I only say we learn from ENERGY TIME FORCE-TRAVELLING. So for each and everything we see MASS FORCE TIME ENERGY BUT ABOUT FORCE-TRAVELLING I DON’T SAY at most places as it is granted means already there if a thing of mass is formed/there. Mass is formed of Energy, Time is formed more due to less-speed so at higher speed of a mass/thing Time shows more effect as becomes able to change things to different from normal (we will see ahead) , Force-Travelling is from after Force applied when opposite-force comes back on a thing or substance or mass.
About TIME I say it forms more due to less-speed is so TIME is slow with higher speed so we should use less TIME for all the jobs (is what TIME TEACHES), this is because if we use less time then gravity can’t effect, a blockage can’t work as (it) can be broken, at light-like velocity there is no effect of any blockage if we are travelling at such more speed we can surpass something without touching (may be at light-like-velocity) or we can even Time-Travell if more than light-like velocity we are at means Time can be more useful due to higher speed we/object are at. What we don’t understand is speed of Time here so our normal time keeps things together even without motion/event is at light-like-velocity.
About Force-Travelling I say when we stand our weight-force works means effects to the ground and due to it we experience opposite force from the ground which helps us keep balance is Force-Travelling in our NORMAL LIFE. So as we push something we too experience opposite force which is travelling from the farthest end of that thing so this force can be used instead of turbine-mills for generating electricity.
About ENERGY I say it is not in TIME. It is at more than light-like-velocity. Different things have different Energy. First FORCE COMES FROM Energy. Event doesn’t require Energy (but requires force) but to form Event Energy (or force too) is required. Everything is created form Energy where Energy is from Allaah or Nothing so Allaah can form Energy either due to (by) Nothing or by Himself.
Force if stops working on a thing of mass, so due to it (force stops working [I say means when we are under the effect of gravity {in normal life I talk about what the formula is for}]) mass doesn’t remains in time, then it/mass can be known separately from (all things [around]) force, event, time. Means mass alone we come to know, if TIME OR FORCE isn’t there OTHER than (such time or force) used in formation of mass (such time or force which was used in making mass is different) from Energy, time and force both at halt, and force-travelling existing in the whole mass, due to which mass is known different, apart from force-travelling making mass, by working opposite or against gravity.
So I explain/clarify in formation/making of mass the order is different, which I say as firstly time forms it then force is able to work what is due to force-travelling so energy is created what if takes form is mass, like in normal life first mass is there, then force is applied what is after force-travelling was already there so time is able to be created by or after force is applied. So before our creation it was different, how we were created was different-way than our normal life if we see after creation, this I mean to say (about mass, force, time, energy, force-travelling).
Mass is Force-too not that force (alone) it is but due to energy some force is there in mass and without event or Time MASS might not be used but first mass is there due to not in time so just effecting as force AS SUCH FORCE IS at halt IS WHEN MASS INREAL GETS KNOWN/EXPERIENCED. As mass is formed of force-at-no-event or is formed of force-at-no-time-used AFTER IT S FORMATION IS BY TIME DUE TO WHICH JUST DIMENSIONS ARE CREATED SO THIS TIME IS BEFORE EVENT OR BEFORE WE START TO LIVE IN NORMAL LIFE BY USING FORCE. SO WE ARE IN EFFECT OF GRAVITY IF WE KNOW MASS (AS FORMED) BUT IN CASE IF BEFORE NORMAL LIFE, MEANS BEFORE OUR FORMATION, THERE IS NO GRAVITY IN FRICTION IS THERE WHERE THERE IS NO PULL AND PUSH BUT FORCE IS THERE WHICH IS DUE TO FRICTION. So if as we differently see our normal-life it is so due gravity (works) we come to know mass (at halt) when mass is a halt we come to know the existence of Mass. So the formula includes come-to-know matter too, I mean say that.
Mass and TIME makes Force. It means due to Mass is (already) there and due to TIME will get formed as a number which was already present (without calculation or without number or without event) so Force could begin to work due to time is created by mass. So force can only be applied if mass and time both were there, as I talk about normal-life (as we live by doing jobs which is called Event).
