Monday, 15 August 2022

Devices The Way I Understand.


I say Transmitter, Transformer, Battery and Transistor are capable to create more ELECTRICITY by the idea of either Force-Travelling or Using-Time. And it is not sure how does it works but I try to explain.


A device used to transmit radio-waves from one place to another through antenna by alternating current used. This device is used for telecommunication which is called transmitter. By my knowledge this device creates signals by emitting/spreading waves after catching the signals so it is called trans-emitter means transmitter. So transmitter does the job of  even spreading signals after catching it so could work as catching power of force-travelling as it is device which if spreads normal waves (to a bigger extent/scope) too if  then there are more chances to understand the use of force-travelling by using the transmitter to create it by more advanced way. And first sentence of this paragraph I studied on internet.

May be transmitter spreads/emits radio waves due to by using-time as, time is first thing at light-like velocity, so transmitter works transfer’s more waves by using-time, means the first wave is created by transmitter but waves ahead if in sequence are created with time, so at very less time waves are transferred to another place means transmitter is using-time (using-time means at higher force means higher speed where veryless time passes and we travel very long distance so we come in very less time is called Using-Time).

So Force-Travelling or Using-Time can work for transmitter. (Force-Travelling is something bigger than time which doesn’t require Time like force we feel back when we push a thing is it). (Using-Time is we travel more distance in less time due to speed means due to force too means/but/and in very less Time means in a fraction of a second WE DO A JOB is also CALLED Using-TIME.)


 A transformer is a device that transfers electric energy from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits, either increasing (stepping up) or reducing (stepping down) the voltage.

A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another circuit, or to multiple circuits. 

By my knowledge transformer means one who transforms means changes to another form/different-in-looks by way or shape too it could be but no such changes I find on internet as above two paragraph I studied on internet.

As transformer lets electrical-energy travel from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits by increasing or reducing the voltage I say and for Ideal-Transformer which I want to explain contains two electrical-coils at right-angles and inbetween transformer core is below place and magnetic flux too inbetween but at above place at right-angles so when current is passed at first coil (on one side) due to magnet in-between current is more found on the second coil (on other side) which I say could be found due to force-travelling too used by fitting something in a place, in less than the length/size of that thing for Ideal-Transformer. So some such same result we can have as Force-Travelling is if there identified instead of a magnet in between two electrical-coils. So both electrical-coils on either side should have some electricity-conductor if we try to fit in less size place than the conductor (‘s size) so see if this works and creates more electricity by Force-Travelling used in Ideal-Transformer instead of the magnet which is used normally. So coil on one side is provided electricity by some conductor fit in between which has Force-Travelling on both the sides then it can result in more electricity on coil on the other side which Force-Travelling can do by conductor fitted in less than its size to gain Force-Travelling on both the (sides of) electrical coils.

TIME can’t work due to magnet we use, so this transformer should be made some way by using Force-Travelling instead of magnet used which will be some different method like USING A BATTERY for a Torch-light means by making something fixed between two things where its force of Force-Travelling (like a battery) if found instead of magnetism of magnet (for Ideal-Transformer)  so due to work of Force-Travelling where current if passes through one place which comes in connection with FORCE-TRAVELLING SO CURRENT IS catching one more light-like-velocity at which Force-Travelling is we come to know due to in No-Time/not-any-time it requires so some extra electricity can be produced as ELECTRICITY AND FORCE-TRAVELLING ARE AT SAME LIGHT-like-velocity. Its like we use batteries by energy in it so batteries only partly works due to force-travelling which I don’t talk about. So about batteries I don’t talk here.

So Force-Travelling can be used for Transformers. (Force-Travelling means when we fix a thing so force fully that it can’t move it has the same force (exerted) on the things which are squeezing it is Force-Travelling here).


A battery works by converting chemical energy into electricity.

A  cell has two walls/terminals (referred as electrodes) which allows electric charge to pass from one side to the other  immersed in a chemical (referred as electrolyte). The positive terminal—loses electrons and the negative terminal—gains electrons —This exchange of electrons allows voltage  to be developed between the two terminals—allowing electricity to flow.

Instead of electrolyte which is chemical in the battery Force-Travelling in a battery can be used. It can be same way like a battery is fixed in a torch where there is Force-Travelling could be used as just we need to direct flow of electrons or gather electron job atleast we can do means I suppose by Force-Travelling so gaining electron direction is mostly we can create by it (force-travelling) and losing of electrons if can be done without any job that is by Opposite-Force-Travelling which is no-time it-self which is gravity then batteries could be created by Force-Travelling alone created as gravity means no-Time we always have for us to use. This paragraph is first idea.

So the second idea is. Same way if element with more shells we use as electrolyte (chemical inside batteries) then Time too can be included to create battaries as more number of shells means more power-in-Time due to shells are having Nothing-power. So due to Using-Time at higher speed and higher force too some chemical’s electrons are/is we can know how much less-time it is in so Force-Travelling could work more easily if we use Time too means elements with more number of shells to power batteries.

But by using-Time we aren’t using Force-Travelling fully.

(Using-Time means at higher force we require but it/which can only be known due higher speed in almost no-time/too-less-time is called Using-Time such way we can overpower effect of other forces acting on us due to Time has dominant on all the forces, example/like-even gravity too is/can-be over-powered). (Force-Travelling is there if we push something equal amount of force we sense/gain back.  It is one more light-like-velocity ahead than Time in some manner like Electricity).


Transistor is used to open electronic-gates to allow the current flow like on/off by using the switch. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power. By my knowledge transmission/travelling-of-one-place-to-another of electric-signals which is by word called ‘trans’ which is made possible is called by word ‘is’ and which functions is called by the word ‘tor’ so transistor means travelling of signals to/which? decide current flow yes or no like current flown from initial/start point could be less than current at the point of result (means output could be more than input) so due to current is more as result we get some sign that transistor could work by taking power from force-travelling. First two sentences of this paragraph I studied on internet.

Transistor works due to time-gaps means opposite-time. There is no Opposite-Time there in real but transistor could understand it as it changes electric signals by on-off or by amplifying due to opposite-time too it understands as electricity is something more faster than TIME so by maintaining/governing opposite-time which is one-event-less than TIME-OF-ELECTRICITY transistor can understand electricity in Time.

So Electricity means twice of light-like-velocity means same as force (speed twice at light-like-velocity) so electricity is One-Time less than Event.

(Force-Travelling means some power there in things without any force or without any Electricity, which we experience back when we push something). (Opposite-time means time which is formed/passes without any job done is opposite-time). 


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