If we see four Pendulum free in air on a string-thread with a support to hang, and one pendulum at any one end we move. We see pendulum at the end which we moved comes back is due to Time as it gets space due-to/in Time means Time allows it to move. So when the pendulum at the end after moving strikes the end of three pendulum, it gets stuck with the pendulum in a row and force of it/moving-pendulum travels to the other pendulum in row where the force doesn’t comes back as force-travelling but force travels ahead to the farthest end so the pendulum at other-end/second-end moves as it was the farthest thing where force travelled, but as force-travelling could bring motion as we see in the pendulum at both ends force doesn’t comes back for force-travelling but force-travelling for the pendulums at the ends travels/moves to each other (to both the pendulum at the end) where for two pendulum in between are used for force-travelling. So with Time if Force-Travelling is their force of pendulum I explain due to my formula of Force-Travelling. Time of the moving of the pendulum is t, force of the moving of the pendulum is f, weight of the pendulums are same for all so we count weight for one is w, mass of the pendulum is m, so for mass = force/time we get mass so this mass we use for taking power for moving of pendulum. So people now don’t ask me that my formula doesn’t takes power from Nothing. (Formula for force-travelling is = f x m x w x t).
Above paragraph’s example is same as a sliding wooden block too with mass (m) as mass means weight here due to moving of block is on the ground where no-time/gravity brings weight (w) so the block moves by force-travelling to the farthest-end by/after/for applying force (f). Moving block is in Time (t). So block and pendulum could be seen same way.
Aeroplane moves by some required speed so can escape gravity. As more force is the their and less time is their both are required inreal to make the aeroplane fly, and are due to speed of moving of aeroplane too, and due to them (less time and more force included) it escapes gravity. Like for engines/rotors on wings move more faster, which gains Time, which is less comparing to the weight of the aeroplane due to force means force-travelling-speed increased in engines/rotors the aeroplane escapes gravity due to gravity requires more time to pull the aeroplane which it doesn’t gets (DUE TO SPEED OF MOVING OF ROTORS/ENGINE IN LESS TIME). This is the real reason of flying of aeroplane I said. Like air too passed in engines of aeroplane with more speed and less time which creates more force in engines/rotors so too air is increased force-travelling bringer for the aeroplane so Time and Force-Travelling makes the aeroplane fly means with air aeroplane flies but without air too due to Time gained means less time aeroplane flies/could-fly inreal, which without force-travelling too might be possible by less Time used. So without air too aeroplane can fly I say like aeroplane partly uses air to fly. So for both aeroplane and engines/rotors like more speed is required due to it brings more force which is due to Time inreal which is less, so the Aeroplane flies.
About Time and Dimensions I write correct. Time is center I say. In a rotating dish Time is center too and by higher speed if dish rotates there is less time required to complete one round so objects on it experience less weight which is due to less time gravity doesn’t gets Time to act on them. Where force-travelling just makes the dish but Time does the work here, so by moving of dish force-travelling in it either moves towards or away from the center, so other than force-travelling Time alone is there working from the center, means center is Time too. Time makes the dish means after center is made so border of dish is due to Time as due to center the dish exists, center first makes or works for the dish which is due to Time means due to Time bigger dish could be made other than center we understand so we understand center. So about Dimensions and Sides same value from the center is Time I say which is same by percentage-value of studying dimensions with sides where the value is 0.8125 for one Dimension or one side, so for three dimensions the value is multiplied by three. So I used four Sides with three Dimensions to know the value. So my 0.8125 idea is Time which is mid-value between sides and dimensions. We can’t reach Time, as can’t know Time other than by force and speed together, and not by any other way is due to outside Dimensions and outside sides TIME is, which is outside we know is due to Time can’t work other than event, so inreal TIME is able to do more jobs than event some day is no guarantee. But we live in Event Universe as highest or first or topmost possibility is event where next thing is Time. So My idea of Time in Dimensions, is correct, which is center too, and helps us to escape gravity if used less. So about Time and Dimensions I write correct as 0.8125 value is Time.
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