So other than normal-life, that is before-creation first force was there which before creation includes force-travelling so friction and energy gets formed is mass which to not get destroyed is saved by TIME. SO force-travelling and force forms mass after creation of energy by friction so TIME is able to work. Means in normal life Force can be there if force-travelling is in/on Mass and inside-of-mass-is/which-is-formed-by-Energy so to move energy which is like to change form of Energy TIME is needed or like to change the place of energy which can only be done after ENERGY HAS ACQUIRED FORM where TIME is required, so all force including energy and force-travelling works if has acquired a form after created from energy what is mass and mass too can-work/can-be-moved If TIME is present, (as future before event time is there and required) and as present what we say normal-time is with event (and for our formation TIME is past too).
Mass is required for force and time both but even if TIME in no there their can’t be any work of force or movement too can’t be there so force and mass can’t work other than TIME. AND for applying force Mass should be there from before even if Time has not formed, separately for that thing, here I talk about so as force applied if results, it can only be if time is there I mean say so, so without TIME on a object/Mass to move Force can’t work. So for force to form mass and time both are required means both should be working together So is the formula force=mass x time.
From/For Force applied Mass isn’t there then there is alone Time (which is negative-Time called OPPOSITE-TIME WHERE force too din’t result as mass which is opposite-force for event/job/work/with-weight wasn’t there, so if mass isnt’ there time and force both aren’t-there/can’t-work but opposite-TIME is there with force not able to work on mass means if mass is stagnant and not moving it is Opposite-TIME what the formula doesn’t says for) or From/For Force applied which moves mass means mass either isn’t there or is not at its place both means TIME has been known. So if mass isn’t there then there is negative-time. And so if mass isn’t there at its place, here at its place means shifted/moved (or is negative means don’t have power to stay at a place) or is in a job, like we do some work then Normal-TIME gets formed, what this formula time=force/mass is about what is positive-TIME we talk about and we all live in. (so all our life’s job we do in Normal-Time).
So before-creation TIME WAS THERE. Means before Big-Bang too TIME USE TO EXIST. And in order to maintain FORCE-TRAVELLING TIME REDUCED ITS SPEED AND MADE IT EQUAL TO FORCE-TRAVELLING speed that is LIGHT-LIKE-VELOCITY/LIGHT-SPEED. SO AFTER time and force-travelling energy was created,for it force was working, which was required to be in a form so such way Mass was formed by Time, Force-Travelling, Energy, Force to make Event and Dimensions. AND IN Normal life all things even event for all the jobs means force too requires TIME to work like dimensions are created by TIME. SO IF WE SEE MASS (HOW IS IT FORMED) IT INCLUDES TO BE SAME FOR BEFORE AND AFTER CREATION, WHICH IS ENERGY SAME FOR BEFORE AND AFTER CREATION WHEREAS TIME IS DIFFERENT DUE TO EVENT (BEFORE EVENT AND AFTER EVENT TIME IS DIFFERENT BUT AS WE LIVE IN TIME WHICH THIS TIME IS CONNECTED TO TIME BEFORE CREATION AS MASS WE ARE TOO SO WE CAN CONTACT ALLAAH due to we are created by past-Time). Force-Travelling too is same time before creation and time after creation but works different way. Just force before creation and after creation can’t be same (as before creation force was making mass and after creation force was moving mass) and TIME was same way working before and after creation means was at same speed. Before creation TIME CAN’T be counted but after creation it can be counted, and before creation TIME is in percentage where as after creation it is plain number.
So in the formula time=force/mass if mass isn’t moving or mass isn’t there, OPPOSITE-TIME is created as force either isn’t there or force doesn’t result only could result in capturing alone (one-thing) for which the formula doesn’t say. Or mass is if moving then we get time according to formula time=force/mass which includes force has resulted in movement/motion or shifting of mass has been done so Normal-TIME is created to count the duration of shifting/movement/work/job that is the formula time=force/mass. (And straight-Time is Economy/doing-Economical-things which is not required to understand the formula).
Daily jobs to notice:
Table is at its place for use is due to the formula mass=force/time as table after created is not moving so not under the action of force so not bringing any change in time this about force and time is the formula we come to know from the table.
Pressing a plastic bag if there is less space it could fit happens due to time surroundings don’t give to plastic bag or plastic bag reaches time ahead which is due to surroundings so the plastic bag can fit in a space, or in another plastic bag for a plastic bag to fit is same science which is by formula mass=force/time as it means force can’t work in time which is for removing plastic bag from its place so mass means plastic bag is found.
