Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Using-Time and Energy and Force-Travelling are just some different.

Using-Time :

 Travelling of a substance/thing at certain/some distance which is due to force too but if it takes less time means more distance covered by short time due to more speed such thing/substance is working by using less Time (where other forces like gravity are not effective means just before and after gravity like things base, objects, forces are effective [so at the time of Using-Time all such things are in-effective]) is under the effect of Using-Time.

 Formula for Using-Time :

Is Force-square x Time / Weight so f x f (f square)  x t (Time) x t/f (weight)  = f x t square(Force x Time-square) is Using-time as First we use Force and then Time was to-be/required less means time-square is the highest-Time means it can’t take more Time for that job due to the weight and/ but weight we can remove that much time and highest-force is to be there so force-square x Time/ Weight is the formula of Using-time.

Formula for Using-Time is firstly there should be more force which can move the mass with greater force so we have force-square which is veryless time (so not divide by time but multiplied by time) is full time and weight removed that much force is required (so multiplied by weight is wrong) but less force should be able to work (so divide by weight). So the formula will be force-square x Time/weight.

Force multiplied by mass (f x m) is obviously included for Using-time but Time should be less I don’t understand either divide or multiply by Time ( x t or / t) and weight should easily be removed so divide by weight ( / w) still due to more force is required force-square is valid explanation as enough force can move that weight we take square of it, and Time we require but as less as possible which can be included due to force-square could be valid thing but??? It should be multiplied by weight means even more force and time we take less so divide by time I think. So f-square x w /t, so f x f  x t/f  x 1/t so force-square if we multiply by weight and divide by Time we again get mass alone which is force/time. So we have, multiply by time which is positive, and divide by weight which is negative both with force-square. As mass isn’t alone there it moves in Time so Time should be multiplied, and weight removes force and time both, so the argument is weight too if included with force the object can move with that much more force or pressure, still if we do so then alone mass remains (force/time) lastly so for objects bigger than mass of earth weight should be multiplied and time should be removed, but for objects smaller than earth our normal formula is true as force-square multiplied by Time as we are lesser in Time comparing to objects in space same way we stay in too many Time so multiplied by Time we do and our weight is not placed in higher-Time so weight more effective/in-action so we need to remove weight so our formula is (f-square x Time)/Weight for Using-Time.

 And Time is alone there for event/mass so if we reach REQUIRED Time TO MOVE THE MASS SO FORCE CAN WORK otherwise without adequate Time Force can’t work so Time-Squared is required so with Force we get Using-Time Formula so Force x Time-Square is Using-Time.



 Energy means Force of Electron in a substance/mass which is already Time-Travelling so doesn’t requires normal-Time and there is no weight in Energy as one-thing is weight is due to Force-Travelling means not due to energy and two-thing is gravity is only partly effective on Energy means till the amount of Force-Travelling in Electrons there that much effect of gravity energy is in so normally energy is without weight just getting formed by speed more than time-speed and formed by force of moving of electrons in all the directions so energy is only partly under the effect of gravity so doesn’t have weight but has mass and after the mass is finished to form Force-Travelling brings weight in mass then due to effect of gravity mass has weight.


(Force x mass) / (time x weight).  Due to above paragraph Electron for Energy has force which forms mass due to electron of a mass are in different time-travell than the surroundings so Force x Mass we understand. AND Electrons in a mass doesn’t require normal time they are more faster then time-speed so doesn’t have weight so divide by Time x Weight is the formula (Force x mass) / (time x weight).

(F [ mxt] x Mass [f/t])    /    ( Time [f/m] x Weight [t/f])

So (m x f)   /  ( t/m)  so

 if we put m=f/t

So m x t-square  we get.

Same way we see by putting t=f/m in, (m x f) / (t/m)  

So (m x f)/(f/mxm)

So we get=m so Energy forms Mass.


Weight and Time are different in Mass and Energy:

Energy-Formula is (f x m) / (w x t)

if we put f=m x t so [m x t] x m / [w x t] so m-square/w.

if we put m=f/t so [f x f/t] / [w x t] so fsquare/ (tsquare x w) so f/tcube

so  mass/weight is energy (or msquare/w is energy we checked as there is no weight due to msquare/w and but/or fsquare/w is also energy as no- time due to fsquare/w in energy is proved???)

