Thursday, 21 July 2022

I Understand Time IN Electron


Some this way I found/understand Time in Electron, I don’t remember fully.

To learn about value 0.8125 which is percentage value of between Dimensions and Sides read Tag ‘Dimensions and sides’ on url And to learn about Time working with us is in different things/ways read Tag ‘Time in Electron’ on url

Now I say, We use Five Dimensions and live in Three Dimensions, as one Dimension is opposite we don’t use it for event so use five dimensions, THREE DIMENSIONS WE CAN SEE IN A ROOM CORNER UP AND remaining two dimensions we see, one on one side and the other dimension on the opposite side of one side dimension which we saw lastly (no corner I talk for remaining two dimensions as I talk two middle dimensions of two opposite walls is the extra write on the other side/end of the room) so in all use five dimensions, remaining one dimension is opposite what we don’t use out of six dimensions. We live in Four Sides and also use same four sides which includes roof as two sides includes roof and remaining two sides includes ground. So I understand Dimensions in a room with four walls and a roof with ground/base.

The matter is different for three dimensions and five dimensions so if we see three dimensions and the remaining two dimensions separately to multiply we get value same as four sides means get six dimension value. When we see five dimensions together to multiply we just count dimensions.

As 0.8125 percent is the mid-value between dimensions and sides so for three-Dimensions 0.8125 x 3 = 2.4375 is the value half of three dimensions so we require 2.4375 x 2 value of two dimensions more = 4.875  which is 3d+2d so due to we are quantum so for removing quantum state we multiply by 10 is 48.75 is the full value of dimensions.

But if we want to know Time in Dimensions alone separately then 0.8125 x 3 = 2.4375 due to 3 Dimensions separately which is quantum state so this value we multiply by 10 to remove quantum state so 2.4375 x 10 = 24.375, and for remaining dimensions the value is two as in all five dimensions we use to contain a room/container so 24.375 x 2 = 48.75 so it should be same as 0.8125 x 5 due to five dimensions we live in =  4.0625 which is quantum way so this value we multiply by 10 so we get 40.625 but it is not same as five dimensions we will see (so if we see for six dimensions the value is same which is 48.75 we get by multiplying 0.8125 x 6 is 48.75 or we multiply 0.8125 by three and that value multiply by two if to see five dimensions separately we get same value [like for six dimensions]).

Now these values we saw (after removing quantum state)  like dimensions value which is for three-dimensions and two-dimensions separately multiplied by 0.8125 is = 48.75 and value for five dimensions directly we saw by multiplying 0.8125 is = 40.625 and we substract these values 48.75 - 40.625 answer is 8.125 so we again get the same value which is the value of Time in Dimensions-and-Sides. So what is the difference between these values is 8.125.

So people we come to know values (after removing quantum state) of 3d=24.375, 3d+2d=48.75 5d=40.625

Ahead we see for calculating sides 0.8125 x 4 = 3.25 which is quantum way so to remove quantum state we multiply by 10 so we get 32.5 .

so 48.75 – 32.5 = 16.25 we get which is double-of 8.125. and  40.265 – 32.5 = 8.125 again we get same way (note the values used for calculation are multiplied by 10 other than the answers to remove quantum state as told previously). So two ways we see five dimensions like first three and then two different for multiplication (by 0.8125) we get 48.75 and ahead we see five dimensions together for multiplication (by 0.8125) we get 40.625 and for sides we multiply (0.8125) by four so we get 32.5.

I say same now difference between these values for two ways we see for five dimensions like first- three then two-different and sides is one-way gives value double of 8.125 and now difference between five-dimensions and four sides is two-way gives value 8.125. So the difference between value which is for three-dimensions and two-dimensions separately, and value for four sides comes as double of 8.125 which is 16.25 and for difference between five dimensions and four sides is again 8.125.

May  be ways we see for five dimensions like first- three then two-different means we count sides too so get value as one-dimension or one-side more which/due-to-it is double of 8.125 so the last remaining dimensions (sixth dimensions) and the last remaining side both are more/extra and have value 8.125 like  by subtracting sides is one-way gives value double of 8.125 (16.25) and may be now difference between five-dimensions and four sides is two-way gives value 8.125 here we count difference of dimensions alone for two-way.

WE CONCLUDE from above paragraph double of 8.125 is one more dimensions extra which is one-way is dimension including sides TOO (48.75 – 32.5) but and 8.125 (40.265 – 32.5) means one dimensions or one side less we count (five dimensions we count from six dimensions) two-way so it doesn’t includes sides what is value of time in one dimension or one side 0.8125 so this way I explain. I say the value same as/for dimensions or sides is inreal the value of time which is 0.8125 which is the hidden factor between time and dimensions.

as i explained,

3d=24.375 and 5d=40.625 and (3d x 0.8125) + (2d x 0.8125) =48.75 and 4s x 0.8125= 32.5

so 40.625-32.5 = 8.125 by 5d-4s

so 48.75 – 32.5 = 16.25 means double of 8.125 by (3d+2d)-4s

so above two paragraphs means dimensions like we see 3d+2d which becomes 6d or we see 5d and compare such way dimensions with sides 4s we get value 8.125 when sides are compared with 5d and when sides are compared with 6d (3d+2d) we get value double  of 8.125 (16.25) means one dimension more or one side more means mid-value of dimensions-and-sides we get extra (which is the value of time in dimensions) means 4 sides includes 6 dimensions where the difference could just be time which builts both dimensions and sides. it also seems true that we use five dimensions as one dimensions is there but not used which is some different from value 0.8125 including sides. so time in electron we know as 0.8125 as dimensions and electron are composed of each other.


One dimension we don’t use as one dimension is opposite. We can’t move in two direction together as it is not called event-alone but called transformation too. So 0.8125 x 5 is 4.0625 which is quantum ways so to remove quantum state we multiply by 10 so we get 40.625 is the percentage value of time we use.

And Time with event is double due Time is together with beginning and end of event so 40.625 x 2 we get = 81.25 again we get (0.8125 x 100, may be to remove percentage) means this much Time as percent we use to do jobs/event so we Believe in Allaah due to Time.

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