A lid is using-time but opened bottle is time-denied we use means we are using-time oppositely as by using-time we use speed and time to overcome the effect of gravity but incase of an opened bottle something is their in it is due to Time is distorted as some depth is in opposite-TIME AS INSIDE A BOTTLE no speed of the thing and no-time it is in so there is no vacuum in opened bottle but there is no-Using-Time their means USING-TIME USED OPPOSITELY an open bottle works SO WE FILL THINGS IN A BOTTLE ARE FILLED DUE TO bottle is oppositely-Using-TIME. So a closed lid works in TIME MEANS BY USING-TIME FROM THE ENDS OF THE TOP OF THE BOTTLE A LID ALREADY IS SO ANY OTHER FORCE MEANS A THING CAN’T GO INSIDE A BOTTLE DUE TO THE CLOSED LID IS TIME AHEAD AS the OPEN bottle is created by Oppositely-Using-TIME. Force-square x time/weight is the formula for Using-TIME BUT lid is Force-Travelling too with Using-Time means Using-Time multiplied by Force-Travelling is the Formula for a lid.
Tap water flows from tap due water has two using-time in it comparing to all things which work by one way Using-Time but by some support as support is required for ALL things to do jobs then they can do Using-Time BUT FOR WARER NO SUPPORT IS REQUIRED so for the formula is time=force/mass means, mass means water, is changed by force, so event could happen in less time or without effort too what/which is water from a tap (even flowing water) so here the formula is time=force/mass as water is already Using-Time and one TIME AHEAD THAN US SO DOESN’T REQUIRES SUPPORT LIKE OTHER THINGS SO by not letting gravity work partly like due to pipes if water is in it is one more Using-Time ahead than us (BUT IS NOT USING SPEED TO ESCAPE GRAVITY IT IS USING-TIME WITHOUT SPEED [means just due to event water is Using-TIME] SO CAN’T ESCAPE GRAVITY unless reaches certain speed like other things TO ESCAPE GRAVITY requires but reduces the effect of gravity like wheels do).
Electron is no using-time (not that opposite using-time) so we are stagnant and without event too but (at one light-like velocity we are and all things are) by Using-Time we work in event. And so do All jobs we do due to Using-Time as Time we use, so gravity and other forces/obstacles can’t act if we are Using-TIME CORRECTLY BY NOT ALLOWING OBSTACLES WORK SO WE JUST CHANGE OUR DIRECTION and do all the jobs where till we are working with picking-up things we don’t allow gravity to work on that thing fully so are Using-TIME by which we do all the jobs,which results in all the jobs even when WE ARE MADE BY ELECTRONS and for it the three formulas I SAY ARE.
Tea cup WE TAKE SIPS DUE TO WE DO USING-TIME AS JUST BY BENDING THE CUP WE DENY EFFECT OF GRAVITY BY FORCE FIRSTLY THEN TIME TOO WE USE TO MAKE TEA REACHES OUR MOUTH IS PARTLY USING-TIME and partly Using-Time used Oppositely as when we leave the cup or remove force tea is in no effect of time but under the effect of gravity so is again normally in the cup so is using-time oppositely too so HAVING TEA WE USE AND DENY BOTH FOR USING-TIME ONE AFTER THE ANOTHER TO DRINK TEA IS BY USING-TIME?? (read tiTle Proof of My Theory its url I paste https://forcetravelsinwith.blogspot.com/2022/08/proof-of-my-theory.html).
If you climb staircases you are using-time as your force and energy is less effected by gravity MEANS WORK AGAINST GRAVITY our force and energy does but even some speed we use in less-time it is first only then we can climb the stairs. So if you don’t let TIME PASS YOU CAN’T CLIMB stairs And when you go down on stairs (down-stairs) like a open lid on a bottle WHERE/BUT-HERE TIME DOESN’T GETS DISTORTED SO you are using-time oppositely (as force and speed works due to gravity too where TIME is NOT required but there Using-Time it isn’t [called](as something is improper MEANS/DUE-TO there is no bigger work or higher effect than normal we do through TIME working as gravity acts more as we have to take more care WHILE GOING DOWN-STAIRS is not the concept of Using-TIME as Time in percentage isn’t same for first and the last stair AS GRAVITY WORKS HERE SO TIME IS NOT REQUIRED but there (as time for one job means event here should be equal by all times done, other than for man-made jobs or some vehicle using, means even Time should-be/is equal for Machines for same jobs BUT which is not sure for going down stairs means no Using-TIME we do there).