([Force x mass) / (time x weight) (or m square /weight is energy) ( or[(m=f/t  and weight =t/f] so energy is zero between mass and weight as there is not-any-time in clear-energy and Clear-Energy is weight-less so Force-square/Weight is Energy) (or [mxt] x t/f x m/f x t/f so we get=( msquare  x tcube) /fcube is also energy formula.)

Same-way in the formula of Energy (f x m) / (w x t) here mass and weight cancel eachother as are opposite so formula of mass is the answer which is Force/Time

so like Mass and Energy are same just WEIGHT AND TIME ARE DIFFEerent in THEM.

Mass is a kind of Energy:

Energy (m x f) / (w x t) so [(f/t) x m x t] / ([w x t]) so (f x m) / (w x t). or (f x m) / (w x t)  so (f x m)/ (w x f/m) so (f x msquare) / w so msquare or

(f x m) / (w x t)

So (f x m) / (t-square/f)

So (f x f/t) / (t-square/f)

so f/t = mass

so Mass is due to Energy or kind of Energy Mass is.



Force-Travelling means if we push or something is on a base, force from opposite direction, or force from the base travels to upper layer of the base, such opposite force is immediate means this fast as is in no-time so we get opposite force when we push a thing so we or upper layer of a thing can experience opposite force all the time is due to Force-Travelling in that thing is in.

Formula of Force-Travelling:

Force x Mass x Time x Weight. Means as we see a thing or push a thing is possible due to Force-Travelling. As in a thing of mass force is there in the whole thing so force x mass can be, like time a thing doesn’t require so time should be together in with force and mass, and all the three, force, mass  and no- time results in weight so multiplied by weight too we do so normally this is the understanding for normal Force-Travelling

Force Travelling (m x t x w x f) f/t x f/m x w x f/t so (fcube x w/tsquare x m) so f raise to four / t cube

Formula for Force Travelling (2): (fcube x w/tsquare x m) so f raise to four (mass, force, weight, time so number four ) / t cube (mass, force, time so number three) so normally force travelling is just force like can be weight too as Time is thrice denied Time-cube where force is one more number force-raise-to-four AS FORCE-TRAVELLING IS FORCE RESULTING WITHOUT TIME.

(fcube x w/t-square x m)

So f-raise-to-four/ T cube



so if we see Force-Travelling it is Force-Cube (due to three light-like velocity) where Time is not required so Time-square we remove as Time of requirement of event we remove due to Time-square means all other TIME removed so we see Force-Travelling alone so formula is force-cube/Time-square.


Force Travelling: (fcube x w/tsquare x m) so f raise to four (mass, force, weight, time so number four ) / t cube (mass, force, time so number three as weight can’t be Time/in-Time) so f-raise-to-four/t-cube or f-cube/t-square

Force Travelling = (m x t x w x f) so f/t x f/m x t/f x f  so fcube x / t x m x f so put t=f/m  or we put m=f/t in the same formula we get=  f or so we get =f as answer or  we get  [f square x w] if we put m=f/t in m x t x w x f or in the same formula we put t=f/m  so = (f-square x w) we get or in the same formula we put f=m x t then we get = m-square x t-square x w or in this answer we put w=t/f so we get = (m  x t-square) as m-square becomes m due to weight is opposite to mass and t-square remains same. So MASS IS IF IN SQUARE IF TIME EITHER OF MOVING OF THAT THING OR OF CREATION OF THAT THING then we reach Force-Travelling.


Force-Travelling and Using-Time:

F ( mxt) x Mass (f/t) x Time (f/m) x Weight (t/f)

So from above we see together = (m x t x f x f x t)/ (t x m x f) so (clue eachone mass force and time we remove once)???

So (f x t) is one answer

So Force (m x t) x Time (t)

So t-square x m is two answer.

(f x msquare) / w so f-square / weight???????

F ( mxt) x Mass (f/t) / Time (f/m) x Weight (w)

So (m x t x f x f ) / (t x m x w)  

So f-square/w is third answer,

So DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FORMULA OF USING-TIME AND FORMULA OF Force-Travelling  IS JUST TIME (MULTIPLIED BY TIME) AS (Force x Time-square) is Using-time AND (Force-square / Weight) is Force-Travelling like (T-square x M) is Force-Travelling. Or with T-square, Force and Mass ARE different for Using-Time and Force-Travelling.





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