Electron is formed of Dimensions. Smallest place is a point which is if space is 3-d means if we go quantum there too everything is 3-d as to go outside 3-d we need to cross Event firstly then Time too which is formed by Event. And smallest place if is not 3-d then it is Nothing. So electron is even if taking power from Nothing it is not in Nothing as we require electricity to do jobs or to use electron. So as we require even electricity is an example to use things but we require other things to live where we too are formed of electrons so as we require other things we are not in Nothing, we require event and time to work same-way same thing electron too requires time and event, as Event is in dimensions and Time is formed of number of Events which this-TIME-is outside Dimensions which we need to cross to reach Nothing so point if sphere is also from event and time means from both things before it is from Nothing, so we don’t live in Nothing alone. So due to Time and Event work for Dimensions then Dimensions are usefull so TIME TOO LIKE EVENT WORKS FOR DIMENSIONS THEN DIMENSIONS EXISTS SO ANY DIMENSION CAN’T BE TIME.
Even if electron is using Event alone still any event of life can’t be in Nothing (as we live in space and don’t live in Nothing, Nothing is much above space) so we live in Dimensions is proved if we use time we surely, guaranteedly understand, but the time to make us is also there WHAT IS THE ARGUMENT which electron also requires so electron too fully to become stable uses Time AFTER IT IS COMPLETELY CREATED FROM DIMENSIONS it means electron is in Dimensions AND A SINGLE DIMENSION CAN’T WORK OTHER THAN TIME. As Time can’t change Nothing, Time can only bring changes in Dimensions.
Smallest point is spherical. Something spherical means separate from Nothing means instead of a point in Nothing it is three dimensional WHICH ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE A POINT. A sphere is 3-d it can’t be in Nothing as is formed of event from Nothing. Time is not changing Nothing but creating means adding something to Nothing by making Nothing work from event-outside-Nothing and we know smallest thing is spherical which even if doesn’t requires time requires event and Event is just 1-d, so it is Time works from 3-d as Time is formed outside Dimensions so to reach free space we from our normal idea know that we need to cross Time and Event both who form Dimensions.
Time is not any Direction as we live in Dimension, TIME IS NOT a dimension. So Time could be straight due to management or dependency,TIME could be opposite for extreme conditions like feeling due to a point, needle, atmosphere LIKE EXTREME COLD OR EXTREMEM HEAT AND there is normal-Time we live in as all work we do by time is by scientific-matters is normal Time. So Time could be of kinds where dimension even when more in numbers are of same kind. SO TIME IS NOT A DIMENSION AND TIME IS NOT IN ANY DIRECTION INSIDE DIMENSIONS.
TIME IS DUE to Belief. As there was TIME ALLOTED so Belief IS given by ALLAAH to work in it. Due to TIME is not a Dimension so it can be Belief as more numbers of JOBS WE CAN DO correctly so with jobs there is more BELIEF AND MORE TIME IS NEEDED FOR IT means for doing such jobs WHEREAS FOR DIMENSIONS are JUST THREE and are one and the same, so differences of jobs like number of jobs too can’t be there so Belief if there in DIMENSIONS still they can’t say to do more jobs so means Belief can’t be carried ahead.
Nothing creates Dimensions opposite so the Electron is opposite when formed so Energy can make it work, I mean such way even if electron is in one more dimension means there is a 4th-d still our Event is opposite to Dimension so 4-d can’t be there, but Time is there outside Dimensions yes its true, still IT IS WITH EVENT WHEREAS DIMENSIONS ARE BEFORE EVENT. SO IF 4-D is there as TIME, then all Dimensions doesn’t work due to TIME if time just becomes Dimension, as time we are first dependent on so IN OUR UNIVERSE first TIME is applicable to work so WITH TIME AS DIMENSION only 1-D is working which is Time and all other 3-Dimensions are transgressed or trespassed all the time means we are torn apart due to them where even TIME can’t heal IT SO IT IS ABSURD IDEA THAT A/4TH DIMENSION IS time.
Continue from above paragraph, a point is 3-d which is made up of opposite-time and in our life we have all retardation due to opposite-time so something if formed by opposite-time and also formed from Nothing both the reasons anything can’t happen to such a thing so Dimensions doesn’t have retardation or doesn’t have time-limit to exist, its not due to Time is just 4th Dimensions but TIME IS MUCH MORE WITH EVENT AND FORCE, WHICH CAN’T WORK OTHER THAN TIME STILL DIMENSIONS ARE DIFFERENT FROM TIME AS ALL DIMENSIONS USE/LETS-WORK EVENT AND FORCE DUE TO TIME.
A point is 3-d which is made up of opposite-time so an electron takes opposite force from opposite-time and works/gets-exist so an electron is oppositely formed before we-come-to-know/it-starts-to-become-matter so it keeps working/doing-event to form and create a difference in our world-of-TIME TO EXIST. SO if all 3-Dimensions are not in Time they can’t exists as a point-electron is in opposite-time whereas its true that Time is out-side Dimensions but it works together with all three dimensions with Event which is AFTER AND NOT WITH MEANS after Dimensions getting work not with dimensions gets to work, SO WITH DIMENSIONS IF TIME WORKS THAT IS BEFORE CREATION.
And 4-d is a different dimension we talk about so even if
4-d we make still Time will work from outside Dimensions as center too it will
there will be no normal-TIME as PRESENT, SO WE atleast don’t Time-Travell AND
PRESENT IS THERE MEANS TIME ISN’T a dimension. Or if TIME comes inside
of working time becomes without function so any life or belief world can’t be
there then there is opposite-time world alone and a single job can’t happen
other than our existence as then we can’t live in no-job happen world. So then
we are a place without things and without jobs.
Or we are Time, as we do all jobs, even for living not that other jobs alone, so means normally use Time in each and everything so we are TIME still we don’t run Time. We are KIND OF Time who is no-event as we are TIME WIHTOUT EVENT, so if a Dimension is TIME THEN EVENT IT HAS NOT DONE (and is) without any job, so IF TIME IS 4-D AND MEANS A DEIMENSION so then it SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO JOBS MEANS ATLEAST SOME JOBS ON ITS OWN TOO THIS you should understand like I say if 1-D is Time and remaining THREE-DIMENSIONS ARE TRON APART. (AS DIMENISONS CAN’T WORK OTHER THAN TIME FORMS THEM FROM OUTSIDE so if Time makes 1-D then the structure of Universe will be different and other Dimensions don’t remain intact or are even get torned. AS then 1-d makes event, whereas OTHER DIMENSIONS ARE JUST FORMED, NO TIME GOES AHEAD FOR THEM, MEANS ARE TORNED SO ONLY IF TIME WORKS FROM OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS CAN BE STABLE.)
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