For a DOOR if the door is closed it works as anybody doesn’t gets time to pass through so door is weight it doesn’t allows TIME OF FORCE to work so is helping in Using-time matter and the formula for door is mass which the door is, now equal to force/time means time is not allowed to formed or time is negative so force can’t work on closed door so formula we get mass=force/time, is due to door too is same.
If for FIRE, fire is burning due to it is first nullifying the effect of gravity means having Time in it so is without force Using-Time as is a form of Energy too so for fire formula force=mass x time is correct as fire is some mass which is some more events ahead or atleast two events ahead in Using-Time than in our life for normal things so is with energy too means is three or more Using-TIME WORKING from (fire is), so can have same event as force what we believe is at three light-like-velocity atleast. So we work to find Energy-Sources and for it my formula can be tried due to if using little fire as fuel some engine like thing or some piston like thing can be created as we know that we can FIND FORCE in/from/of fire due to THREE LIGHT-SPEED AHEAD SOME ENERGY IS WHO COULD BE BIGGER THAN FORCE TOO what was unknown even when car- piston or train-engine was there. Just FIRE IS THREE TIMES AHEAD TO FORCE AS IS ENERGY TOO AFTER ONE OR TWO EVENTS AHEAD THAN NORMAL-THINGS/TIME/ELECTRON SO formula for is 3 x time or 3 x force/mass I Write.
Walls helps us as a barrier/shield/blockage so that we don’t get hurt or become powerless unless some one else works by Using-Time. (or walls are Using-Time for us). (or walls make us Believe in Allaah so are positive means like-right-thing for us as makes us live in system so are Using-Time neutrally so neither they/WE are oppositely Using-Time nor they/WE are normally Using-Time but are between not-using-TIME AND Using-TIME.). OR AS WE SEE EVEN if walls are Using-Time oppositely still walls are blocking force and time so works as a shield/barrier from harmfull things and also positive with Belief of Allaah as if other Using-Time done correctly like going-out-for-a-while, Movies, Music, Video-Games ALL IF WE USE CORRECTLY walls are positive IN CASE IF USING-TIME. ( like walls teach us that we should do Using-Time to clear some hurdle or obstacle like and anything can’t happen to us if walls are there so opposite Using-Time is benefitting us too so if we manage to live properly walls we are Using-Time due to walls SO if we manage to live properly WITH walls we are Using-Time due to walls WERE THERE FROM BEFORE? SO ITS LIKE [ANSWER IS] WE ARE ABLE TO LEARN GOING-OUT [DUE TO it becomes different TIME from inside walls then it is a thing important/of-importance WHAT IS OUTSIDE] OR MOVIES OR VIDEO-GAMES OR MOVIES [all such I say DUE TO walls we understand more] SO Wall teaches us Using-Time. AND INREAL comparing to other things walls are at some more speed and are having force too in them which is just in case of existence too of walls so comparing to other things walls are Using-Time, I mean walls are Using-Time so is able to stand before us or blocks other things which can’t harm us [unless they too are Using-Time] due to walls. And I say walls are Using-Time without doubt as due to some job of Allaah correct it is I say.
Same way SEAL. Like the seal is Using-Time where till the seal is working there is no other force or no other time acting to undo the seal so seal is Using-Time so seal can be there as any force can’t get TIME to remove the seal so formula is mass=force/time as there is no change in force of the seal as there wasn’t any such time created to change it so if the seal was changed then it is mass remove.So seal works as mass here.
