and Force. TIME IS DURATION OF EVENT SO TIME IS WITH BEGINNING AND END OF EVENT people come to know what time is like TIME IS COUNTING OF EVENTS AND TIME IS WITH ONE EVENT TOO ONE EVENT IS ALSO IN SOME TIME so this is what I say for Time WHEREAS FORCE IS EVENT AT LIGHT-LIKE-VELOCITY so a small force also works/functions due to is formed due to event at light-like velocity so movement takes place in Time.(AT LIGHT-LIKE-VELOCITY THERE IS NO TIME BUT FORCE WORKS DUE TO LIGHT-LIKE-VELOCITY WHAT TIME TOO IS) (FORCE CAN’T WORK OTHER THAN TIME BUT IS [CREATED] WITH TIME).

After above paragraph don’t get confused between TIME and Distance. Time is with distance travelled from beginning to end. so distance IS place made by beginning and end of formation of time. So distance means Event in no Time (IS PLACE) so I mean EVENT FORMED BY REMOVING TIME IS DISTANCE OR DISTANCE IS AT THREE LIGHT-LIKE-VELOCITY AN EVENT IS THEN PUT IN NO-TIME. SAME WAY Time is one light-like-velocity SO IS AT ONE-EVENT, Force is two light-like-velocity SO AT TWO-EVENT, and Distance is at three light-like-velocity SO AT THREE-EVENT.

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