Same way CAR, I say. A car runs due to car tire is Using-Time as gravity can’t travel the more, the more car tire is with speed including force so taking time as less as possible, as the car can move faster which is example of Using-Time as due to higher, speed and force, gained by the tires of car with the much speed the car-tire is the more it is outside effect of gravity which is different from other things than by using the/a tire and a car tire is already with least effect of friction as round shape means (one event required less than any job to be done like a thing having life could do event/job car tire is event ahead than normal things other than it, means like for things of mass only living ones could work like car-tire [with next move/event] same way car tire is like a living thing if we see event so if it is even little moving it is using-time where gravity is least effective on it comparing to other things on earth [so is it so that tires could work on Nothing/space more-faster than or equal to a space-ship with boosters as car tires are having more life-like-effect due to its shape means can work like living things [means with next event without support what living things do other than Using base and no support to work same way car tire works]. So curve shape means Using-Time with next event from what a tire works. So is car tire example of force = mass x time [for a car tire at a place] as is using-time with next event if we see and for it the formula is force-square x time/weight
Same way AEROPLANE, I say the where I talk about engine-rotors they rotate this fast that which like every rotation one rotation results in veryless time then due to such less time rotors take so wings of the aeroplane carry the aeroplane up due to there is Using-Time by the rotors of Aeroplane which don’t give time for gravity to act due to speed of the rotors by which the rotors take very less time and force generated against gravity by the rotors due to its speed due to which gravity can act less which just due to less-time it can function more and with this speed and force Time is gained by rotors to use less means very less time the rotor uses to rotate then gravity can’t work means inshort if we say gravity can’t get time to act or pull the aeroplane which is called Using-Time by/due-to Using-Time Aeroplane flies at height as is under the effect of Using-Time (like for take-off and landing there is Using-Time so slowly it takes-off like to land slowly too it requires higher speed and control of force due to speed which can only be there at some speed if NO TIME it gives to gravity which only possible at some faster speed at which aeroplane runs on the ground after, more force more speed both comes from less time called Using-Time which aeroplane reaches then it can do both easily means take-off or land too and the same principle lies is the movement of rotors to make the aerolane fly at height). So the formula is force-square x time/weight as force-square means only-that-much or highest-normal-force we come to know from by weight should be ineffective for a aeroplane to fly and some time it takes to move for take-off should be multiplied such time and speed is least-require-time speed, but now to know the force of the aeroplane we can see means take its weight as value of force, or move aeroplane and can know how much rate of force is required for how-much speed so such way can use value for force-square. So formula for aeroplane flying is force-travelling x Using-time which is force x mass x time x weight multiplied by force-square x time/weight.
Same way TV, I say there is light-speed in the waves of the satellite so something can be relayed at other place in a second, which inreal is Using-TIME which takes fraction of amount of time due to force of signals is THERE BUT in other frequency they are and together due to speed at which signals travels so obstacles can be without-effect or effect-less as at such speed obstacles don’t get time to work on the signals what is ALSO called Using-Time so signals are Using-Time by force and speed where gravity can’t work as if signals are more at more than light-speed then TIME THEY already have in them (so why do they require TIME?). so signals might have some force or alone force in them so as they work we come to know some force above mass too they are so could be two-light-like speed above mass so can be anywhere and like time-ahead they are so inside and outside doesn’t makes any difference for them. so signals are force alone without mass and time so we can still know there is no weight in them so divide by weight and we still know they are time too so multiplied by time so time x 1/weight so time-square/force is the formula.
As computer does all the jobs in past means a fraction earlier than present so as we type we also see it together at the same time. So that’s how the browser too works. So due to Time given from outside computer can sense so is called a computer so scanning and differences it understands as anything or a value if is in time computer can calculate it so the computer can’t work in space where things are more than light-like-velocity means our telescopes HOWEVER STRONG show wrong even when is computerized as space is at more velocity than light. So we can say computer is atleast one time extra using so one way computer is at light-speed but other time too it is Using so different apps on computer are in different TIME. SO SOME TIME FORMULA SHOULD BE THERE FOR COMPUTER FIRST IT IS ATLEAST TIME-SQUARE OR TIME-CUBE ACCORDING TO THE KIND OF APP IS INSTALLED ON THE COMPUTER THEN COMPUTER SCREEN IS SOMEHOW MASS OF THE COMPUTER SO TIME-SQUARE X MASS IS the formula I understand till now. So the computer requires time where time-ahead things who are more than light-like velocity example is such frequencies we can’t reach even by using a computer so we need to make the lens of the telescope at atleast rotating at more than light-like-velocity. And I say through lenses which can be even by binocular vision used for gun we only see correct till a lense of a gun can see so in sky by a telescope or percentage-wise for microscope for looking at micro-organisms we can’t see unless we are in same speed like them or in same frequency like them which is only possible due to speed for us so if we put the lenses at speed means only computers could generate electricity/softwares which matches the speed of light-like-velocity for telescopes to see in sky or micro-scopes to see water or micro-organisms then we can know what is in/on-the sky and what is inside in microbial-world.
(Note: you should be able to relay on T.V and Computer too somehow from the formulas I write there?).
So MUCH happens by My FORMULAS.
Time and Dimensions are there due to after force-travelling Using-Time is there. So Dimensions are around twenty-five percent created by TIME. AND TIME is first used from/BY US DUE TO WE LIVE IN Using-Time after it creates us FROM WHATEVER LIKE force, friction, force-travelling, energy all such things can help us due to Using-TIME IS THERE. THE FORMULA I SAY FOR IT IS FORCE-SQUARE X TIME/WEIGHT.
ALLAAH and PEOPLE are there for/to-coopearate each other is alone due to using-time.
Due Using-Time we should be able to do correctly so Belief is there.
And Lastly I say this should be done or known by/for us:
To create some Energy for work or to create electricity I talk about. So from the formula mass=force/time we first use as everything is made up of mass and for time we can take a chamber filled of water closed from all the sides just pipes coming out from the top of it which are sealed from the ends. So for mass we do small explosion inside such water chamber like by using fire-crackers which will create enormous pressure inside the water chamber as bursting energy of explosions inside the water chamber will create force I say to force the water to break the seal of pipe so either such way kinetic-energy is used to generate electricity or we have found the way of making energy newly as this chamber will generate much powered force which is from the formula time=force/mass as water is time-ahead so we can use water, but we see where mass is moved by force as force/mass we think for it there are explosions so force/mass we understand, whereas water is time-ahead so we use water (and mass too the water is but) so due to time ahead there will be more speed in explosion due to inside water from time=force/mass and due to water means very good example of using electron which is not bigger than explosions I mean explosions are bigger example of mass than water (as explosions forms water MEANS ELECTRON) so for not mass but for time we take water. Now for generating energy or even for generating kinetic-energy for electricity we need extra force which works due to time and even after time (the third thing is force, which is after mass second-thing, and time is before mass as time is the first thing) so due to mass if combined with time and due to force it will be then the formula is we get force=mass x time. So water is time-ahead so we know water, and explosions are mass, so time means water more using we do/use explosions who are mass then force can be generated by formula force=mass x time as the seal of the pipes will burst out so some energy-source like kinetic energy too could be generated BY THE formulas I explained.
So now I say again the water chamber will be full of force by explosions so force we understand due to water is time-ahead such force will be generated so used due to time I say water which can increase the force and speed means rate of explosions, including mass we use which is due to explosions. so time and mass we understand from mass x time =force is the formula, and means explosions too have power or energy due to time they are blocked (due to using water by some similar way like blocked in big-bang) and congested and have mass inreal so both from mass x time =force is the formula so we can use the so some new way of making a car-piston or railway-engine if is possible I try to throw some light in THIS AND THE PREVIOUS PARAGRAPH.
From above I also-say/continue some more information: Here the amount of pressure the water will be increased/generated by explosions will be equal to the amount of time or equal to Using-Time as water is one event ahead-time so time will come into action (from water so) equal to the pressure inside the container as water is example of electron and formula for working/making event for electron is force-square x time/weight, from which some Force-of-Time or EFFECT-OF-TIME can be KNOWN. OR I SAY water is formed of time-twice so explosions normally in big-bang are blocked by one-time but here we use water to block the explosions where this/any water is two-times so we block the explosions by two times so the explosions are double powerfull we will find. And after the explosions happen (by/from one-time) half the next half explosion will be under the effect of two-time(from water) so will be happening in no time due to blocked by water which is one TIME MORE ahead so this next-half of explosion could be in past too or will be exact at the same time when the previous half explosion is finished which is in contact with water as water is time ahead so explosions could work such way.
Like my three formulas I explain or Force-Travelling I informed, it could be seen this way that autobots who I call autoboots as they can boot themselves automatically who are shown in Transformers-Movie, for them it is possible to take power from Force-Travelling and some of my formulas too by such cybernetic-organisms might not be denied according to their taking power from electricity. So TIME THEY USE same as us I mean their Using-Time formula is same.
Formula for Force-Travelling is force x mass x time x weight.
Formula for Using-Time is force-square x time /weight.
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